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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. DougUte

    Ibd symptoms

    I agree with scottsma. Go see a doctor.
  2. DougUte

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hi! Where is everyone? About 2 months ago I was put on Budesonide to stop a flare. Since then my blood sugar has raised quite a bit. This morning my fasting blood sugar was 197, and that has happened quite often. Today I found on the internet that diabetics should not take budesonide. Could that...
  3. DougUte

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Hello erwinrosen. Welcome. Like scottsma I am also careful about diet. I have Crohn's and Diabetes. Luckily limiting carbs can help with both diseases. I also do not eat many vegtables, because the fiber can cause problems. I take Loperamide 4 capsules a day (my prescription calls for 6...
  4. DougUte

    My disability claim was denied. Advice?

    Chadj162 What country are you in? The process is different in the U.S. vs United Kingdom, etc.. In the U.S., Crohn's disease is not considered an automatic disability. (It should be as far as I'm concerned.) So I am not surprised that you got denied the first time. What I would do is find a...
  5. DougUte

    Humira Club Support Group

    Humira can take a few months to get going. Just ride it out. The Budesonide should take care of the immediate issues while Humira is building up in your system.
  6. DougUte

    Intestinal Blockage / Obstruction Support Group

    Hi Dana. Just so you know, the colonoscopy preps have got better since 2012. They still are not anything the normal person would enjoy drinking, but better than the old prep in used a few years ago. Hopefully the colonoscopy and the other tests will find what is going on. I had a surgery in...
  7. DougUte

    Intestinal Blockage / Obstruction Support Group

    If the voicemail game is still being done, I would probably go into an ER that takes your insurance. No reason to go through life with the pain of an obstruction. Been there, done that.
  8. DougUte

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    I also think fistulas need to be attended to. 3 confirmed fistulas is a lot at one time and they can cause major damage if not attended to.
  9. DougUte

    Treatment for fistula in ano

    I have never heard of VAAFT either. But I have never had an Anal fistula either. I pray things go well for you. I googled VAAFT and found this website. Apparently the surgery is still in the stage where it is being studied.
  10. DougUte

    Hi :)

    Brittany, this is the best place on the internet for IBD support. It really is. Be glad of the diagnosis. I went through about 20 years of not knowing, then 6 years of being told I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It was an ER doc who told me I have Crohn's. Your story reminds me of my own history...
  11. DougUte

    Hello everyone! I'm new here. However, I'm definitely not new to Crohn's Disease!

    :welcome: I also am no longer intact, but with my surgery they played Humpty Dumpty and put me back together again, instead of a colostomy. I hope things start going better for you soon.
  12. DougUte

    Crohn's is back;now what?

    Hi SusanB. I personally would hate to be off my Humira at this point. That drug, along with my resection 5 1/2 years ago has brought me around. I have had a flare in the last couple of months and my GI put me on budesonide for 2 months. I would recommend checking into meds if I were you.
  13. DougUte

    Humira Club Support Group

    Just make sure that the liquid is clear. It it is not clear, then call your pharmacy.
  14. DougUte

    Humira Club Support Group

    Give Humira some time. It can take time to get started on the Crohns.
  15. DougUte

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Wow. That is quite the list CarolinAlaska. Somebody so young dealing with all that. Hugs.
  16. DougUte

    Humira Club Support Group

    They have put me on budesonide for this flare. So far no changes to the Humira. The PA thinks the flare would be worse if it was not for the Humira. Will see how well the budesonide helps.
  17. DougUte

    Traveling with Crohn's

    I don't have any advice in regards to traveling to 3rd World countries. But I wanted to tag Madhu. Her husband is on Remicade and they currently are on a trip to India. She might be able to give some advice.
  18. DougUte

    Crohn and allergy

    I use to have severe seasonal allergies - hay fever. I was not told of a tie to Crohn's, but after I had my resection, my allergies went away. I am convinced the surgery, which was 5+ years ago, cured my allergies. I am sure there is a relationship there.
  19. DougUte

    Need advice

    This is a great battle in the G.I. world, should you treat in a "bottom up" vs a "top down" method. The "bottom up" theory is that you try to control the disease with the most mild medication possible. Since this method usually means least expensive treatments first, the insurance companies will...
  20. DougUte

    Amoebiasis misdiagnosed as UC?

    You might want to look at the Ulcerative Colitis forum.