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  1. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    Saw his GI this morn. Hes resting now, has a stomach ache and a headache. Anyway the episodes of stomach pain and diarrhea he's been prescribed a med that dissolves under the tounge. I've actually been on it before and it helped me a lot, especially when I'd have bad stomach cramps. His GI said...
  2. lookame

    Babies & crohns

    Allamentum is what my son was put on. It's very expensive. He had bloody diapers at a month old.
  3. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    His gi said to wait on diet changes until we can meet with the allergist. The full elimination can be very difficult for kids and my son is prone to sneaking food if he really wants something. He sees the allergist next month and his GI later this month so I can discuss these episodes with him then.
  4. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    Yest he had more stomach pain and diarrhea. It was so bad he had an accident and was in and out of the bathroom 4 times in a hAlf hour. He said it hurt in the front and was stabbing pain. He was rolling around on the floor in pain. After he passed all the diarrhea though he was back to normal...
  5. lookame


    My symptoms of c-difficult were -really aweful watery diarrhea which turned to straight blood -feeling of constantly needing to go -I had feelings of not fully emptying my bowels -urgency so bad I had multiple accidents -left side pain (left side of my colon felt swollen and uncomfortable)...
  6. lookame

    Infantile Crohn's Disease

    My son had bloody diapers at a month old. It was before my crohns diagnosis so I never brought up crohns possibilty. He was said to have a milk protiens allergy and was put on allementum formula (which made him very sick, vometted a lot) he's had bloody stools off and on. He's 8 now and was...
  7. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    He has trouble explaining it but from what he says it's pain in his back and stomach. Sometimes he says it starts in his back and moves to his stomach. I'm not sure if its a crampy feeling though and he also can't articulate what type of feeling it is (whether it's achy, crampy, stabby ect) On...
  8. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    Well he's had 2 painful bm today. One was while we were eating lunch, I noticed he contorted his face, muttered "owe" then ran to the bathroom. The second time he was able to wait until we got home, but he still cred whilet he went. This just doesn't seem right to me. He's not constipated, he...
  9. lookame

    Undiagnosed child, with upcoming doctor's appointment- questions?

    Also kids tend to "run high" according to my son's GI. Anything under 100 he writes off.
  10. lookame

    Undiagnosed child, with upcoming doctor's appointment- questions?

    It depends on his GI. Most GI don't get super excited with values under 200. I'm not 100 percent sure but I think there are some viruses that can cause a level around 156. His GI might feel scopes are necessary with a FC of 156 or they may have you wait and test later. My son's FC was 136 and...
  11. lookame

    Undiagnosed child, with upcoming doctor's appointment- questions?

    FC shows there is inflammation somewhere in his digestive tract. It could be from a virus, long term nsaid use, ibd, or edig (my son's elevated FC is due to EE, a type of eosiniphilic disorder).
  12. lookame

    6yo daughter - management pre-diagnosis

    Hi! I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's always tough. First off I am 28 yrs old, diagnosed at age 22 but had symptoms in high school. I have moderate to severe crohns colitis (crohns disease located in my colon, rectum and anus). I'll speak for my expirience first. My pain is linked to...
  13. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    It's:30 am here...he woke up for a bm and it was painful. He was crying. When he has these middle of the night bm he also feels sick because they hurt him so bad. Greenish colored diarrhea :( He sees the allergist Aug 24th (the soonest appointment I could make) and has been on the steriods for...
  14. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    The eos cells in his lower GI I guess also confused the GI. He said he questioned the pathologist about it, especially since they skip the small bowel and beginning part of the colon. Path said to keep an eye and hope it clears up with ee treatment. I went with swallowed steriods since he said...
  15. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    Swallowed, he said its in an inhaler and instead of inhaling it he's supposed to swallow them
  16. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    Well we have little Z on a treatment plan. He suggested the steriods to get things under control and seeing an allergist to determine which allergens to eliminate. Then we scope in about 4 months. The eos cells in the duodenum and part of his colon they couldn't really explain. They are hoping...
  17. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    Yeah my insurance requires referrals, thankfully his pedi is on top of things and referrals only take a day to go through. I already have the referral to the allergist I just need to make an appoitment.
  18. lookame

    Blood in his stool this morn

    I went ahead aND asked his pedi for a referral to an allergist, his GI is very slow going. He seemed so on top of things when we first met, now it seems like little Z is low priority on his list. :(
  19. lookame

    Prometheus Test

    I've had this test a few times. My insurance covered it for my GI but not the next time. They sent me a letter saying they tried to appeal my insurance a few times and sent me the form to fill out for income based payment. There's always a residual $75 they said they can't wave even if you make $0.
  20. lookame

    Undiagnosed child, with upcoming doctor's appointment- questions?

    It's possible that he had a slight allergy to milk or an intolerance and once you removed the milk completly it allowed his body to produce antigens to it. When you gave him milk again it caused a bigger reaction. It's happened to my husband with shellfish. Also an allergy may not present as...