Migraine before Flare

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Mar 12, 2012
Hi everyone,

I am currently in the midst of a bad flare. The day right before this started I was hit with a terrible Migraine. This is the second time in a row that happened (Migraine one day, Flare starts the next).

Is this just a coincidence or has anyone else experienced this?

I am currently taking Humira and have been doing so for about a month and a half.

I experienced exactly the same last year when I had a very bad flare which ultimately lead to a temporary obstruction and then the need for a resection. The migraine at the start absolutely floored me, I literally could not get out of bed for a day due to the pain and nausea and then felt dazed for a couple of days afterwards.
hey yes this happened to me couple a weeks ago, and i was in hospital the week later but my crohn's has been out of control for a while think it all came to head then. i was putting down to prednisolone as i got blurred vision before my migraine and i had just started taking it a few days previously.
I, too, have gotten migraines before flare ups! Not always, but usually, the migraine signals the flare up is on its way. My theory, for what its worth, is that I get migraines when I am dehydrated and Crohns makes me dehydrated. In any case, hope you're feeling better soon.
What you all are saying is very interesting to me. Do your headaches continue or is it a migraine for a day?
I was diagnosed in June and have had terrible headaches everyday, some days like a migraine (which I never had before). I am on prednisone, imuran and humira. I went to my eye doctor and he said my eyes are fine. Could the headaches be side effect of the meds and/or the crohn's?
What you all are saying is very interesting to me. Do your headaches continue or is it a migraine for a day?
I was diagnosed in June and have had terrible headaches everyday, some days like a migraine (which I never had before). I am on prednisone, imuran and humira. I went to my eye doctor and he said my eyes are fine. Could the headaches be side effect of the meds and/or the crohn's?

From what I understand it could be a result of the meds, the crohns or both. You said it happens everyday.....is your Crohns bad everyday? If its not Im going to take a guess and say its a side effect of one of your meds. Talk to your doc.
What you all are saying is very interesting to me. Do your headaches continue or is it a migraine for a day?
I was diagnosed in June and have had terrible headaches everyday, some days like a migraine (which I never had before). I am on prednisone, imuran and humira. I went to my eye doctor and he said my eyes are fine. Could the headaches be side effect of the meds and/or the crohn's?

Oral steroids have migraine/blurred vision as one of the side effects. But I only got that in the first week - haven't had it since thank god.
Thanks Billk78 and karj,

I guess you could say I'm still going through my first flare. I got really ill in June and that's when the doc did the colonoscopy and diagnosed crohn's. I've been in pain in my gut and head ever since. I've told him about the headaches and he just thought it could be the crohn's or side effects. I was hoping that the meds would kick in and the headaches would go away too. Still optimistically waiting!
Amanda good luck. You may need to change your meds. But keep up to date with your doctor and let him/her know whats going on.
I too have migraines. I have noticed I get them more during flares and especially when I am on Predisone. They tend to come and go usually everyday or every other day. I tried taking Imitrex, a migraine drug, but it had a bad reaction mixing it with Prednisone. Now, the only thing that I have found that helps me is drinking lots of water and taking a Lortab. My doctor said the migraines are not related to Crohns...but I think they are very related to the drugs and dehydration that comes with Crohns. I think all my Crohns stuff triggers the migraines.