Baby Update... and other stuff.

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Nov 5, 2009
Hey everyone! Hope all is well out there. I have been MIA for a little bit.

Little Miss Sadie was born on April 5th, 2011 via C-section. She weighs in at a whopping 5lbs 14oz and only 16 1/2 inches long! Healthy as can be, just a very little touch of jaundice. She's our perfect little midget!! We love her very much. :Karl:

Here is my story of my last week and how Sadie came a few weeks early:

Sadie was scheduled to be born on the 18th of April via c-section, but we've been having some problems. Last Friday evening, April 1st, I woke up in the middle of the night with these uncontrollable shakes/shivering, vomiting, aches/pains, and a lot of stomach pain. I wasn't having any contractions, I just thought I caught some type of bug. Over Saturday and the course of Sunday I kept getting sicker and sicker. I called my OB on Sunday evening an he told me to just rest and drink lots of fluids because there was a nasty GI bug going around right now. So I did what he said, knowing I had my 37 week appointment with him that very next morning.

I went in on Monday morning for my check-up and they basically took one look at me and after weighing/taking my blood pressure heart rate admitted me right to the hospital for IV fluids and pain meds. At this point, my heart rate was up to 167 (faster than baby's!!)

I was admitted and a bunch of blood was taken, as well as urine, and vital signs... all of that good stuff. About an hour later doc comes in and says that all of my blood work was so unstable that we were delivering the baby the next morning. She was doing okay, but I was getting so sick they wanted to be safer than sorry.

I had a horrible night that night and paced all night and was in so much pain. I felt so unbelievably sick. They hurried and took me into surgery to delivery the baby and then sent me on my way to recovery and to run more tests. They thought I would just get better once they delivered the baby. My liver (AST) was up to 190 and rising and my platelets were dropping, potassium was dangerously low, and other electrolytes were falling.

To make an already long story a little shorter, in the end they ruled out that I have Cholangitis AND pancreatitis. The cholangitis threw us for a loop because I haven't had a gallbladder for a few years, however, even though you don't have a gallbladder you still have bile ducts that can get clogged and or get stones in them.

I am so excited that Ms. Sadie is here and doing amazingly well, but I am also so down in the dumps, because I just want to be a good mom and I can barely even hold my own child sometimes. I am in so much pain, its worse than any flare I've ever had before. The pain is even worse than the bowel obstruction that I've had.

I am so blessed to have this gorgeous little girl!!! I am so very thankful that she is healthy and happy. I know I will get better eventually and will be able to take care of her like I want to, but for now it is just hard to not be depressed about it.

There's my very very long update on what's been going on. I could use lots of prayers if you have them in you. I hope that you, my friends, are doing well and staying healthy.
Congratulations on the birth of your Sadie! Am praying as I type (I'm not sure if this counts as praying "over you," but hey close enough) for you to recover and be able to fully take in the first months with your new baby.

-Kelly (user name changed)
Congratulations Amanda!!! I am so happy, happy, happy for you and hubby!!!


Awww hun, I hope you start feeling better very soon, it's hard enough having a C section without all the other stuff as well! :hang: Mummy, you are doing just fine!


Loads of love, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thank you guys!! I am really trying to do as much as I can. This tiny little person just is so amazing and makes me want to be well even more. I am going to try and post a picture up here of here soon, but I can't quite figure it out!

@ Dusty-how is Matt doing?? I like the new profile pic :) I didn't quite realize that was you. I have been thinking of you and Matt and hoping he is doing great :hug:

Has anyone else had pancreatitis and/or cholangitis before?? If so do you remember what your highest lipase count, and how long did it take you before you were better?
:congratualtions: Amanda!

On the safe arrival of your little one!
Hope you feel better soon, if not, speak to your doc, about the depression, just watch out for those baby blues, they creep up very quietly!
Congratulations Amanda!!! I am so happy, happy, happy for you and hubby!!!


Awww hun, I hope you start feeling better very soon, it's hard enough having a C section without all the other stuff as well! :hang: Mummy, you are doing just fine!


Loads of love, :wub:

Dusty. xxxxxxxx

Hey you are such a show off :lol: can you teach me how to put those on!!:ytongue:

Congrats on your new baby and so sorry you are having a rough time! Your life is about to get a whole lot busier. :getwell:
Congratulations on baby Sadie - love the name, but I'm sorry to hear that your having such pain and other issues right now.
I just wanted to give you some encouragement, especially for the next few weeks. I always found that the first 6 weeks with a new baby were the hardest, your hormones are all over the place, no sleep, and don't even get me started on nursing (nursed all 3 of mine till about 7 months - but those first 6 weeks - really tough!!).
I'll keep you in my prayers. :)
Congratulations on the baby! I am sure she is sweet as pie :)
I always say there is a reason why they use sleep deprivation as a torture device, it can make you crazy! Rest up, heal and try to enjoy the new baby. The first few weeks are tough but I think it prepares you for the rest of their childhood, nothing is ever the same after!
OH sorry you're having problems with your health that are making it difficult for you to take care of precious Sadie. I'm glad they finally figured out what is ailing you though!

I'll be praying for you that you will start to recover soon so you can enjoy your time with Sadie. How's daddy handling all of this? :)
Congrats on the baby! Hope you start to feel better soon so you can enjoy this wondrous time.

- Amy
Thank you guys!! I am really trying to do as much as I can. This tiny little person just is so amazing and makes me want to be well even more. I am going to try and post a picture up here of here soon, but I can't quite figure it out!

@ Dusty-how is Matt doing?? I like the new profile pic :) I didn't quite realize that was you. I have been thinking of you and Matt and hoping he is doing great :hug:

Has anyone else had pancreatitis and/or cholangitis before?? If so do you remember what your highest lipase count, and how long did it take you before you were better?

Hi Amanda, :bigwave:

All is good in our neck of the woods! I hope they are heading that way for you too! Got my fingers and toes crossed Mum......:hug:

One week before Sarah was diagnosed with CD they diagnosed her with Pancreatitis because her pancreatic enzymes were significantly raised. I don't quite remember her lipase amount but it was something approaching 3,000. The next day though they were back to normal, the docs couldn't work that one out! Seems it was her Crohn's all along throwing out a red herring. Hmmm, that little story probably isn't much help to you......:eek2:

Look after yourself hun, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see some baby pics!

I hope you start feeling better soon, so you can fully enjoy baby Sadie.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and congratulations :)

I'm happy to report that I am start to feel better and better. Still trying to recover from everything so that will take some time, but I'm able to enjoy my little baby girl!! She is amazing.

Daddy was handling everything very well! He jumped right in and took over in the hospital when I was really sick. He's been doing such a great job. Letting me take lots of naps so I can feel better :)

I am suppose to go back to my GI doc here in a few weeks. It looks as though my darn Crohns is a huge mess on top of it, so we're going to have to try and sort that out.

Thank you all again for the support! It is always nice to know people are rooting you on!
Thanks for the update! It's so great to hear from you...:ybiggrin:

YAY for feeling better and YAY for Dad! What a relief it must be for you to know that he is there for you and Sadie.

Good luck hun with your GI appointment. I so hope the Crohns settles so you can fully enjoy your new bundle of joy...:):):)

Lots a love, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Congratulations on your baby girl! You're going love being a mother! Sounds like you have or have had some recovering to do - I'm wishing you well and praying for a speady recovery! :hang:
Ahahahhahaha, Amanda, well in case you didn't know, I love emoticons...:wink:, so I just couldn't resist sharing this one with you!


Hope all is going well hun. Thinking of you.

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Hey Amanda, sorry to have missed all this! I saw your smiling face with Sadie on fb and assumed all was well. Babies make you smile through the worst I guess:)

Ahahahaha, good grief Dusty!! Wonder what the dad smiley was saying?
congrats on the birth of your daughter!! that's wonderful news!! take care :)

ps - stay strong, you are a great mom... it may take time to recover but you're blessed that the baby is doing well and eventually you will too... wishing you a speedy recovery!

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