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  1. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    Thanks for the tip - i'll speak to my G.P tomorrow, I think proactive rather than reactvie is a better approach this time. No point waiting for me to be on the verge of collapse before they tackle things. I think my white bloods cells are outnumbered my red blood cells alot.
  2. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    Could the anxiety/insomnia from the steroids be actually triggering this because stress is my number one enemy from Crohn's
  3. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    I haven't taken iron for about 2 weeks because i'm afraid it will upset my stomach - i am trying to get it in my food, i am just afraid of how raw it is.
  4. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    Yes taking them early around 10am after i have lined the stomach. I might go to to see if there is a herbal sleep remedy i can take today in the health food shop. Yes I am frightened that i am going to loose my bowel too. I will have to start remicade i think - no other way around it. the...
  5. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    Thanks Aussie, my consultant has been considering the Infliximab treatment with me, but wanted to see if the steroids would help get it under control. Yes I think I will have to get the sleeping pills, if i don't sleep I am going to end up back to square one. I will contact him on Monday I...
  6. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    Hi Aussie I have been diagnosed with Crohn's but in the last few years i also have colitis. The prednisone is making me completely loopy as it is, it is a 40mg dose at the moment, i ain't sleeping a wink with it. when i lie down sometimes the room feels like spinning slightly, like that feeling...
  7. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    Hi guys I am having a bit of a major set back i think. I had some bleeding last night about 2 blobs. And then I woke up at 6 this morning with D and alot of rich blood in it. I can't understand it I am on 20 different things - 8 pentasa - 8 predisolone - 2 predfoam, 2 pentasa suppositories...
  8. K

    Migraine before Flare

    hey yes this happened to me couple a weeks ago, and i was in hospital the week later but my crohn's has been out of control for a while think it all came to head then. i was putting down to prednisolone as i got blurred vision before my migraine and i had just started taking it a few days...
  9. K

    Serious anxiety due to your condition!?

    i know that's where the time comes in i'm afraid you would have to try the next day without one of the bit of the meal but if you research flare food's you might find it easier to find the culpit! i couldn't believe things that i was eating thinking they be good, and turns out there were a...
  10. K

    Acne/Spotty Face

    Hey I had a similar problem but it was prednisolone that caused it. My doctor gave me a big jar of aqueous cream but another vaseline type cream underneath first (can't remember the name of it but its vaseline essentially). it certainly helped me but then again everyone is different.
  11. K

    Serious anxiety due to your condition!?

    know exactly what you are going through - it is hard to adjust alright - things like having that change of clothes just in case. when we are anxious, we make it worse, and the weakness part of us is always the part that will go, which for me is my stomach and then it is D all morning right up...
  12. K

    The Role of Mesalamine in Crohn's Disease

    I haven't had a lot of look with Pentasa either - the doctor changed it from Asacol because apparently he said asocol was for the colon only. But taking 2g twice daily made no difference and ended up back on steroids. I presented with symptoms in the small bowel originally but now its mostly...
  13. K

    Honey increases TNF

    hey guys I definitely have experience with manuka honey making me worse. I absolutely love it and used to take it for the healing properties thinking i was doing myself good and i it was expensive enough! but everytime i had an increase in bleeding, so i had to cut it out :(
  14. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    they weren't low enough that they had to give me a blood transfusion, it was 9 i think? so not dangerously low they said. they said once i start absorbing food again i should start to feel better. i wasn't really absorbing anything and then all the blood was not helping
  15. K

    Rectal inflamation

    also maybe take it an hour before you are due to get up - before you start having a BM, it is harder when you are up and around I find.
  16. K

    Help & Advice needed please.

    Hi Liam Just wondering if you have had all of your bloods checked recently? I was recently in hospiital, posted on another thread but a lot of my stuff was very low. I have been feeling a lot like you are - just think it should be something you need to look in to too.
  17. K

    Rectal inflamation

    hey ozboz i have been going through a similar dilemma - if you could just tolerate the first 2 times i know it is hard but it actuallly does get easier. I started mine a few days ago - i got a nurse to do the first one for me. If you are anxious about not being able to keep it in, lie on the...
  18. K

    Newly diagnosed

    hey Maximillion sorry you have been in so much pain. Hopefully when you start to build up a bit of strength and the meds kick in you will start to feel better. How did you get so bad, when did it start?
  19. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    down the otherside - Kerry :) think ye might have beat us in the football :wink:
  20. K

    How much bleeding is too much

    hey guys well ended up in hospital after that so I guess the bleeding was too much! last Friday at work i got awful bad bleeding, I was actually afraid I would not make it home, I commute 1 hour 30 to work everyday (something i'm thinking of knocking on the head). Turned out I was in pretty...