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  1. pdx

    School or college reopening Fall 2020 immunosupressed

    E's university is tentatively opening with online classes for any class larger than 50 students. They don't start until the end of September, so fortunately they have a little time to watch what happens at schools that open in August. They are also giving everyone the option to stay at home and...
  2. pdx

    🤦‍♀️ Calling all moms with daughters. 🙄It's finally happened.

    My daughter gets very heavy periods. In addition to big mood swings she was also having more than her usual trouble with iron deficiency and she had painful cramps. She talked to her GI and pediatrician and decided to try continuous birth control to eliminate most of her periods. Unfortunately...
  3. pdx

    Parent of newly diagnosed kid

    So sorry to hear about the hospital admission. Really hope that the steroids help quickly.
  4. pdx

    Heard from Doc today

    Hugs to both of you. I'm glad that O has connected with someone who has gone through this--that's so helpful. Wishing you both strength as you all think through all of this.
  5. pdx

    Heard from Doc today

    Thinking about you all today. How was the surgery consult?
  6. pdx

    nausea with flagyl/cipro and/or methotrexate

    Sorry that you are all dealing with so much right now. I don't have any great advice, except to say that the current extreme nausea seems like it's due to the antibiotics more than the mtx, since it came on so suddenly after starting those. My daughter gets mild nausea from her mtx injections...
  7. pdx

    Silent Crohns

    So glad to hear this--thanks for the update!
  8. pdx

    Heard from Doc today

    Oh man--this new info is a lot to take in. I hope the surgical consult goes well--I'll be thinking of you all over the next weeks.
  9. pdx

    100mg imuran for a 13 year old boy. Suggestions please!!

    If the humira increase doesn't help enough, I would ask again about starting methotrexate. It can really help in cases where a biologic is working some but not quite enough.
  10. pdx

    My 10 year old Boy - prescribed Humira for life before any diet assessment

    I'm so sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis. Treatment decisions are so hard, especially at the beginning. Most of us here would have jumped on a dietary or other lifestyle-based treatment if we could have. The problem is that there isn't one that works consistently. The other issue is that...
  11. pdx

    Methotrexate timing/side effects

    My daughter has been on Remicade with mtx for more than 5 years. Mtx really helps her; we took her off it for 6 months in the middle of that time and her Crohn's got much worse. It's been better ever since she's been back on it. The timing we use is exactly what you listed--Friday at bedtime...
  12. pdx

    Tater Tot and Remicade

    Great to hear from you, and so glad to hear that your family is well.
  13. pdx

    Perspective - Covid-19 and our ibd kids

    My daughter with Crohn's is supposed to start college in the fall, about 90 minutes away from home. I haven't even really been thinking about the "will I let her go" question yet because I'm so certain that college will still be online in the fall. If I'm wrong, then I guess we'll have a big...
  14. pdx

    Ali's Crohn's Journey

    We've been there too. My daughter's turned out to be an obstruction which resolved itself after a couple of days in the hospital. She presented very similar to your daughter, vomiting green liquid every 10 or 15 minutes all night. At the ED, doctors suspected appendicitis or obstruction. They...
  15. pdx

    Changes to infusion routines?

    Maya, I'm so sorry to hear about M's latest hospital stay, both that she had to be there, and that you were not allowed in with her. Your ideas about baby steps to get E ready to do infusions on her own are good ones. She plans to come home from college for her infusions, but if the COVID...
  16. pdx

    Changes to infusion routines?

    Also meant to add that we passed through a couple of checkpoints on our way to the infusion area. They asked us about symptoms and had masks to give out if we hadn’t brought our own.
  17. pdx

    Changes to infusion routines?

    Turns out the person who called me was just wrong—peds patients get one parent with them. But E was ready to go in by herself if she had needed to, so that was good to see.
  18. pdx

    Silent Crohns

    I hope her recovery goes well and that she will have many years of remission after this!
  19. pdx

    Heard from Doc today

    Sounds like a good plan! Hope her finals go well too.
  20. pdx

    Changes to infusion routines?

    Just got off the phone with E's doctor and found out that there is one good change: E's transfer to adult GI will be delayed until at least the fall, and maybe longer. We really like her pediatric GI, so that is good news.