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  1. B

    Gooey Eyes??

    Woke up this morning with my eyes pasted shut!! Went to the dr and sure eye, and pretty bad in both eyes. Lots of head congestion building and crapy gooey eyes.....YUCK!!
  2. B

    Need help, Pred dosage, no taper

    Im on 30mg of pred, I started at 40. My GI says taper slowly to keep disease in remission and to avoid adversive side effects of quick withdrawl. Were going to taper down 10mgs every week and then when at 10mgs either stop all together or transition onto something like Entocort. So go slow, and...
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    B12 question

    I get myself in my arm, easy place to get while Im seated. They can burn a bit, but they sure do make me feel better.
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    Antibiotics start a flare?

    Well antibiotics can cause havic on your gut. Antibiotics rid the gut of most good and back bacteria....which could cause an imbalance in the bacteria and digestive enzymes. Ive always been warned before I went on meds that I could flare or have a bad gut reaction. Good luck to you!
  5. B

    Gooey Eyes??

    So Ive been having nasty gooey eyes, really bad in the morning, and then constant through the afternoon and evening. It started in my left eye for two days, cleared up and now its in my right eye. I havnt had this sort of thing before, doesnt itch or feel like pink eye, just constant goop coming...
  6. B

    A good day

    Today I followed up with GI after my week long stay in the hospital for the 5th time this year!! He is a new GI to my case, Ive bounced between three GI's this year and finally feel like I might be getting somewhere. As of now they are presuming CD and taking an agressive step to get the disease...
  7. B

    What is Crohns.

    I feel you frustration and the Why me battle!! Ive been really down lately and thats all I can seem to say is....Why Me?? What in the world did I do to deserve this ontop of this already difficult life.....some days gets the best of me actually...hard not to cry and feel sorry for myself. I...
  8. B

    So do I have crohns or not!! I don't believe this !!!!

    Try not to beat yourself up over thier findings...or lack there of. Ive been really sick for many years, and to this day....NOTHING ever comes back positive in the way of biopsies. CT scans and some scopes show inflammation and scaring....but no confirmed diagnosis through biopsies. Its...
  9. B

    A week in the hospital....AGAIN!!

    So being out of the hospital for a week now, Im feeling pretty good....or as good as I can expect! This is the first time in a long time where Im not having much pain...and when I do have it, its temportary. The only issue I continue to have is the fatique and energy loss. I hope through time...
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    The root cause and cure for IBD: Univ of Iowa's new theory and research

    I think that this is really fastenating. Amazing how through time weve tried to better ourselves in certain aspects, yet have been detramental in other ways. I think its an interesting theory, and it makes sense. I would be open to trying out the worm treatment, if it offered relief!
  11. B

    Advice needed!

    I take Lansoperazle and have CD. Im only on 30 mgs but used to take has helped me deal with some of the acid problems I get from Gastritus.....which is all affected by my CD...especially if I have a lot of inflamation going on. However, a few months back things got really bad for me...
  12. B

    So tired. Exhausted all day

    YES!! Tired, tired and tired....I know im anemic and B12 deficient, and when Im low on my does....I feel exhausted. Even with treatment and disease under control, it still lets you know its there in other ways. Maybe try to increase your proteine intake, and more water, or gatorade and make sure...
  13. B

    Update on Dusty's Matt

    Hugs Dusty!! My heart goes out to you, especially seeing my own child go through it.....I couldnt imagine two of them dealing with this. Especially during the holidays this news is unfortunate.....Try to remember what blessings they are and be thankful to have them....even if they are ill. Hugs~
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    Hey Rob, your not alone man!! I cant seem to shake it, I feel like crap all day....most days. So exhausted, and NO energy at all....achy and irritable. Ive been flaring all year, so this has been my norm....FATIGUE, FATIGUE AND MORE FATIQUE.....the only thing I really found to help was something...
  15. B

    New to the club

    So Ive been sick for many years, on and off with no real answers. This year I was presumably diagnosed with Crohns disease and everything started to make sense...finally. Ive been in and out of the hospital countless times with infections, obstructions, immotility, and severe inflamation. Ive...
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    Left message with doc this morning

    Ive been on Pentasa and Entecort for a while and had some relief but not anything what I needed. This last flare put me in the hospital for a week and on Prednisone and Remicade. I think Im feeling much better on the Pred, but only time will tell. I do have some side effects such as moodiness...
  17. B

    A week in the hospital....AGAIN!!

    Thank you both for you kind words, It has been the toughest battle of my life. I have flared here and there in the past, but only for a few weeks....almost to December, and Ive been flaring for a year now. I dont think it has ever been totally in controll this year, Ive just been getting by on...
  18. B

    A week in the hospital....AGAIN!!

    So here we go again....really sick again. Id been doing well after my minor surgery and thinking things were getting better...but all along, I was getting worst again. Last Sunday night, my family went out for son and I both got sick from Salad and it landed me a week in the...
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    Very nervous about seeing Gi tomorrow

    I find when I stand up to my drs and dont show them weakness by crying, they take you more seriously. Ive actually had to practice what and how I was going to say things before I went to see my dr. While being so strong, it is so easy to cry at the drop of a hat when a dr tells you no, or its in...
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    On Entocort, still in pain

    Like everyone else said, you should be on Entocort for a few weeks to see any difference. I tried to come off Entocort too early and I was still suffering with pain and other symptoms. Also, if I wasnt religious about taking my pills, I would feel it!