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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    Gluten, Sugar, and Dairy Free Banana Bread

    Thanks for this! I have ripe bananas that need a recipe or they will find a composter soon ;).
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    Oxycontin no longer in Canada!

    Heard the news that oxycontin will no longer be made in Canada, it will be replaced by a new drug oxyneo, problems I would think is since it will almost be impossible to crush makes me think it would not be good for Crohnies as it could not digest and cause problems. It is really bad here in...
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    I had an experience with a similar experience and asked my ex bf to get me a tea.... said the same thing, lucky for me I booted him out the door a month later. How could anyone be so cruel!!! I got rid of some family members same way... as karma has it my sister has Crohns colitis so bad, and...
  4. C

    Do you tell people?

    I tell everyone and anyone, if they ask I elaborate. Most have heard of Colitis but not Crohns. If we dont tell anyone how will we get any awareness of the disease? People need to know this is not a stomach ache. I find most people will say my brother, cousin or coworker has that, nasty...
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    Clinical Trials or Biological?

    The only other biologics are Humira and Cimzia, they milder and cheaper but I have not tried Cimzia and I would think all biologics are a life long thing, but most dont do the trick that long. I too do not do well on the antisuppressants. Remicade was not a good drug for ME,I was in ER after...
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    Seeking advice for my 8-year-old son (diagnosed with Crohn's).

    Hello there welcome :bigwave: So sorry you son is dealing with this and you and your wife as well. The new way is to hit it hard but that is not in all cases. Seeing as he is in a mild stage, I would think to just try the Entocort. Less invasive. I am not a doctor and it is best to discuss...
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    Need your thoughts!

    HI Mindy :welcome: to the forum. I can't say it is or isnt crohns but it can be in the mouth and thru the digestive system to the anus. Can be any where. I have canker sores and "fever" blisters often, but I learn to catch them early. It is also hereditary in my family as well as IBD. Lower...
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    My Story - and help.

    Sorry but us Canadians don't have Cimzia here, and they are not sure it ever will. Just thought I would chime in on this subject, if it does come here I will try it, but Remicade put me in ER with extreme pain!
  9. C

    Gas with mucus out of control

    Hi you, long time no see ;). Well you could be eating gassy type foods. High fats will do that. Stick to a low residue diet and avoid all dairy and see if it helps. I has to be embarrassing I am sure!!! You may want to wear pads to help you in case. Young or old, no one like accidents! When...
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    My Story - and help.

    Hi Jason :welcome: to the forum. We all understand how you feel. Having strong meds when you dont feel you have to be on them but it depends on where and how bad the inflammation is. Probiotics are good, it helps a bit but when I had inflammation I was put on Entocort, a milder version and...
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    Surgery going on

    So happy she made it through and no bag, I had that scare the first time let alone the second. Mine was a mess too, then they wonder why we were in agony. Even with surgery she still should be on something for maintenace as she most times infections can set in. Her doctor should be telling...
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    My story. Help!

    Hi Juan, welcome to the forum :bigwave: I am sorry you got UC but at least here you can get some support. Pred is an evil drug but the taper you are on , is what my doc prescribes because the less you are on it the better. I have had a 4 day and then taper. My last one I started on my own...
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    Surgery going on

    I have had two resections and the first was laproscopic, but the second open. If she get can get it Laproscopically done it would be less invasive, however it is best to get all they can, like they say til they see healthy tissue, NO one wants to go for more surgery than they have too. It...
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    Stomach Flu and Strictures

    :welcome: to the forum! I have had narrowing and strictures in my early diagnosis. I have had stomach bugs prior to dx and they now seem more like crohns flares. I have since had had one stomach virus and an intestinal bug. Vomiting alot or being dydrated isnt good for anyone. When I had...
  15. C

    Iron supplementation? - cast iron pans

    I don't fry even tho I I have two cast iron pans. I have a greenpan frying pan and through out all the non stick ones, they are toxic in high heat. It would explain why my husband is healthy as a horse, because he lived on a farm and used cast iron pans, stoves, lived off their own livestock...
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    How much fish do you eat

    Once a month or less if I can avoid it. My hubby loves it but I dont. ;)
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    Test question

    HI Caeryn, just wanted to let you know we haven't forgotten you, , I have no idea about the numbers, we here in Canada dont get those numbers unless you ask. Also very hard to get a full diagnosis for some. Took me over a year of almost weekly tests. :hang: there are some here who can help you!
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    New test for me, can you tell me what it is?

    Glad there is no apparent stricture, or narrowing, that is not a good sign. Yeah I remember they give you freezing for the throat and it was horrible and I spewed it right in the girls face....wasn't intentional.:whistleinnocently:
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    New test for me, can you tell me what it is?

    I had that test to finally find my diagnosis in a Toronto hospital, it escapes me which one. I was fully awake.. some put you out, but this was 20 years or so ago for me. Yes, not pleasant and the first time the put it into my lungs and pulled it out and started all over again. :(. Keep us...
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    How concerned should I be?

    I would get the Or at the very least Imodium and probiotics. Either way probiotics can help. Just dont even think of brushing your teeth with their water. I would suggest everything come from bottled water. Have a great trip!