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  1. Jenn

    Newbie looking for insight re: Humira & Methotrexate

    Starting Humira right away will keep her in remission after stopping Remicade. A scope now should look good and won't tell you much. Going unmedicated, the disease will resurface eventually, and usually silently. You could talk to the doctor about postponing MTX for awhile, to see how it goes...
  2. Jenn

    Social Media- How much to share?

    I don't post details but I also keep a tight list of who actually sees anything. In general, we are open about my son's Crohn's, for general awareness and just matter of fact.
  3. Jenn

    Another kid switching to Remicade

    Yep, we've all felt the same way, it's so hard, but can be so worth it. And better sooner than later, we waited until a new fistula and abscess formed. Hope it works great for your son!
  4. Jenn

    Another Surgery

    My son had IV cipro/flagyl combo for 8 weeks without issue and it worked to clear a fistula and abscess. he started on Remicade near the end of it too.
  5. Jenn

    New to this

    8 weeks is the usual schedule after loading doses. I'd ask to have him tested for antibodies to the Remicade. My son's stomach started hurting when he built antibodies and we had to switch to Humira.
  6. Jenn

    Hello Influenza!

    My son got the flu a couple years ago, despite the flu vaccine. Had a 104 fever and triggered an asthma attack and ER visit overnight. He got Tamiflu and it really shortened the duration for him. Seemingly no impact with his Crohns or Humira.
  7. Jenn

    Severe abdominal pain

    My son had bad stomach pain when Remicade started failing for him. Maybe have her tested for antibodies to Humira. Can you delay/skip her next dose? Best of luck.
  8. Jenn

    Bad odors

    I do my son's laundry and it had a rank smell til his meds were working well. I notice it sometimes, either from stress or a flare.
  9. Jenn

    Need Experienced Parents Advice for Treatment Options

    I don't think EEN is a realistic permanent solution. Humira works for my son but it is painful. Usually, insurance approves Humira only after Remicade fails, but because of the distance involved for you, you might be able to get around that.
  10. Jenn


    Could be IBD, medication, puberty, or allergies! My son got headaches on Remicade too, but still gets some whopper headaches occasionally too. Maybe limit the screen time and/or encourage breaks for the eye strain. And agree with watching for dehydration. Worth mentioning to the pediatrician...
  11. Jenn

    Thoughts on Imuran with Humira and cancer

    Terrifying, yes, but the risk is really very unlikely. My son had a year with 6mp and Humira and it did the trick. Best of luck!
  12. Jenn

    Rejected Humira, Low prealbumin.. Help!

    My son had stubbornly low protein levels (albumin) until 6mp was added to his Humira for about a year. It only came up with successful treatment, no amount of supplementation helped. I would think Cimzia or maybe Stelara would be the next choice, since the antibodies are there. Good luck!
  13. Jenn

    Sticky Paediatric IBD - Articles and Research

    fight against c-diff article:
  14. Jenn

    Getting kids to eat drink stuff they despise

    My son was super picky too. Ensure is too thick. My son liked Nestle's Resource Breeze, it's more of a fruit juice, but he got sick of it quickly too. Honestly, his appetite and pickiness didn't improve until his meds made him feel better.
  15. Jenn

    Decisions about Remicade (and more tests?)

    Yes, it's so overwhelming, so sorry. I hope Remicade gets him feeling better. It's an amazing medication. You probably need a TB test before starting it too. The hip/pelvis bone density scan is routine: IBD affects nutritional absorption, so they want to see if there's any impact to bone...
  16. Jenn

    Changes with Remicade

    It'd be worth checking for antibodies, if that's not normally done in his bloodwork. Has anything else changed recently - diet/stress, other symptoms of a flare?
  17. Jenn

    MRE vs. small bowel follow through

    My son barely drank half of the solution, but it was enough. He had 2 MREs done, one to dx the fistula and one to see it closed after IV antibiotics. Early on with dx, he had the small bowel one, essentially a video xray, MRE is better detail. Good luck!
  18. Jenn

    Just back from 1st appt.

    Colonoscopy with biopsy is necessary for dx. The prep is the hardest part. Best of luck it's not IBD. Remicade is often used first now, the "top-down" approach, especially for kids to get quick remission for growth, and to postpone possible complications over their lifetimes. It's not...
  19. Jenn

    Much Ado About Nothing! eh!

    I had the cauterization done at about age 15 and it worked. Hurt like hell. I still get occasional nosebleeds though, not nearly so severe. It helps to use Aquaphor lip repair daily.
  20. Jenn

    I think my son has crohns...advice please

    Welcome and sorry to hear of your son. Hopefully diagnosis or ruling everything out will be a quick process for you. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do while you wait. You could try some diet modifications like lactose-free milk, bland foods, lower fiber. The Ensure shakes are great...