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  1. DMS

    Where you are from map.....

    I added mine, and I have to say - that's really cool to visually see where people are from
  2. DMS

    Worried about Azathioprine.

    my son is also on aza and has had no side effects at all. Good luck with it.
  3. DMS

    Do you think its Crohn's?

    No, some people with Crohn's have great bloodwork, everything within normal range, but still have lots of stuff going on inside. Biopsy's can also be a little tricky, my son's biopsy's came back inconclusive for Crohn's, but his bloodwork has always been a good indicator, (raised CRP and...
  4. DMS

    Failed Remicade, UGH

    Sorry that you had a reaction to the remicade, that just sucks. I'm curious how long you've been on the imuran? My son's been on almost 4 months now and it's just started to work in the last 2 to 3 weeks. I've heard others have taken up to 6 months.
  5. DMS

    Crohn's in Children

    Looking back at my son's disease, he started having some loose stools, no blood, lost some weight, always cold and tired. A month later he was having the odd stomach ache and pain when going to the bathroom (which we now know was an abscess), he also started having to get up 2 or 3 times in the...
  6. DMS

    Moving right along. . .

    Yes Dusty, always something too think about - and second guess. Thanks for the well wishes for Mitch - I've followed your thread on Matt (even though I don't post much on here) and you've pretty much lived out my worst fear - having a second child with IBD, I over react any time either of my...
  7. DMS

    Moving right along. . .

    out of the pediatric GI unit that is. My son Mitch is 17, turning 18 in September and has to be out of Children's hospital by then, so today we had a transitional appointment with an adult GI and his nurse. So, it's been a while since I posted on here about my son (been playing the games...
  8. DMS

    Corrupt a Wish

    The person you were supposed to meet is on time - but it's dlzoidberg as Marvin the Martian (or maybe as the mothball). I wish I could go visit my BF in Hawaii.
  9. DMS

    Corrupt a Wish

    ME TOO ^^ You will have a maid - but I'm it, and all I ever do is ride my horses - no house cleaning! I wish I'd win the lottery
  10. DMS

    Corrupt a Wish

    It's Saturday, but the Royals are coming to visit and you forgot to clean your house. I wish for an inground swimming pool
  11. DMS

    Corrupt a Wish

    Your ear/sinus pain is gone, but it messed up you balance so that you can't ride your paso's anymore. I wish the mosquito's here would die.
  12. DMS

    Corrupt a Wish

    You play your french horn again, but all your extended family loves it so much that they come and live with you. I wish I had a maid
  13. DMS

    Corrupt a Wish

    You will exercise more - but you will have a horrible sweating problem. (stinnnkkkyy) I wish we'd have a month of sunny weather.
  14. DMS

    Bruising? Im having randonm bruises show up?

    Bruising can be a sign of a low platelet count too, have you had that checked recently?
  15. DMS

    Is Xifaxan (Rifaximin) available in Canada

    Sorry, it's not available in Canada.
  16. DMS

    Our 4/11 report, IBDinourhome

    Troy, you're Isaac is so cute - I read your blog last night. You've basically said what all of us parents are going through. My son has been in remission for about a year and a half with LDN, SCD diet, and HBOT, but his fistula has never healed, and his CRP has never gone below 9, so the GI...
  17. DMS

    Looking for doctors in victoria Canada

    You'll probably want to stick with Victoria so that you don't have to deal with the ferry. But here's a couple in Vancouver if you want to check them out. Dr. Brian Bressler is supposed to be the best (that's who we'll be going to when my son turns 18). Dr. Rob Enns is supposed to be amazing...
  18. DMS

    Baby Update... and other stuff.

    Congratulations on baby Sadie - love the name, but I'm sorry to hear that your having such pain and other issues right now. I just wanted to give you some encouragement, especially for the next few weeks. I always found that the first 6 weeks with a new baby were the hardest, your hormones are...
  19. DMS

    SCD Diet?

    I found their website very interesting. Some good information on there about how the bacterial culture goes down after time, and that yogurt fermented for 10 hours is 60 - 65% lactose free. I guess if you're wanting to fully try SCD, no, this is not a product that you can have. If you are...
  20. DMS

    Other horse lovers/owners here?

    Okay, as requested Looking down at the valley I live in. hubby's preferred mode of transportation. Trail ride from last summer - Tucker all grown up.