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  1. J

    PAIN and i can't take it anymore!!!

    Hey maimmie, I feel your pain. I suffer from perianal fistulae too and it is soooo bad. Internal medicine isn't helping much and all I can see at the end of the tunnel is a colostomy :(. But please don't lose hope, there is some formulation somewhere just waiting for us :). Remicade & CiploxTZ...
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    Restarting after a 10 year break?

    Hi, I have been on and off Remicade over years. Just finished one infusion today after a year gap, this was my 4th restart. Don't worry, not everyone reacts to restarting.Follow what your doctor says and make sure someone is with you during the infusion.
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    Before poo'ing i get real anxious.. anyone else?

    having a bm is the scariest thing in the world for me. I get sooo tensed every morning just because I have to go take a dump. :( :(
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    Steroid Enema Tricks?

    I am sorry I don't have any helpful information...but I will pray for her everyday from today till she gets better :)
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    Fear of Restarting Remicade

    Ya...the doctor knows that there is a possibility of an adverse reaction....I have discussed it with him. But even then.....walking into a possible trap knowingly is scary...
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    Fear of Restarting Remicade

    Hi, My doctor has just asked me to go on remicade 5mg/kg for 12 months and this is freaking me out. I have had 2 discontinued remicade infusions before. Once they gave a single shot to see if it helps, a year later they gave me the loading dose of 3 shots and stopped. Now I am really scared to...
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    Fistula Questions. Please help!

    the longer that the fistula remains open...lesser the chances of it healing easily. I have a bunch of fistulas. After a surgery the tissue around the wound is still fresh and has a lot of healing Infliximab earlier will definitely help. @brooke doesn't NHS cover Infliximab for you...
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    Multiple PeriAnal Fistulas Crohns - Need Help.

    @littlefreebird glad to hear you are uphill :) @JohnnyO lot a vitamin d3 count done today....SEVERELY LOW (15) bones are in trouble !! Have to look for a good supplement and start it soon.... @Nchuleftingth going to a specialist who does something called Video Assisted Anal Fistula...
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    Question about drained perianal abscess/fistula.

    Try drinking plenty of water...that helped with my fistulas. I dont have any other suggestion...sorry. Best wishes. Stay positive
  10. J

    Fistula Questions. Please help!

    I would suggest you go on Infliximab as soon as possible. Sooner after the surgery you are on infliximab...they better the chances of permanent closure. Dont let the wound of the fistula remain open too long. Best wishes. Get well soon.
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    Multiple PeriAnal Fistulas Crohns - Need Help.

    @KWalker Thanks for the idea....will look into education options in Cannada. Hope I can survive the weather....I literally have no body fat. :) @Rivers I am scared as hell about a colostomy even if its temp....what if it never heals ? thats my biggest fear. I have consulted 3-4 surgeons in...
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    Multiple PeriAnal Fistulas Crohns - Need Help.

    Removed for personal reasons.
  13. J

    Multiple PeriAnal Fistulas Crohns - Need Help.

    Redacted Removed for personal reasons.