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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. L

    Been sick so long

    So sorry you've been through so much. That is the nature of this disease. It will knock you down sometimes and keep you reeling when you try to get up. Just be patien with your body. You have to remember the trauma that it has been through and allow it the time to heal that it needs. I know it...
  2. L

    What medication will I be on.

    I agree that finding a great doctor is key in your treatment. Mine went from bottom up, tring to start with they mildest drugs and work our way up to the strongest as we had to. I take the regular med, ie...Pentasa, Omeprazale, Entecort, and my doc put me on Ritalin to give me energy because the...
  3. L

    Feeling depressed again

    I think dealing with any kind of diagnosis, especially when you are aware that there is no known cure, is very difficult. I had to have 14 inches of my intestines taken out a little over a year ago and my colon resectioned in 2 places because fissures had grown through the wall of my intestines...