Severe abdominal pain

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Sep 2, 2014
My daughter has Crohn's, she was diagnosed about 9 months ago so we are still very new at all this and trying to learn. She is having increased abdominal pain, it is quite severe. Stomach pain is the main symptom she has with Crohns. She is currently on Imuran, Apriso and Humira. I called the doctor yesterday to see what else we can do cause my daughter says she cant take the pain any longer. She is not on a special diet as it dont seem to matter what she eats her stomach hurts. She wakes up miserable in the morning when she hasn't ate for several hours. I am not sure what to do....Our regular doctor is out of town so the nurse was talking to a different doctor yeseterday and said she would get back to me.They still haven't called back and I called and left another message about and hour ago. Any suggestions??
Have you tried a heating pad or rice bag?

I am not very familiar with obstructions (Knock wood) but is she having bowel movements and / or passing gas? Any vomitting?

I would call again before they throw their phones on service and when they offer to call back say, "no thanks I'll hold"

Sorry for the endless edits but I keep getting thrown out of my message...maybe also call the ped and see if there is any type of stomach bug thing going around that would be causing the aches.
if the pain is severe I would be heading to emergency. severe pain is my daughter only sign of a crohn's flare.
I also agree with Catherine. Go to the ER.

I hope she starts feeling better soon.
Finally herd back yesterday from the nurse and they are having us change her diet to low residue to see if it helps. She is still having bowel movements, no vommiting but gets very nauseated. Pain is still the same. The nurse always asks if she has a tempature (i am not sure why) so yesterday I checked it and it was 99.8 so I told her and all they said was take tylenol for it. I am begining to think it might be side effects from the humira. If things don't improve soon we will be headed to the hospital. Thanks everyone for your advice!!
FWIW our doctor considers 100.7 and above a fever. My girl tends to run low, so for her I consider a fever to be 99.9 and above. A temp at 99.8 doesn't really require Tylenol, but it may help with the stomach pains. If it doesn't, the ER will be able to give something stronger. We have used Tramadol and Morphine to help with pain.
She just took her temp today and its 100.2, so shes taking tylenol. I am not sure what a fever with crohns means. Do I need to call the nurse and tell her what it is today or wait and see if the tylenol brings it down. Yesterday she said they consider anything above noraml a fever. In my mind 100.2 is not much to get excited about but I am not sure if with crohns it means something else.
Our docs rule with fever is: any fever for three days call..fevers of 101 call.

Since you are new to the disease and the GI and it is Friday (don't want huge issues a rising over the weekend), I would call. It hasn't raised that much but it is on the rise and especially if it is rising with the use of Tylenol I would call.
Not being able to control my children's pain at home has always been the prompt to go to
hospital. Where is your daughter's Crohns located?

One thing to bear in mind about fever, since she is on immunosuppressants they can mask a fever and therefore be disguising the full picture.

I personally think something needs to be done now. Bloods for a start including inflammatory markers, scanning to rule in or out any complications and pain management.

Good luck you and your lass and I so hope things settle for her soon. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Her crhons involves her ic valve, cecum/proximal descending colon and rectum, if I understand correctly, but the last note from the specialist just says seh has crohn s colitis sparing portions of the transverse colon.
I didn't realize the immunosuppressants can mask a fever. Good to know.
She is due for blood work next week but I will definately ask the nurse when they call back if blood work should be done now.
On a good note she said her stomach still hurts but not a severe as yesterday.. :)
Again thank you all very much for all your help and suggestions.
You might want to check her temp at various times of the day too. When my son first got sick, he would have a very low grade temp in the morning, which crept up as the day went on. This was happening daily and was accompanied by night sweats. It was an indicator of the inflammation that was raging in his small intestine.
ok, I will do that. She does get night sweats sometimes. This is all so confusing. Alot of the meds say they can cause these symptoms also, so I am not sure if its a flare up or medication related.
I still haven't herd back from the specialist so her primary doctor ordered labs on her and her temp was normal at the doctors office. Now just waiting to see how her labs look.
My son had bad stomach pain when Remicade started failing for him. Maybe have her tested for antibodies to Humira. Can you delay/skip her next dose? Best of luck.
I'm 42 and was diagnosed with Crohns this summer. My oy complaint was intense abdominal pain. Currently on budesonide and Lialda. Combination of meds and diet has given me relief. I eliminated most dairy and all grains. Using the Paleo and SCD diets as a guide. A true game changer for me.
Hope she can get relief soon!
She is doing better, abdominal pain is much better. She is doing a low residue diet and no dairy. She has a follow up with her specialist in the 11. Can't wait to see what she says.