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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    Acupuncture and Crohn's

    Seen as though I've had no real guidance in how to treat my condition after I left hospital, I'm pretty much open to new things. I mean, I have the painkillers, but I've heard good things about Acupuncture calming the tensions of the body. Stress, I truly believe, does contribute to the amount...
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    Bile in stomach?

    Yes, I think it's a Crohn's thing. I had plenty of bile in my stomach during my four-month stint in hospital. It kept vomiting regularly, and had to have it drained via a tube in my nose.
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    How Many Times Do You Excrete a Day?

    Do you guys think there is a psychological aspect to going regularly, also? I mean, I can sometimes go all day without rushing to the toilet if I'm in the company of another, and/or outside. I find it difficult to get anything out at all in other people's/public toilets. But as soon as I'm alone...
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    Blisters/Burns/Boils on the skin?

    They are no where near that big. Though, I am quite worried now that I've seen those pics. Urgh. They look like scars more than anything. You know, like grazes, that you get when you fall. They don't look serious, and aren't painful, but they've been there for a very long time, which is...
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    How Many Times Do You Excrete a Day?

    Yes, the morning is definitely the worst time. But then it's pretty much after I eat.
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    How Many Times Do You Excrete a Day?

    My morbid curiosity has begged me to ask this question. So, everyone, what's your response? I go 5-6 times a day. Is that 'normal' for a Crohn's/Colitis patient?
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    Blisters/Burns/Boils on the skin?

    I know that prior to my Crohn's getting really bad last year I suffered a lot of mouth ulcers and had to have two operations to sort things out. Recently, though, post-op, I have noticed a couple of "burn-like" marks in various areas of my skin. Has anyone else experienced anything similar to...
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    Helminthic Therapy?

    Has anyone heard of/used this? I've only recently discovered it. I am quite intrigued, if a little grossed out...
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    Viagra as a treatment for Crohn's?

    Ha ha. That's great!
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    Coughing up bile, coughing, chest fluttering.

    Relating to my own experiences, I was really ill when I was in the process of coughing up bile. They had to put a tube down my nose just to get rid of it. In other words, the bile coming up can't be a good sign. Dingbat and Nancy are right -- call your doctor right away.
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    Got a Crohn's/Colitis Story to Tell?

    Thank you, 'Shadycat'! If you ever fancy submitting something, please do get in touch! All the best.
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    Got a Crohn's/Colitis Story to Tell?

    I have created an online activist group dedicated to raising awareness and providing support to patients, family members, and friends with Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and other types of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Jennifer Santiago is the latest person to submit, with her poem...
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    First stool after ileostomy reversal

    So, yeah, some of you may know that I went for an ileostomy-reversal last week. I got out today and am pleased to annouced that I had my first, solid poo in over a year :) I am so happy. Please, everyone, praise my butt with me :D
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    Away for Crohn's Op Number Three!

    Much love, guys! And oh yes, definitely, what I'm most anticipating most is being able to use my back-door again! :D Speak soon, hopefully x
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    Away for Crohn's Op Number Three!

    Just to let everyone know that I will be going back to hospital on Sun 20th September to have my ileostomy reversed. All being well, I should be out of there after two weeks! I'm quite nervous considering the mess I got into last time I was in hospital, but I'm also anticipating having this bag...
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    Venting my Frustrations

    I'm going to pull the two bosses aside and have a word with them on Saturday I think, Shantel. Thanks for the advice :)
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    Venting my Frustrations

    Thing is, Beth, this op was supposed to happen four months ago. When I went in for pre-operative testing, the doctors told me it would be another 3-4 months before anything would happen. So they gave me the all clear 'til then to get a job. It's only been a month and I get this letter. I did...
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    Venting my Frustrations

    I don't really want to keep the bag, but I don't want to end up back at square one either (unemployed, having on money, and being low on confidence). Bit of a dilemma really.
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    Yo adrian, I did it!!

    Congrats, Jerman. I've too started a new job, after been ill for such a long time. It certainly does feel good to be back in the 'real world'!