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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. crazycanuck

    New and need to vent

    Hi there welcome to the forums here. God I'm sorry for going through all that but I'm sure if you can make it through everything you have for over a decade then Crohn's will be under control in no time. I've never taken the drug your talking about and I'm not entirely sure about the spelling...
  2. crazycanuck

    When it rains, it pours.

    Well welcome to the forums and my god I can't say how awesome it is to see you in good spirits after all that in such a short time. Best of luck with the surgery but if you can make it through hearing about all that I'm sure the surgery will be a breeze. Best of luck with everything and see...
  3. crazycanuck


    Well I'm sorry for all the crap you had to go through but I'm glad to hear your doing well now. Hopefully you get all your weight back, although honestly I have no idea how much a stone weighs :P Best of luck and welcome to the forums!
  4. crazycanuck

    New and looking for support

    Hey there welcome to the forums. I too had a lengthy diagnosis and I know how frustrating that can be when doctors just won't listen. Pine Barrens is right the colonoscopy is by far one of the better ways to diagnosis this (along with biopsies which require the colonoscopy anyway). A lot of...
  5. crazycanuck

    GI Visit Today

    Well I had my first GI appointment in nearly a year thanks to the fact haven't had a need really. As my signature says I'm on Remicade and have been for a little more than a year now and she seems to be happy with that. I'm stopping Imuran now however as she didn't see the need. I've gained...
  6. crazycanuck

    Resection and College

    I'm with Jane on this. I'd strongly consider the semester off. In the big picture is a semester off going to seem like a lot when you have the rest of your life to work? After recovering you might find a job to save up some money before going back again and the stress free time might go a long...
  7. crazycanuck

    Finals and Crohn's just don't mix well

    Ahh me too. I've got two more to do. 9 am Saturday and 2 pm Monday. Then I'm done for 8 months until school the following fall :) I've been sickish the last week or so despite my Remicade infusion recently and that's all because of finals. I missed a bunch of class this year and I've got Human...
  8. crazycanuck

    Remicade and Creatine

    Not so true Rygon. Weights training is good for teens now although not over the top heavy but then again that's not healthy for anybody. I'd advise against Creatine anytime, never understood why the need is felt for it but stay away from that.
  9. crazycanuck

    Another canuck joins the group

    Hey there welcome to the forums here. That's one heck of a long time to just live with something like this. I can't help in the way of herbals but hope you get some relief soon and everything goes well for you.
  10. crazycanuck

    Who will help with paying for treatments A couple links directly from Remicade's website. Best of luck and I'm sure your son will do great.
  11. crazycanuck

    Recently diagnosed, starting meds, scared

    This is entirely just my opinion but id strongly consider staying on it through the holidays. I'm assuming like most people here there will be a big dinner or 2 and I'd hate for something to become extremely painful or become worse in the middle of holiday season when seeing a GI isn't always...
  12. crazycanuck


    I've been on Remicade a little over a year and I don't do any sort or prep or premeds at all for mine. I believe all Remicade infusion, centers have to be within a certain distance or here in BC a doctor has to be present in the same building as a precautionary thing. My first 3 infusions I...
  13. crazycanuck

    It's been a while...

    I started at this thread a while not really knowing that what to post. I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry. I too would take her down. I don't think there is any need for feeling over protective ever. I'm 20 and my mom still talks to my GI regularly.
  14. crazycanuck

    To school or not to school that is the question

    I guess I'll add to this too. I was diagnosed in grade 11 and am now finishing 1st semester of my 3rd year in university. if you saw me counting backwards to exactly what grade on my fingers just there you probably wouldn't know it Hahaha. Anyway I missed a lot of school in my senior years...
  15. crazycanuck

    Diagnosed Today

    Welcome to the forums and I'm sorry but happy for your diagnoses Now you get the chance to get started on feeling better finally and get on with life again. Be sure to weigh all your options carefully and make sure you ask a ton of questions. Remember doctors are there to help you and you do...
  16. crazycanuck

    Are meds the only answer?

    I agree with Handle a lot there. I have been on Imuran for a while now and with no real side effects from it. You'll have a lot of blood work done and you increase it over time which only adds to the safety of its use. My disease apparently got worse (according to my new GI) because of poor...
  17. crazycanuck

    Taking Advantage?

    After more than 2 years reading on here I've never seen that side of you before :shifty: Although I think a bit harsh Astra is right that employers aren't going to take to kindly to that work ethic. When you have a client spending millions on a construction project (which may be reality for you...
  18. crazycanuck

    Hi, new and unsure!

    Hey there sorry for Bailey's troubles. I'd say that the blood tests and stool samples can only do so much and you need to see a GI doc instead. A lot of people see nothing abnormal in the blood and stool sample tests, as in me, and was diagnosed by colonoscopy. Best of luck with figuring out...
  19. crazycanuck

    Recently diagnosed, starting meds, scared

    Hey there. Welcome to the forums here. I've been on Budesonide and it's designed as a fairly short to medium term drug to help you get things under control quickly...likely for the holidays. If I were you I'd think about what if you didn't get the diagnosis or treatment so quickly and you had...
  20. crazycanuck

    New to the Forum...And need advise!

    Hey there welcome to the forums. I'm on Remicade at the moment and it literally changed my life. I'm a huge advocate for its use and have nothing but good things to say about it from my experiences. And if that's not enough there is always exclusive access to the Remicade Club here on...