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  1. Catherine

    Bloods normal no answers

    How are you feeling?
  2. Catherine

    Update on my Sarah

    She coming homing home but I don't know her plans after that
  3. Catherine

    H's Brother

    Do you have any previous blood test results for hemoglobin? If so has been any drop hemoglobin over time?
  4. Catherine

    Update on my Sarah

    Quick update on Sarah, Her contract end date has been brought forward to early December. Work has dried up at the hotel and she luck to get 4 hours work a day. They had 8 customers today, the most they seen it week. They had some rain last month and roads were closed for two days.
  5. Catherine

    Is this a normal flair?

    FC being raised in normally due to a flare in a Crohn patient but infection should be rule out. Due the current situation with flu Australia I am not sure I would want her in hospital if she can manage at home.
  6. Catherine

    urgent, Need some advice on my younger crohnie

    UTI infection can cause stomach pain.
  7. Catherine

    Bloods normal no answers

    Are you still iron tablets? If so what dose? What is the ferritin level?
  8. Catherine

    Another year older and a new Dx.

    It's been a very bad flu season in Australia. Mainly in the elderly and young children.
  9. Catherine

    Crohns in teenager

    There is a step approach in qualifying for level drugs. One the steps is complete a course of pred or EEN. I don't believe the current course of Pred is high enough or longer enough to qualify. I am pretty sure 8 week EEN is. The Royal Children's would be following the necessary steps so...
  10. Catherine

    Crohns in teenager

    My daughter has been on imuran for 6 years. She was dx at 16 years and now 22 years. Yes Australia does the bottom up. The Royal Children is where I would have loved to my daughter to be treated. As Sarah was dx after turning 16 that was not a option for us. She has no problems from imuran.
  11. Catherine

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Low 20s tomorrow. Thinking of my American friends. Very sad news.
  12. Catherine

    Another year older and a new Dx.

    Headaches/jaw pain if not TMJ disorder, maybe look at trigeminal neuralgia.
  13. Catherine

    Thoughts please

    Yellow or clear grape is ok but not purple
  14. Catherine

    Mild/Moderate Crohn's, Medicine or Natural Approach?

    I would go with option 2. Imuran takes at least for 4 months. Silent Crohn's disease is very dangerous. My daughter has a no bowel symptoms. She went unable treated for 4 years. Her was swimming 8 x 2 hrs times a week only 2 months before dx. Had long standing mild anemia At dx she had...
  15. Catherine

    Update on my Sarah

    She is working in a hotel as bartender. The settlement has a population of 12. The hotel has 12 staff in the dry season, in October staff drops to 4. She seems ok, its hard stay in contact, it was easier when she was overseas. There is no mobile coverage and she has 2G of satellite internet...
  16. Catherine

    Anemic and not getting better

    Has the hemoglobin level gone up at all?
  17. Catherine

    Calprotectin - what are normal levels?

    What dose of aza are you on? There is a test check on aza in blood levels which may worth requesting.
  18. Catherine

    How important is AST?

    Vitamin D is technically not covered here. It not covered for Sarah. But it is covered for Kerry and myself. We both have a history of very low vitamin D. Sarah hadn't seen a GI in the 2 years she had been away but had 3 visits in the 7 weeks she was home. Due to a flare and increase in meds.
  19. Catherine

    Anemia and Iron Infusions

    Please look anemia of chronic disease. ACD doesn't respond to iron treatment. The underlying condition need to be treated.