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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. DJW


    It could be caused by a number of different things. I'd suggest calling the doctor. If you're flaring it could still be dehydration even if you're drinking lots. You could also be anemic or deficient in something. Hope you feel better soon.
  2. DJW

    I need to scream a little.

    Hi CanadianChronie, No need to apologize. This disease can take a huge toll on us both physically and medically. Sending you my support. Edit: may I ask why you don't want to take the medication? I understand if it's not something you want to discuss right now.
  3. DJW

    Problems with leaking bag....

    Hi and welcome. I don't think it will. Are you using a convex waffer? Have you talked to a stoma nurse?
  4. DJW

    Waiting to be diagnosed......any advice appreciated. Help!

    Crohn's can effect any area of the digestive system from mouth to anus. Just because a colonoscopy is clear doesn't mean it's not farther up your GI tract.
  5. DJW

    Waiting to be diagnosed......any advice appreciated. Help!

    I was actually diagnosed with a sigmoidoscopy and biopsies. Further investigation revealed a lot more disease activity .
  6. DJW

    Waiting to be diagnosed......any advice appreciated. Help!

    Hi and welcome. I'm glad to hear you've pushed to get more testing. Has the doctor run blood tests to check iron, B12, vitamin D, and inflammation markers? When I was first diagnosed I had many of those same symptoms. My recommendation is to keep a journal of symptoms, food eaten and...
  7. DJW

    My body hates me

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. You deserve a brake.
  8. DJW

    Do biologics help you eat normally?

    Good question. I'm on Remicade and still avoid raw veggies. Biological meds will bring you into remission, helping to prevent surgery. That remission may also mean you can eat more without issues. Sorry I can't give you a difinitive answer. I think their will be some trial and error as you...
  9. DJW

    Coping with cringe worthy moments

    You could try turning on the fan, running the water to start, or flushing when you go. After Eridon said...getting to a point where you don't give a crap. That usually comes with time.
  10. DJW

    Blood in urine and extreme nausea.

    I agree, head back to the ER. Find out what's going on.
  11. DJW

    Extreme Fatigue Support Group

    Have you had any tests? (Blood work, scopes, etc.)
  12. DJW

    New to the forum!

    Hi and welcome. I'm so glad you got a referral to a GI specialist. I hope you get relief soon. Sending you my support.
  13. DJW

    Please answer these Crohns questions for me.

    I understand the frustration. Food is so individual (trial and error) that it makes recommendations difficult. A food journal is a good idea.
  14. DJW

    Have you had this test??

    Yup, I had it many years ago.
  15. DJW

    New to crohns

    Hi and welcome. Crohn's can affect people in different ways depending on severity and location. The GI visit will help clear up a lot of questions. I'd suggest keeping a daily journal of symptoms and question so you don't forget anything. Edit: check out the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of...
  16. DJW

    Lacking motivation please help!

    Hi and welcome. It takes time to come to terms with this disease. There is so much to come to terms with and accept, it will probably take a lot more than a few months to adjust...but you will adjust. For now, give yourself time. Many of us have found seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist...
  17. DJW

    Is this a fistula?

    In my experience, the fistulas started with abscesses that would not go away. After they were surgically drained and packed the would start leaking bowel contents. Are you leaking through anywhere?
  18. DJW

    Please answer these Crohns questions for me.

    Hi. 1. Since the late 1970s but started in the mid 1970s with symptoms 2. My first 12 years or so were awful. Then 20 years remission with no meds (I don't recommend that...I was just fed up with doctors, hospitals, and Crohn's I just tried to distance myself from it. Then I flaired again...
  19. DJW

    New to Forum

    Hi and welcome. Sorry, no experience. Sending you my support.
  20. DJW

    Has Remicade affected your motivation or mood?

    Remicade hasn't changed my mood either way in the last year on a half on it.