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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Entchen

    Tapering prednisone

    Hi Floss: In the past I have simply stopped taking the drug once I reached 5mg in the taper. However, your idea to take your time reducing from there makes sense, provided your medical team knows you are taking it alongside the infliximab (just so everyone is in the know). Your pharmacist is one...
  2. Entchen

    Had a bowel resection 3 years ago

    Yeah, you're so right: it's a bizarre enough thing to have happen that I definitely feel better knowing I am not alone. Mine happened to me in the fall, before my first surgery, BUT at that surgery they found a ton of adhesions that had previously developed from the Crohn's disease itself. So...
  3. Entchen

    Had a bowel resection 3 years ago

    I had this happen once or twice in the fall during a flare and have no idea what it was! Felt awful for a few seconds and then it was gone.
  4. Entchen

    First JAK Inhibitor Approved by FDA for Treatment of Crohn's

    That’s a fair question. The answer from the literature (I’m away from my laptop but I think I have the references somewhere) is that what gets labelled a placebo effect is more likely just one small part genuine placebo effect (belief) and one huge part regression to the mean (passage of time)...
  5. Entchen

    Methotrexate for inactive Crohn's

    No, not a single one! I am clearly bad at deciding when something is an emergency, but I do monitor my symptoms and there was nothing at all. I do hope you are taking your time thinking about the risks and benefits of surgery, though. And remember that meeting with a surgeon does not mean you...
  6. Entchen

    Methotrexate for inactive Crohn's

    Appreciate the well wishes. It’s a bit up & down, but more up than down in the last couple of weeks and I have been able to do some socializing and a LOT of walking (although, disclosure, today sucks—feels like active Crohn’s all over again :rolleyes:). I’m going to ease back into work starting...
  7. Entchen

    Methotrexate for inactive Crohn's

    Hiya: I’m sorry you are going through the wringer. Yes to the chance of a domino effect, but it sounds like the risk:benefit ratio favours that over the risks from living with the scarring and bowel dilation. You may be at increased risk of a blockage (ask me how I know 😬), especially with your...
  8. Entchen

    Guess I’m back after 10 years

    Rebecca, this is a couple of months late but I remember you from those years and I was also active back then, drifted, now checking in again on the boards. I’m sorry to learn of your MS diagnosis and now Crohn’s flare-up; it must get to be a LOT. Take good care!
  9. Entchen

    Small Bowel Resection

    Hiya: I haven’t been in the forum for years but (1) hi, and (2) I /did/ have an ileocolic resection in January. What surprised me was the amount of damage that was found but also that the healing time is still roughly on schedule anyway. Between the CT scan showing fibrotic stricturing with no...
  10. Entchen

    American picker with crohns

    Cool! Thanks for sharing.
  11. Entchen

    Ever tried a strict no sugar diet?

    Hi Dusty and Irene: Thanks for the warm hello, Dusty! Irene, delighted to hear that you are tolerating vegetables despite the stricture. Re. breakfast, I'll have watery oatmeal, or two eggs with cheese or avocado, unsweetened Greek yogurt (maybe add some pure maple syrup....oh well!), or...
  12. Entchen

    How did your Fistula Show up?

    Hi J: One of my two fistulas is re-developing an abscess right now (bummer) and feels like you describe -- a hard pimple just under the skin. I only know mine is an abscess because of past experience; else, it wouldn't be as clear-cut. Take good care!
  13. Entchen

    Ever tried a strict no sugar diet?

    Hiya: I am reading this post with interest as my current goal is to stick to a low sugar diet (Dusty -- /1/ hi!!! and /2/ not sugar-free, or at least not yet, but perhaps working toward that goal). I am working with a nutritionist from my GP's practice as it appears I may have somehow managed...
  14. Entchen

    Need advice about a fistula

    Hi: Afraid I can't offer advice but I am sorry you are going through this. Am confident that people will have good answers for you soon. Entchen
  15. Entchen

    I can't beleive I am eating this!!

    That's so SMART!!!!! Fingers crossed it works for you, and remind me to do same the next time my iron's low, ok? :)
  16. Entchen

    Manufacturer's supply on backorder?

    This is a concern!!!! Hope it's resolved soon.
  17. Entchen

    Humira bad abdominal pain

    Boo, sorry you are suffering (and sorry to have been away for a while again). xo
  18. Entchen

    Aza here we go...

    It's been an hour but I hope you are still resting. So sorry about the overload of tests. :rosette2:
  19. Entchen

    Butt cheek abscess and fistula...

    No to hijack the thread, but SailorL I want to thank you for clarifying the abscess/fistula issue! Much appreciated. @Hurla, good news re. progress and I hope you can get things well in hand soon.