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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. crazycanuck

    Food tolerances

    Good thing your tolerating most foods. I can eat almost literally anything now unless I flare which has happened once in the year and a bit I've been on Remicade. I went to Mexico a week after my first infusion and I ate more that week than I had in the previous 2 or 3 months (which was a huge...
  2. crazycanuck

    Remicade process Alberta Canada

    Oh that's very lucky. 7x airmiles too? Because Pharmacare BC pays all $3956 of mine I'm not allowed to claim Air Miles or Save-on More points. For some reason Pharmacare won't let us claim rewards points off their funding :( There is a petition going around to change it :lol:
  3. crazycanuck

    Question about lifting weights

    Good for you for getting back into it. I started doing this recently as well. Mr. Izzy is entirely correct and those certifications he's got are what I'm going through in a year or so with my schooling and this is something we talk about a fair bit. I completely agree with the 12-15 reps...
  4. crazycanuck

    Freaking out - help

    Hey there I guess I'm a little late to the discussion here but I'm glad your first one went well for you. I'm actually sitting at my Remicade infusion typing this and it's almost a year to the date. I started September 27th last year and I can honestly say it's changed my life. It's easy to...
  5. crazycanuck


    Welcome to the forums here and sorry for the struggles lately. Check out the food section on here and the wiki as I believe both will have some information for you. I'm on the "Eat what I feel like and deal with it later" diet right now so I don't have much help for you there unfortunately...
  6. crazycanuck

    Do you have a job and have Crohns?

    Everybody is different and it's entirely possible you can work with Crohn's. I work part time during school 3 days a week and school 2 and then full time at work on breaks (summer, reading break, Christmas...)
  7. crazycanuck

    Omg so excited

    Wow congrats! Best of luck with it and I'm sure it will all go well for you as it did with Ziggy.
  8. crazycanuck

    Clear me out.

    I did mine with lemonade because of how strong it is. Really helped, my first prep I did no mixing and my god I almost puked out my intestines instead of well you know the other way :shifty: Edit: Which prep are you doing? Do you have a big gallon jug to drink or two smaller bottles? or...
  9. crazycanuck

    Stomach Ulcers with Crohn's Disease

    Yeah please do go see somebody. My Crohn's is worse because I was on the wrong medication (asacol) for 2 years. Asacol only targets one region of your bowels and that's why when your doctor found the ulcers in your stomach he switched drugs because Asacol wouldn't work for stomach ulcers. My...
  10. crazycanuck

    Do you feel worse in the morning?

    I'm always more sick in the morning. Takes about 15 minutes or half an hour for it to hit but when it does... Even though I have been feeling great with Remicade I still get it in the morning.
  11. crazycanuck

    Should I switch GIs?

    Yep I'm in agreement with the 2 above. I'd give the new GI a shot and see what he is like. Ask lots of questions just to get an idea of their views on things and see where you go from there.
  12. crazycanuck

    Reaction to food

    Well it is great that your doing better but I strongly caution against completely cutting out anything. Competely cutting out sugars can be quite dangerous. Your body uses sugar for everything and by completely cutting it out your forcing it to make it from other materials in your body...
  13. crazycanuck

    Cure for crohns...?

    Hmmmm... I have a hard time with that. As far as I understand the MAP bacteria is being held responsible for causing Crohn's? Is that correct? If we assume he is right about that then why in the heck does everybody who drinks a lot of milk not have Crohn's? I've been drinking from the same jugs...
  14. crazycanuck

    Diagnosed after 30 years

    Well sorry for your troubles of late but welcome to the forums and I hope relief comes quick so you can get back to the comfort of your home.
  15. crazycanuck

    I have been having non stop stomach rumbling / gurgling in my stomach

    Could be. But you should also note my girlfriend has a problem with popping and gurgling sounds quite often after eating and always after milk and she only goes to the bathroom every other day...
  16. crazycanuck

    My Butt Hole Hurts. What is it?

    Well I see now that you went to the doctor and your all good but I have a majorlly affected area near the end and I get a lot of bleeding and a lot of pain back there because of it.
  17. crazycanuck

    My tummy hurts

    I seem to have migrating pain. I can feel it all over and its really hard to pinpoint an area that hurts. I do quite often though get pains in the middle of my stomach and to the best of my knowledge I'm as normal as I can be for somebody with Crohn's. Would be something to ask your doctor...
  18. crazycanuck

    Some Questions . . .

    Well I'll agree with the previous two posts. Not a clue about the acid reflux, GERD thing though. Definately people can have Crohn's without symptoms and actually I met one guy who was sick one time. Asacol is the only medication he has taken and hasn't had a flare since he was diagnosed about...
  19. crazycanuck

    Daughter age 11-severe Crohn's

    I too am glad she is getting better now. I really feel for the parents on these forums as I remember what my mom went through after my diagnosis. I'm sorry you and your daughter have to go through it but it sounds like things are going well now which is great and I hope she continues with that...
  20. crazycanuck

    Ibuprofen damage or Crohn's?

    Hey there. I too was diagnosed at 16 while playing a ton of hockey. I was playing 5 to 6 times a week when I was diagnosed. I too took a ton of ibuprofen for aches and pains as I don't think a season could go by without it. I for sure was diagnosed with Crohn's though which was proven with...