I have been having non stop stomach rumbling / gurgling in my stomach

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May 31, 2011
i have been having non stop stomach rumbling / gurgling in my stomach

i have been having non stop stomach rumbling / gurgling in my stomach to i dont know if i have crohn's or not but i have non stop stomach rumbling / gurgling its when i eat or drink anything and i have stomach pain with it to please help could that also be a sign of crohn's?
Pain is a common symptom for IBD. A lot of people talk about noise on here. Its sounds possible that since pain is associated with the loud noises that there could be some sort of narrowing happening. Its something I would have checked out by a GI. I really do hope you'll be able to see someone soon and get your condition whatever it may be under control.
Could be. But you should also note my girlfriend has a problem with popping and gurgling sounds quite often after eating and always after milk and she only goes to the bathroom every other day...
This drives me insane. I'm in class right now and my stomach is going off. It's embarrassing haha. I know people hear it, but they decide to ignore it. Croooooohhhhhnnnnnnsss

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