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  1. Pilgrim

    Very worried - Possible Crohn's diagnosis for my 9 year old daughter

    I would choose Remicade plus diet. In our experience (2 kids with Crohn's) the CDED can help calm things down in order for the biological drugs to work well. Prednisone just seems to have a lot of annoying side effects which disrupt life. Methotrexate also has annoying side effects. Biologics...
  2. Pilgrim

    Stelara Frequency

    Has anyone heard of dosing frequency of 2 or 3 weeks at 90mg? I've only been able to find a few case studies, just wondering if anyone has any info/experience. Tagging @my little penguin from the kids forum but looking for any insight from the adults as well. Thanks
  3. Pilgrim

    Little Pilgrim has Opinions

    H had her appointment and it wasn't too much of an upheaval. Scopes in the next year, and MRI put on a rush order (Good GI guesswork @Maya142 ). For us that means sometime in the next month. Test for c-diff (just in case) and a repeat fcal right away. Her bloodwork is improving so the fcal...
  4. Pilgrim

    Little Pilgrim has Opinions

    Good point! She has grown a lot this year and changes are happening. Maybe it would be smart to ask about a steroid burst as opposed to a treatment change. Any thoughts on what happens if Stelara hasn't cut it after an Anti-tnf failure?
  5. Pilgrim

    Little Pilgrim has Opinions

    Crohn's diets have a lot of things in common usually: gluten-free, processed food free, low or no sugar. Some are dairy or,specifically, lactose free. Lecovorin wouldn't help her much because she would wake up usually 4-8 hours after injection and be miserably nauseous and sometimes vomit. On...
  6. Pilgrim

    Little Pilgrim has Opinions

    Thanks @my little penguin . We've used Methotrexate 3-4 times over the years. Pills were easier on her system, but it might have been because she couldn't digest them properly. He seems to usually have her take 15mg subQ. We talk to him Tuesday so a lot of this is guessing. We tried an...
  7. Pilgrim

    Little Pilgrim has Opinions

    I guess she's growing up. We talk about her test results, and weigh pros and cons of medical decisions. She has a lot of experience now that she's 11, and has been dealing with Crohn's for 8 years. She's 7 months into Stelara and just had her fcal leap back up over 2000. She moved to monthly...
  8. Pilgrim

    Very worried - Possible Crohn's diagnosis for my 9 year old daughter

    Hello. It is such a stressful time for you and my heart goes out to you. I am no expert at interpretation of results. However, I would think that the combination of activity in two very separate areas of the GI system may indicate Crohn's disease. My daughter has Crohn's disease and had...
  9. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    So to be more clear: 1st reaction - day 7, widespread and lasted 3 weeks. 2nd reaction: day 10 not as bad and lasted a few weeks. 3rd reaction: day 4 and so far not too bad. Worse after showers and sweating. We had a screwed up injection schedule though where second month was several days...
  10. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    @my little penguin So we did ending up getting the itchy rash on day 10. First one had been 7 days after injection. We also just did an injection where the rash arrived day 4 after injection (yesterday). It isn't getting more severe, maybe a little less this time, although it came sooner...
  11. Pilgrim

    CDC approved booster of COVID 19 for immunosp

    So, he would have been well covered by 2 doses? Good to know!
  12. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    Not yet! I'll breathe easy after another day. It was one week after dosing last time. Still have a day to go.
  13. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    @Maya142 The dermatologist also never heard of a case of paradoxical psoriasis connected to Stelara - only the Anti-TNF drugs.
  14. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    The appointment was good. The dermatologist wasn't convinced from our photo that the rash was allergic. She gave us a prescription though, to try if it does return. A steroidal cream to control the rash if possible- to help H be able to keep Stelara. I love that she has experience with these...
  15. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    I have to take occasional breaks from being "that mom". Keeps them guessing. 🤣 Of course, if it gives her a few more days not miserable (itching is minimal now) I do go a little soft.
  16. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    Ugh. She doesn't need psoriasis! Her injection has been delayed into next week due to a shipping issue, then no room at the hospital for her until next week. So the derm will have to go by pictures and a description.
  17. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    I honestly would ignore the torso rash if it wasn't so itchy- did not respond to the benadryl- so her life was miserable for a few of those weeks. Ignore it in the sense that Stelara wouldn't be a question. These are more like small red pinpoint dots spread all over.
  18. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    The reaction was delayed. We are 5-6 months in, and reaction was a week after injection. It is just quieting down day before the next injection. I treated her myself with benadryl not knowing what was going on. Eventually saw a pediatrician, and have a scheduled appointment for a...
  19. Pilgrim

    Stelara allergy?

    About a week after her last monthly injection, H broke out in an itchy rash on her torso front and back. After the pediatrician was unable to diagnose it, I made a few phone calls and it *may* be an allergic response. As a precaution we're having her next dose in ER this week. She is still...
  20. Pilgrim

    CDC approved booster of COVID 19 for immunosp