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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    HELP - Newly Diagnosed with Crohns

    Hello fellow Canadian :welcome: Your story is much like mine, took a long time and all in my head. At least they gave you IBS... Imuran is not tolerated by everyone, me it went straight to my liver. Prednisone is usually a miracle drug that helps, but never made me nauseated. Maybe need to...
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    First Bowel Resection

    Hi Kate, I have had two resections, terminal ileum with the first surgery being exploratory to take out appendix. I have not had an ileostomy. It does depend on where the affected is and how much. Presurgery, not much you can do, but post take it slow and make sure you are ready to go home...
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    Went on our holiday, had my scope and heres the scoop......

    Glad you had a great trip! I agree with Rebecca, pred can make you feel good but scopes and long term don't benefit from it. I havent travelled far in over 10 years but I am next Sept and I am going to take some pred, dont care, just want to enjoy my trip~!
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    T Shirts for The Brits!

    Ha, you should of said "I play with a boy who plays music " :lol2:
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    When B12 shots are not working

    HI Jobell, I know all to well about not knowing your markers or level amounts, you have to ask and they have to tell you. It is your body and YOU need to know. I am on b12 shots and have had no problems and have had 2 resections. You may not be absorbing it. Try getting digestive enzymes...
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    First pain clinic today.

    Sounds like classic Crohns signs to me. Have you had a colonoscopy? You really need to be looked after, I think Asacol is not going to be enough and I would get it sorted quick because you could be headed for more painful problems. Try ginger or peppermint tea, it helps the nausea a bit. Keep...
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    First pain clinic today.

    Hey PVail some have had success with amitrptyline on the forum. Something is definately wrong, and I had your pain and all of that for a year of testing. It was my Gi who caught it but since the hospital he was in, the surgeon who did an appedectomy on me says it was all in my head. I got sent...
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    T Shirts for The Brits!

    I love them Joanie, bring me one when you come (of course I will send the money lol) Purple is for Crohns here in the Western hemisphere.
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    Getting rid of puss smell.

    Using a pad would be a good idea, no one knows and better than ruining your clothes. I am sure your gf can help you out there. They also absorb puss smells :lol: sorry had to do it. ;)
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    L glutamene Bowel healing?

    Keep us updated and let us know how you are feeling. Good luck ;)
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    1st apt with GI today left me hopeful

    I hate that when they suspect something that causes you to go in stress mode and scared and then they say no, it isnt that. Best to say nothing until proof is in the pudding so to speak. There will be more support coming, everyone is great here!! Hugs.
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    My Story/IBD and the Military

    :welcome: to the forum! You had a nasty was of getting dx's. I have the "there is nothing there it is all in your head".. Ya just wanna punch them out! I am glad you finally got an answer though. Some get easy diagnoses some take years. Not all meds work for everyone, sometimes you have to...
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    1st apt with GI today left me hopeful

    :welcome: kimmysue. First I would like to caution you NOT to take Aleve, or ibuprofen. They are bad for IBD sufferers and makes it worse. Second I had test after tests,for a year and there is no "set rules" for markers or bleeding, ct scans. Everyone is different. Always make sure your...
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    Drugs or Surgery

    I have tried vsl#3 but it is costly as we dont get prescriptions for it here in Canada. It does help a bit. Take one sachet a day and work up to the amount of your bms or what your doctor suggests. Taking more than one a day can cause a bit of bloat so just to warn ya. Good luck with it. :smile:
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    Taming the sweet tooth...

    I love clementines and when I get a craving I eat them. No seeds and chew well ;) enjoy!
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    My story

    :welcome: Swirl! It is typical to get a gp or gi and even surgeons to get the diagnosis wrong (god forbid they ever admit they are wrong!) I had a surgeon take out my appendix and said it was all in my head!!! What a goofball. My Gi believed in me as he figured crohns and after a year of tests...
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    When were you discharged home after laparoscopically assisted surgery?

    Hi Suvii :bigwave: I stayed in for week after 6-7 days because they put me in a week prior and post op because the pumped me full of antibiotics.. So glad they did because I was good for 8 years!!! Even tho it was laproscopic they wanted to make sure all infections were gone. Try not to worry...
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    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    Glad you found our forum, it would be great if you could give us more about your journey and do you have crohns or Colitis or IBD? :welcome:
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    All of you rock!

    I will have been here 3 years and I still learn alot. Yes this place rocks, and we all have our moments ;)
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    Drugs or Surgery

    Welcome Roadrunner :bigwave: I agree with Mike, this is not a fair decision..howeve surgery should be a last resort. In my opinion I think Remicade is the better suited than Humira even though I turned out allergic , many people found it gave them a decent life. If that doesnt do the trick...