Yo adrian, I did it!!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 27, 2009
Hi everyone,

Well, I made it through my first two days at the job and have done really well!!!
I have had a little bit of pain but nothing big- like a 5 or 6 out of 10 but it didn't last long. I didn't eat at all today until I got home at 5 because Mr. Belly was a bit out of sorts.

I feel sooooo good about being back in the game. I absolutely love working with people with challenges (physical and cognitive) and assisting them with finding work they like and can do!

I know that I still have more battles ahead with whatever this illness is, but for now I won a round. I knew that i missed it but didn't realize how much. So put your arms in the air for the mighty jerman!:ylol2: :ylol2: :ylol2:

Thanks to all of my friends on here and to all who have listened to the rants and offered support, prayers & just positive energy. You have helped me to keep my sanity and my will intact. you guys and gals rock!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
good for 4 u man. Proud.
You can always ask to have a fentanyl patch on. No pain for me as i keep a tolerated level.

It "helps" my appetite only because i have been in pain my whole life.. so it works.
:ywow: You deserve so many little faces on this one!!!

:congratualtions: I was so happy for you yesterday when you said that you made it through the first day :) but two days in a row is great! :D

:thumright: :thumleft: Two thumbs up!!

You tell whatever this thing is :kissgrits: because you're not going to let it :ybatty: you down!

:applause: :applause: :applause: Three cheers for Jerman!!!


And no, Jerman - YOU :headbang:
Congratulations! Sometimes just being busy and not having the time to think that you may have a disease can make a difference. Now lets start stringing good days together!
Santos61198 said:
:ywow: You deserve so many little faces on this one!!!

:congratualtions: I was so happy for you yesterday when you said that you made it through the first day :) but two days in a row is great! :D

:thumright: :thumleft: Two thumbs up!!

You tell whatever this thing is :kissgrits: because you're not going to let it :ybatty: you down!

:applause: :applause: :applause: Three cheers for Jerman!!!


And no, Jerman - YOU :headbang:

Ris, thank you soo much! you are like my little bitty limeheaded cyber sista! :mademyday:
Thank you all for the words of support! If I ever hit the lottery I am totally flying you all out to Jermanland for a crohnie conference, with beer, strippers and firetrucks! (movie quote -tom hanks -bachelor party).

Today was a bit tougher, some impressive pain around 2pm, maybe a 7 out of 10. Oddly enough those symptoms i mentioned a few posts back were strong. I had a lot of trouble with my eyes focusing to read case files, its like i try to focus and the words just fog up. Also the hand tremor was wicked today. I was tempted to just draw a face on it and start to introduce him as Pepe' the epileptic frenchman! (he's an old family friend :ylol2: :ylol2: )

Also kind of a kool ego booster today. Almost the whole company is staffed with women, I am the 2nd guy in the whole place and being the new guy am a bit of a novelty. I caught one of the women looking at me bum!! I had to laugh to myself as i thought "beware young strumpet for I am afflicted with the bubonic buttocks plague!! :eek: :eek2: :devil: :lol2: :lol2:
Santos61198 said:
You're my cybro :D

I was going to say I'm your cysta, but that has cyst in it... IDK :ylol2:
:roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim: :roflanim:
Shantel said:
If they only knew, if they only knew!!!

Dude....you must make it through this week ok??? Two more days!

Got to do it, have too much riding not to keep fighting! :emot-dance:
Had a tough one today, had a big staff meeting people brought in all kinds of food but I couldn't have any because my tummy was feeling really painful. I also had more trouble with the hand tremor (was actually dropping stuff today-pen, cell phone), and the vision was really rough.. When I was trying to focus in on who was speaking in the meeting, my vision got fuzzy then doubled and it was like I was seeing the person's image layered over itself. My pain in my stomach was a solid 8 out of ten. It really sucked!! I didn't eat anything until I got home because at home I can deal with the consequences without starting any Mr. Rottenass gossip.
Hurting pretty bad, sent an email to the boston doc. I have the appointment with the oncology department in the middle of Sept. maybe they can do the pill cam the same day. I am trying so hard, to beat this. I don't know if i already said this but I got more test results back and the only thing out of whack is my white blood cell count-which of course is high. That has been consistent right from the first test, so what the hell does it mean? I gotta get a grip on this thing. What should i do?:puke_r: :pale:
Thanks Shantel, Yes it is from the meds, i kinda forgot to mention that. I am on bentyl and nortryptaline for the stomach pain and spasms. they have helped soooo much with the pain, if u check out earlier posts, i was REALLY a train wreck early on. I was in constant pain back then and was eating pain pills like there were m & m's, with almost no effect on the pain. When my belly spasms you can actually see it from the outside.
Oh damn! First I've read this...so sorry !!

The week started out SO good! This week will be better hopefully and the doc better help!

Well you done good and let those young vixens dream about your bum! Lol! We'll never tell ;). Good luck this week and keep us posted!

You can do it! I hope your pain takes it easy on you. Here's hoping dear!
Haha that's funny. I just watched Rocky Balboa (last Rocky movie... so far...) and the whole time, I thought of you, Jerman LOL
Hey Ris and Benson thanks for the Rocky references lol. Things are going fairly well. I like the new job a great deal and the staff seem to be very kind and competent. A few of them also seem to have a passion for the work which is the type of staff I love to have! I feel if someone really has a love of working with people with challenges and gets the whole picture in terms of maintaining dignity and respect while achieving the highest level of independence they are able to do.

I have had a couple of rough days in terms of pain and am pretty much not eating until I get home at night, but I am hanging tough and doing the very best I am able.
Tonight for some reason I am hurting like a sumbich (as Ris & Farm would say) but I am still standing!

This coming Monday is the appointment with the oncology dept up in Beantown. I am a bit anxious about this but it is what it is....
Lisa5326 said:
Oh damn! First I've read this...so sorry !!

The week started out SO good! This week will be better hopefully and the doc better help!

Well you done good and let those young vixens dream about your bum! Lol! We'll never tell ;). Good luck this week and keep us posted!

You can do it! I hope your pain takes it easy on you. Here's hoping dear!

Thanks Lisa, I have really gotten a kick out of those young bum watchers. :ycool:
Nothing at all wrong with a little self confidence booster right?
Congrats, Jerman. I've too started a new job, after been ill for such a long time. It certainly does feel good to be back in the 'real world'!
Hey Ataraxia,

Congratulations on getting back in the rat race, I am sorry for the delay in responding, got a little bogged down. How is the job going? What do you do for work? How is your energy level? I hope it is going really well for you.


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