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  1. Entchen

    I've stumped another doctor with my non responsive Crohn's

    That’s so frustrating, I’m sorry. It makes sense to find out the game plan: are you checking for damage, are you trying to decide which new treatment to try, etc.?
  2. Entchen

    A shoutout to the unsung heroes...

    Hear, hear!
  3. Entchen

    Skyrizi & pain

    Hi and no! Huh! I hope it fades soon.
  4. Entchen

    From Stelera to Skyrizi

    Aww, I’m sorry you feel like your view has been dismissed. Re. your questions, Skyrizi is the first medication that has had some efficacy in my case (including a clear c-scope in June, win!). Side effects are muscle pain and dizziness (dizziness but not muscle pain has diminished in the past year).
  5. Entchen

    GI says he is 99% sure I have chron’s

    Hiya—It sounds like you are going through the wringer. Good that an action plan is in place while you work to finalize the diagnosis. Depending on how severe the narrowing is, celery could be tricky—but only the juice, with roughage removed, might be OK. You might check with your GI the next...
  6. Entchen


    Oh hmm, this can be pretty specific to you, your current lifestyle, and specific goals but I’d be happy to brainstorm some ideas with you. Examples: - Sleep hygiene: Stay in bed for the same hours each day. Don’t linger in bed once your alarm goes off. But also create a good environment for...
  7. Entchen

    2 Hour Injection

    That’s promising; fingers crossed things keep going well for you.
  8. Entchen

    Skyrizi & Blood

    I didn’t, although blood is very rare for me in any case. Take good care!
  9. Entchen

    What Next?

    The part about IBD being dismissed as a possible explanation is something that a number of us have heard, regrettably. The trick is for those involved to keep doing their due diligence anyway—and I hope that they do so in your case as well. (p.s. The reason that it was “impossible” for it to be...
  10. Entchen

    CurQD has anyone tried it

    There is mixed but overall only poor or very weak support for herbal supplements containing curcumin, a compound of turmeric, in treating IBD symptoms. Most existing studies on curcumin in IBD have been poor quality in terms of both level of experimental control and number of participants...
  11. Entchen

    Long time no see...

    Helllooo! Welcome back & sorry that things are tough right now. I hope that things are sorted to start Skyrizi for me. Skyrizi started to work for me last summer, then failed, but at that point my Crohn’s was pretty out of control, likely beyond what one medication could handle. Since having...
  12. Entchen


    The switch to oral was likely because people were reducing in-person visits during the height of the pandemic.
  13. Entchen

    Causes of pain at anastomosis

    I had an ileocolic resection in January. I routinely experience pain near the site of anastomosis a few or several hours after I eat fibre-containing foods (or sometimes just anything). More fibre=a stronger sensation that the food is bumping its way through the GI system (akin to being poked in...
  14. Entchen

    So confused after apparent relapse

    I’m so sorry for you! This is NOT anything you did. Maybe the lime juice hit the ulcers and made you aware of some damage that was happening that you did not know about? (Just spitballing here—maybe the ginger beer saved you from more damage?) Low residue does allow for some types of fibre...
  15. Entchen

    2 Hour Injection

    I bring my phone to scroll and read the newspaper —and I LOVE to bring headphones to block out other sounds.
  16. Entchen

    More bloating and gas after a resection?

    Terrific advice—will do. Thanks!!
  17. Entchen

    Surgery to Correct Stricter from Crohns

    All of those are solid points!
  18. Entchen

    More bloating and gas after a resection?

    About 3.5 months after surgery all of a sudden I started having terrible gas. It’s been a couple of weeks now and still a problem. So—no solutions, but solidarity.
  19. Entchen

    Surgery to Correct Stricter from Crohns

    I’m sorry to hear you have a stricture. My concern for you is that if you wind up having a tube down your nose for several days with looming risk of emergency surgery. I can’t speak to the odds of that happening or whether the stricture will continue to get worse for you, though (has your GI...