Overdue Life Update

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 5, 2010
I haven't been on this forum in a while other than popping in here and there to check on people. I see there are many people on the forum now that are new and may not really know me.

Either way, I figured for those that are interested I'd post an update on how things are going lately.

Well, 3 months ago I ended my unemployment by getting a small part-time bank job. It has been challenging. Most of the people I work with are extremely nice though. My supervisor got promoted and today was her last day.

Ironically enough, over Christmas break I decided I was going to quit my bank job and go back to school to prepare for getting into a graduate program in writing. So, this upcoming Wednesday will be my last day at the bank. I am relieved! I like the customer service aspect of the job, but the referral goals/sales pressures are just not my thing at all. It causes undue stress on me that I end up bringing home as I worry about it. So, I am extremely happy with my decision to leave.

Again...ironically, I applied for a financial aid assistant position at the university my husband works at (and that I used to go to school at) and got called in for an interview this coming Friday. It's actually a full-time salaried job with benefits. So, IF I was hired it would help us tremendously with our finances and includes insurance. It would also be easier to accommodate taking one or two classes at Trinity if I worked there. Of course, the plan was to just be in school, but if I got this job it would be an unexpected and wonderful bonus! Plus I could commute with my husband to work and my department is literally right underneath his department in the same building!

On to health...things have been really great! I've had no flare-ups since starting on the Imuran and weekly Humira shots back in April 2010. Tomorrow I actually start my prep for my colonoscopy on Monday morning. I'm really hoping for some good results...maybe even with the word "remission." Who knows...either way, based on the results my doc will decide whether or not I'm ready to cut back to ever other week shots of Humira. He said we'd wait a little longer to think about cutting back on the Imuran. But going back to every other week shots would be really nice! So, we'll see. I just hope I get through the prep quickly tomorrow. The first time I hadn't anticipated drinking the prep would be as difficult for me as it ended up being. I gagged a couple times trying to gulp it quickly, which slowed the process down considerably.

I actually opted to add 2 flavor packs to the prep this time to help with the salty flavor, haha. So, hopefully it's not too overwhelmingly fruity now! Anyone else do more than one flavor pack for the Tri-lyte prep (the 2 liter prep)?

Well...that's about it for updates!

Wish me luck tomorrow and keep me in your thoughts Monday morning that all goes smoothly and quickly for the scope! :)
Nice to see your update, Marisa! Congratulations on all these exciting changes and new opportunities!

Bring on that r word...
I am happy for you :D Good luck with the colonoscopy and the job interview. I hope all goes well for you!!
Glad to hear things are going so well, Marisa. Good luck with your prep and I hope you get good news from the scope! And good luck with the potential job as well, let us know how it goes!
Lovely to hear from you Marisa!
That bank job wasn't meant to be! So good luck with the interview, fingers crossed! And for your scope too, it's just the best feeling in the world when you hear the R word!
I heard it on the 29th November!
Hi Marisa! Happy New Year. Sounds like your new life plan is working out just great!

Good luck with the scope, and good luck with school and the new job!

xo -Amy
Hey Dream, so glad to see your doing so well!! It sure is nice when life goes our way. Good luck with school and a new job, thats very exciting!! Kepp us posted on your way~

The colonoscopy went well. I was able to finish most of the prep last night. Stopped about 3/4 way as I was running clear for a while.

I was able to wake up a lot better from the anesthesia this time. So, perhaps they didn't use as much as last time. I could remember my doc coming in to check on me before my husband came back to hear the results.

They removed 5 pseudo polyps for biopsy. I asked him what the difference between a pseudo polyp and a normal polyp was. He said pseudo polyps are usually there due to inflammation rather than cancerous reasons, but they will biopsy them still anyway.

There was no evidence of perianal disease. My mucosa was normal up to the ileocecal valve and cecum. There was only minimal induration (hardening) and scarring on my valve and mild rectal induration without ulceration. They weren't able to reach my ileum even with the pediatric colonoscope, so he's scheduling me for a CT scan to check things out on the fistula/stricture front.

So, I have to wait to hear from them about my authorization number before I can schedule something.

So, yeah. Those were the results. I'm not exactly sure if induration means active inflammation or is the result of past inflammation - kind of like scar tissue. I'm supposed to follow-up with my primary doc who should be able to explain these results more clearly to me too.

He mentioned probably being able to go down to every other week shots, but he didn't specify. So, I'm sure after I get my biopsy results and the CT scan he'll make a more definitive decision.

So, that's all I have for now. :) Thanks for following along.
I'm so glad you are doing so well Marisa! I'm glad you got through the dreaded prep too. Keep feeling well and good luck with your new life choices! :)

My GI nurse called with my colonoscopy results. They biopsies they removed came back NORMAL. So, he said I didn't have to have another scope for EIGHT YEARS!!! My nurse said she had to double check on the number she was so surprised. Haha. Can you believe that?

I asked her about the CT scan he had mentioned to check on my ileum and she said she didn't think the order had gone to the benefits department yet. So, she said she'd get right on that.

I'm starting to wonder now then how close I am to being in "remission," especially if I don't have to have another scope for EIGHT YEARS!!!

Ok, sorry. I am just a bit excited about this news. Haha.

My GI nurse called with my colonoscopy results. They biopsies they removed came back NORMAL. So, he said I didn't have to have another scope for EIGHT YEARS!!! My nurse said she had to double check on the number she was so surprised. Haha. Can you believe that?

I asked her about the CT scan he had mentioned to check on my ileum and she said she didn't think the order had gone to the benefits department yet. So, she said she'd get right on that.

I'm starting to wonder now then how close I am to being in "remission," especially if I don't have to have another scope for EIGHT YEARS!!!

Ok, sorry. I am just a bit excited about this news. Haha.

That's amazing!!!!! Some people have all the luck! lol just kidding, of course. That sounds like really good news, Marisa. Hopefully you can switch to the once every two weeks of humira!

Yippee.. love hearing good news of crohnie buddies :0)
That's fantastic, Marisa! Not having to do prep for 8 years sounds like heaven! Let us know how your CT scan goes, I hope that is all clear too. Good luck!
Josephine - Thank you!

Amanda - I have always felt like everyone else has all the luck, haha. This is like the first really great news I've had in a LONG time! I hope it keep up this way for a long time. :)

Cat - I will definitely keep you posted on the CT scan results. I am hoping it says my narrowing has resolved so I can eat popcorn and mushrooms, and all those things I've been avoiding like the plague. Haha!
Well...I FINALLY was able to scedule my CT scan for this Friday.

Took forever to get my referral figured out because I quit my job and had to switch back to my husband's insurance and my doc's office kept using the old insurance info.

So, I'm hoping to get positive results to go along with my positive colonoscopy results I got a couple weeks ago. :)

I have a follow-up with my PCP on the 7th. So, I'm hoping my CT scan results will be faxed to him immediately afterward, so he can discuss the results with me.