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  1. cassimw

    Vomiting on Xmas- obstruction? What do we do?!?

    I'm starting to get the picture about EEN and I think you guys are right - too much, too soon. And you are right, pdx, it IS pretty amazing that just EEN can have such a big impact. It was literally the very first day that my daughter switched to the all EEN diet that her pain went away...
  2. cassimw

    Vomiting on Xmas- obstruction? What do we do?!?

    crohnsinct - Thanks for your thoughts. There might be something to that. My daughter drinks the Ensure Plus (350 cal.), so she had just over 1,000 calories on Xmas from Ensure. Normally she'd have about 4 Ensure (1,400 cal.) and then a small dinner with us. But on holiday break and weekends...
  3. cassimw

    Vomiting on Xmas- obstruction? What do we do?!?

    Thanks you all for your advice and support. I'm so glad I found this forum! My daughter hasn't thrown up since this morning and is doing much better. I did try to get in touch with the on call doc, as what MLP did made a lot of sense. Problem was, the recording said "press 3" for the on call...
  4. cassimw

    Vomiting on Xmas- obstruction? What do we do?!?

    I'm in desperate need of guidance. My newly diagnosed daughter (Crohn's- age 14) has been on an enteral diet for about 8 weeks and doing great. She's had 2 Remicade treatments. A few weeks ago her doctor told her she could start to eat a bit of solid food, so she's been eating a small dinner...
  5. cassimw

    Starting Remicade tomorrow...

    Mehita- Good suggestion about the records/spreadsheet. Thanks for sharing about your experience with your son - that's a good example of how everyone's "normal" is a bit different and a smart thing to keep in mind. Good tip about taking a pic of the Remi bag too! I think I knew that about...
  6. cassimw

    Starting Remicade tomorrow...

    Thanks everyone! pdx: Yes, trying not to worry until there is more info. I had no idea about iron infusions - that's interesting! Doctor called iron script into the pharmacy and I still need to pick up, so I'm not sure what dose is or anything yet. My daughter tried iron supp. when we knew...
  7. cassimw

    Starting Remicade tomorrow...

    Just an update... My daughter had her second Remicade treatment this week. Before the treatment, they drew blood. The labs came back as follows: * all markers for inflammation have "normalized"! * still very anemic (adding iron now) * slightly elevated liver enzymes She had been on EEN for...
  8. cassimw

    Liver Enzymes slightly high - Remicade?

    Wait - abx = antibiotics? Sorry, new to all of this and trying to get the lingo down ;-)
  9. cassimw

    Liver Enzymes slightly high - Remicade?

    Thanks MLP! What's abx?
  10. cassimw

    Liver Enzymes slightly high - Remicade?

    My daughter's doctor just left a message saying that her liver enzymes were "the tiniest bit bumped". This was from bloodwork yesterday prior to her 2nd Remicade treatment. She's unsure if the bump is related to Remicade or some unrelated reason (she mentioned virus, but as far as I know, my...
  11. cassimw

    Can fistulas be internal?

    Yes, Ron. I can say that because that's what my daughter has - it's internal. I'm so sorry you are suffering so much. They might need to do an MRE to see it?
  12. cassimw

    6MP + Remicade

    You guys are really making me feel better about this decision, thanks! I think we're going to go for it. I left a message for the doctor.
  13. cassimw

    Tips and tricks for an easier colonoscopy

    kimmidwife - I hope all is going okay for you. This is a good thread. We are new to Crohn's and my daughter recently had her first colonoscopy/endoscopy recently. What we found out was that since she had been on an Ensure-only diet for about 2 weeks prior to the scopes, clean out was MUCH...
  14. cassimw

    6MP + Remicade

    My newly diagnosed 14 year old daughter just had her 2nd dose of Remicade today. Her GI is really pushing to add 6MP for about 6 months for two reasons: 1. She wants to take an aggressive course toward healing her fistula. Since it takes a few months for 6MP to get into your system, she...
  15. cassimw

    Remicade side effect - shivering/chills?

    No fever- I should have mentioned that. I did email the nurse, just in case.
  16. cassimw

    Calprotectin>1800 but no diarrhea

    My daughter's was just over 2,000 and she was having pain, but no diarrhea. Her's is in small bowel & ic valve. That was her first ever calprotectin test, and I really didn't realize how high that number seemed until I started reading some posts on here. She is newly diagnosed and just had...
  17. cassimw

    Remicade side effect - shivering/chills?

    My 14 year old had her first Remicade treatment last week. Since then she has been experiencing sporadic periods of shivering/chillls and has also complained about very cold hands. She says she is not cold, but is actually sweaty (like a cold sweat). Does anyone think this is related to...
  18. cassimw

    Starting Remicade tomorrow...

    We're home. She did fine and there were no problems. MLP - you are so right - I was way more worried that she was. She took it all in stride. I'm feeling better now that it's over. Although they said that when people react to the meds it's usually the 3rd or 4th infusion though - something...
  19. cassimw

    Starting Remicade tomorrow...

    So true for us too!
  20. cassimw

    Starting Remicade tomorrow...

    My daughter was recently diagnosed with Crohn's. She also has a fistula. After undergoing a bunch of tests and getting a second opinion on treatment options, she has her first Remicade infusion tomorrow. Hoping for the best.