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  1. R

    Feeling tearful and fed up no one will listen!!

    They gave me antibiotics that I had an allergic reaction to plus I don't have an infection so there useless! Now I'm taking omeprazol for acid!!!! They are having a laugh. I'm basically just suffering.
  2. R

    What does a flare feel like for you?

    Hi All, I would like to know what you feel like when you are in the midst of a flare? And how long do you have it? And how long does it take to get over it?
  3. R

    Feeling tearful and fed up no one will listen!!

    Thank you. I'm getting desperate now 😔
  4. R

    Feeling tearful and fed up no one will listen!!

    Hello All, I've seen at least 5 doctors, spoken to a few on the phone too and only one of them said he thinks I have IBD. However he is an emergency doctor and cannot help me! The rest said I had gastroentritis!! I have discussed all my symptoms with all the doctors and they are convinced...
  5. R

    Food intolerance's and general IBD symptoms

    Hey, it's strange Ronroush because bananas actually don't agree with me at all and most people laugh at me because bananas are supposed to be very neutral
  6. R

    Feeling tearful and fed up no one will listen!!

    At least your doctors listen. I was just pooing pure blood. That is not right and my whole stomach/abdomen feels bruised and burnt. I'm suffering and apparently it's acid reflux or some crap!!!
  7. R

    Feeling tearful and fed up no one will listen!!

    I'm just having a little rant to thoese who will understand my pain :( I am so angered with my doctors for not believing that I am in pain and discomfort. They will not investigate and are throwing stupid diagnoses at me like acid reflux and gastroentritis! I know I have IBD and I just want...
  8. R

    Food intolerance's and general IBD symptoms

    Lol I have trouble with most foods! I'm going to start keeping a food diary to monitor my worst foods!
  9. R

    Food intolerance's and general IBD symptoms

    Do you want to call my doctors all the way over in the UK and tell them hahah! they wont listen to me :)
  10. R

    Food intolerance's and general IBD symptoms

    Hey, So I haven't been diagnosed with IBD yet, (trying to get it sorted) but I have suffered with symptoms for a long time that have got worst lately. My question is- Do any of you feel that certain foods/drinks affect you more? for example, fruit and vegetables, onion and gravy and sauces...
  11. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    owwww.. sounds nasty!! I hope your doing better now :)
  12. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    and wow @ronroush7 you lost that much weight!! That is a lot for one flare. How long was that flare for? Iv'e always struggled to loose weight, strange how I have been unwell and it's just dropped off. That's how I know something is wrong. Some doctors should listen to their patients!!
  13. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    Thank you all so much for the advice and kind words! I will defo keep you all updated on what happens. I am waiting for three lots of stool sample results - fecal caloprotectin test before the flare, and two test for bacteria and bugs. I guess they are trying to rule out an infection and then...
  14. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    Lol I think I have it too!! I'm almost certain but I'm thinking colitis because of the burning sensation, I pray I am wrong, but doubt it. I'm waiting for some stool results to clarify if I had a bug, if that comes back clear then I think it's safe to say I need to be referred. They've got to...
  15. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    I had pure red blood in my stools!! And pretty much water so wasn't really stools lol... Apparently you can get this with food poisoning!!??! . I've never had that in my whole 30 years of! I saw an emergency out of hours doctor he looked at me and said.. You have Crohn's im certain...
  16. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    My gp is refusing to refer me to a gastroenterologist as they feel my symptoms are due at present to gastroenteritis (even though symptoms are the same for this and IBD so they said they are not sure what it is but seems more gastro) so basically I am being left with no medicine, no diagnosis...
  17. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    It doesn't seem right to me either. It costs money to refer for tests, I'm assuming that is why they are reluctant. How did you all get referred for your situations? I'm curious what symptoms you had before they refered you?
  18. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    I've had blood test which showed high inflammation and I'm waiting for a stool sample result! I have spoken with different doctors and I even went to A&E with my suspected flare as I was really suffering- they are all palming me off sigh it's gastroentritis! . And to top it off I may loose my...
  19. R

    My doctor will not investigate.. What shall I do?!

    Hey All, So, I am very concerned that I may have CD or UC I have all the symptoms, a recent flare (or so I think, it was the worst thing ever!!!) and my doctor is trying to tell me it's gastroentritis or IBS! My brother and uncle both have CD, I've suffered with bowl problems for many years...