My story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 19, 2012
Hi, I thought I would introduce myself and tell you my story so far.
Approx 4 years ago I began getting pains that felt like my period was going to start. I mentioned it to the nurse when having a routine smear, and she said that shouldn't be happening, and she advised me to see my GP. My GP sent me for an ultrasound scan, which came back clear. He then referred me to a gynecologist. By the time I got my appointment through the pain had become more severe. Anyway to try and keep this brief, after a few appointments and a couple of tests they decided they suspected endometriosis, and treated me for it for 6 months which didn't work. They eventually did a laparoscopy which showed my womb was fine!!
I was then referred to gastro. By this time I was taking huge doses of Tramadol for the pain, didn't touch the pain just left me severley constipated. First consultant didn't seem remotely interested, I asked to test me for H-Pylori as my sister had this bug. He did this rather reluctantly, but it came back negative. He then discharged me and said I had IBS and if I lost weight I should feel better!
So I went away and for the next few months tried all sorts of different antispasmodic drugs, but nothing worked and the pain was unbelievable. At this point my bowels worked quite normally most of the time, once I stopped taking Tramadol. I eventually went back to my GP and begged him to refer me back to gastro. He replied that I'd had all the tests and been discharged. I told him I had only one test so he re-referred me.
Next consultant seemed a bit put out that I had been re-referred but he sent me for a gastroscopy, which showed a hiatus hernia. When I went back for a follow up appointment I saw yet another consultant! But he was so nice, he actually listened to what I had to say. He did say though that the way I was describing the pain and where it was, that it must be something other than the hernia! So I had CT scan, then MRI and then a colonoscopy and they finally diagnosed crohns!! By this point I had lost 5 stone and could only eat very small amounts. Actual diagnosis was August 2010. I had a CT scan in November 2011 and I've been informed that I have a fibrostenotic section and was advised that I will probably need surgery. I was asked to try the Humira injections first because the rest of the crohns needs getting under control, becuase the Azathioprine and Pentasa wasn't working.
Hiya Shirl
and welcome

Your story made me smile, only cos it's a mirror image of mine!
I hope you don't have to have surgery, and hope you try other alternatives first, Humira sounds like a good start!
Check out our Humira Club section, lots of success stories in there, I know I wouldn't hesitate to try it given half the chance!
Good to have you here, lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Joan,
Thanks for the welcome. I've had my first loading dose of Humira and due my second this week. Along with 200mg Azathioprine, 4g Pentasa and 9mg Entecort a day. I'm hoping something works soon
:welcome: Swirl! It is typical to get a gp or gi and even surgeons to get the diagnosis wrong (god forbid they ever admit they are wrong!) I had a surgeon take out my appendix and said it was all in my head!!! What a goofball. My Gi believed in me as he figured crohns and after a year of tests I was threatening to go back to my gp when I was young. So off to Toronto Hospital and a teaching doctor nailed it and had an endoscopy and bowel follow through. I lost 40 lbs in 1.5 months and finally had surgery my bowels were so bad.

I am glad you stuck to your guns, and btw on my days are the worst pains. Humira is the milder of the tow biologics (in my case)but Remicade was a bad and horrid experience by the 3rd infusion. We are all different and just having support and company of other Crohnies helps alot,we know how you feel physically and emotionally.

Many Uk and others here to help you welcome aboard ;)
Wow Shirl, with that regime I'm sure it will work out, good luck! xxx
Hi Pen,
Thanks for the welcome. I've been reading the forum for a while and kept saying I will post my story, and tonight I finally got around to it lol. It is good to know there are so many people out there who actually do understand what you're going through. I am lucky too as with so many on here to have a fantastic and wonderful husband who supports me fully. I couldn't do it without him xxx
Hi Shirl and welcome to the forum :bigwave: It still disgusts me when I read about incompetant, arrogrant plonkers who pass themselves of as doctors (I am soooo thankful that I live near Addenbrooke's Hospital), I am pleased you evenutually got to the right one. Also glad that they are at least trying the Humira before putting you under the knife, keeping finges crossed that this improves things for you. Pleasr keep us updated how you are getting on.

NB Yay for the supportive hubby! I have one as well and it makes such a difference.
Hi Angrybird,
Thanks for the welcome. It really does make a difference to have a supportive husband. He's my rock xx

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