2 Hour Injection

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I'm starting my Skyrizi injections tomorrow morning. I was wondering what you all do for that 2 hours while the needle is going? I've never done anything like this before, so it's all new to me. Can you please give me some ideas how to pass the time? Thanks!
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Most infusion centers also have television. Your dose maybe different than mine, my infusion took 1 hour and then had to wait 20 minutes before I could leave in case I had a reaction.
Thanks! Yes, I've already asked and it's been showed that my infusion will take 2 hours. I think I will be taking a book with me when I go and will keep you updated.
My infusion only took a little over an hour when all was said and done! All has gone well with Skyrizi too, am looking for my second one this next week 6/6. Do, know that in my third week my dose seems to be weakening and some symptoms are showing back up. Not as bad so far though. Those of you who are on it. I am wondering if after your third infusion, that they increase the strength? Or, does it usually stay the same spread out for 8 weeks instead of 4?
My 3rd and last infusion was this last Thursday morning July 11th. Much to my surprise on Friday, the GI sent a request to my insurance for acceptance of the injections and was approved the same day!!! I believe that I'll be getting another message from the doctor tomorrow letting me know additional info. Once I receive my first package, an appointment will be made sometime early August for training.

Anyone know how long it will take to receive this package? I'm curious as to when to start looking for the delivery of this...
Because it needs to be refrigerated mine is shipped overnight. For me the doses for the infusions are different than the every 8 weeks does. The infusions (loading doses) were higher and controlled my symptoms better. I still have a lot of diarrhea and other symptoms even after being on Skyrizi for a year. I hope it works better for you.
Because it needs to be refrigerated mine is shipped overnight. For me the doses for the infusions are different than the every 8 weeks does. The infusions (loading doses) were higher and controlled my symptoms better. I still have a lot of diarrhea and other symptoms even after being on Skyrizi for a year. I hope it works better for you.
Thanks for the info!! The thing I've noticed is that for the most part, symptoms have pretty much gone away. Only time they really show is once a month. Hopefully all will stay when the strength is changed...
It is always good to have it early. I had mine shipped 1 month ahead in case there‘s a problem. I’m glad I did because they messed up sending my medicine last month and it took so long to get it straightened out I almost didn’t get the medicine on time. Nxt month I go on medicare and I’m worried it will get messed up again and I won’t have it on time.

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