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  1. B

    About to give in-steroids

    Ive been flaring for over a year now....and my Prednisone and Remicade are my saving grace. Ive gained 30 lbs in two months and Im in terrible moods most the time....but my disease is managable....I think short term is awsome, and if it makes you feel better, then why not. I mean weights sucks...
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    Why does it go right through me

    So Im not feeling the greatest today, and havnt been for a few days. I try to keep it to myself as Im sure my family has had enough already. My bathroom habits are not too bad, but still not great. It seems that when I eat, Im in the bathroom within 20 goes right through me. How...
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    Stephanie's story

    Welcome Stephanie, this is a wonderful place with an array of information from people who have been through what your going through. Please vent your frustrations, tell your fears and share your information. Hang in there, and I hope you feel better soon.
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    Mucus and bleeding while on Remicade and Imuran

    I am on Remicade and have had three infussions and I have mucus in my stool. It has always been an issue not a side effect of the drug.
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    Made it through my third treatment

    So I finally had my third was hell trying to stay healthy to get those...but finally did. Im still tappering off Prednisone but going thru a bit of a stressful time and have decided to just stablize for a while longer before I tapper more. I am NOT completely symptom I...
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    Getting surgery tomorrow, very scared

    Awww Big hugs, I wish you a better year to come then this has started out for you. Have faith everything will go right and trust your doctors to do whats best. Best of luck to you, and keep us posted. Feel better soon~
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    Advice needed!

    Hey Misty, after re-reading your post, I think you should hang on....if your not really sick and "needing:" surgery, then why go there. Have you tried Prednisone, I know it helps for some of the issues you talk about. I dont think I could volunterly sign to be cut open in a time of such success...
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    Here I go again!

    Joan, think positive...youve been doing so have to keep your head up, and yes lots of fluids and rest. There is some NASTY stuff going around right now, my whole family has had it and many others I know have been sick with a really bad cold and gi stuff. Hang in there....I pray for...
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    Advice needed!

    Hey Misty, I underwent a exploratory surgery expecting resections...and I was lucky enough to wake up and go home!! It wasnt as bad as they thought and they were able to get in and out without cutting me up. I hope and pray for you that things look up....just try and stay positive....I know...
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    Anyone recognise these symptoms?

    Im wondering if its an acid reflux problem....the deep belching, perhaps a perscription antiacid might do the trick. When I flare I cant stop vomiting...doesnt matter what drs do for me....I just have to ride it out. Normally I have abdominal pain and suffer with burping and farting...
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    Is daily abdominal pain to be expected?

    Im only in pain if things are inflammed or not fully under control.
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    Overdue Life Update

    Hey Dream, so glad to see your doing so well!! It sure is nice when life goes our way. Good luck with school and a new job, thats very exciting!! Kepp us posted on your way~
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    Prednisone Withdrawal

    Ive never been on advair, but am currently on Pred. I am tappering at 10mgs per every few weeks...its terrible on me when I tapper. I feel like I have the flu and my body hurts really bad....although, it only lasts for about 3-5 days and I feel better again. From what I know, you should never...
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    Possible to flare on Prednisone?

    Ohhhh....NyQuil?? Wow, I have found that in this past 6 months if I try to use NyQuil I have a terrible couple of days following use. Interesting!! I try to stay away from that stuff too!
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    Possible to flare on Prednisone?

    Is it possible to flare on Prednisone? Also, is every flare the same in terms of symptoms, or can new symptoms develope as new flares come on? Thanks
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    A bad day...or the begining of a flare??

    So I posted yesterday about lumps in my right abdomen between my lowest rib and my hip. I felt really bad last night with lots of pain in those lumps on that side...4 pain pill and a sleeping pill later, I finally got some rest. Today when I woke up I felt terrible. I saw GI and he can feel the...
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    Crohn's Disease makes me feel depressed

    Welcome to the club!! Im sorry that your so down, just know that your NOT alone. Everyone on this forum is super nice and really supportive. A lot of us take meds for depression or anxiety, so maybe something to consider. Dont be shy, ask your questions, vent your frustrations and address your...
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    Flare or stomach bug?

    Yea...bad tummy bug goin around right now. My family just got over it, and it was a nasty one. Although in my experience, flares are 10 times worst than a bug could ever be. I hope you get to feeling better soon~
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    Almost off Pred... Hairy and ITCHEY!!!

    Ohhh how I feel your frustration. I am incredibly itchy....all the time!! I have black hair on my lip and chin and its very course. They say the side effects go away when off of it....boy I cant wait. Im a hairy moon face who itches everywhere!!
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    Lumps in my side

    Hello friends, well things have been going ok...over the weekend I came down with a tummy bug, was sick for two days and now Im doing well again. I woke up this am with serious right side flank pain. Its in the area where my cd is but also all over my right side. And when I feel where the pain...