Been sick so long

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 26, 2012
so i writing to see if anyone has had problems with flair up were it takes a long time to feel better .. i had a flair up 2mnth ago then changed my medicine and it made me sick so i had to get my gall bladder out a few wks ago and still wasnt feeling good so found out i was having a anther flair up spent a wk in hospital sent home still not feeling good on thrus and im so sick yet agian today i cant hold food down chills and very tired .. im pretty sure im head back to er not sure what to due at a loss any help
So sorry you've been through so much. That is the nature of this disease. It will knock you down sometimes and keep you reeling when you try to get up. Just be patien with your body. You have to remember the trauma that it has been through and allow it the time to heal that it needs. I know it is discouraing to feel like there is no end in sight. I have been there MANY times. Just keep focusing on the fact that there are treatments available and you are taking the steps to heal yourself. It may take a while but you will get there. I have had days where I felt like my body would never be back to normal and had crying fits and panic attacks. You will get through this. Rest if your body is telling you that's what you need. We push ourselves too hard sometimes and forget that these surgeries are major trauma to our bodies. Wishing you a quick recover and healing.

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