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  1. M

    Seton - What to expect?

    Hello, I currently have my second seton in place. Do you know what type it is? The first one I had was a rubber band type and I barely felt it, this time they used a silk thread seton, and I don't feel it but this one is much easier to 'accidently' snag when you are cleaning and be careful...
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    Nausea and a flare?

    Oh yes, I feel nauseous so I think it is because I need to eat, then I eat and still feel nauseous, one of the worst parts for me :(
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    New Mom-scared :(

    Hi Woops, I think i am just a little to worried about the future, I have been flaring for about 3 months now, and every time my daughter looks at me and smiles I just hope that she never has to go through what I go through. i guess I need to just focus on loving her and worry about the...
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    New Mom-scared :(

    Hello, I am a new mom, my daughter is 8 months old, and I am scared to death that she is going to end up with Crohn's disease. The fear takes me over sometimes, I can't imagine a child having to go through this, it is bad enough for adults but children are a completely different story. I am...
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    What to expect when taking Prednisone

    When I was first diagnosed, my doc was having trouble getting my flare under control, so he put me on 40mg of Pred, I couldnt imagine taking double that dose. Then after a few weeks started tapering off. as soon as I got to about 10mg a day my symptoms started to creep back up. so I had to...
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    Steroid suppositories not working for hemorrhoids

    I agree with Nica, baths will help some, and Prep H will provide you some relief too. Also if you use baby wipes, or the flushable wet wipes (Kleenex, Charmin, etc make them) instead of toilet paper, I know that helps me too. Oh and Prep H actually makes wipes now too. Those would probably be...
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    Crapy day

    The sore on your anus may be an anal fissure, they burn, itch, and bleed. hopefully you can get over the constipation because that will not help if you have a fissure. If you can somewhat increase your fiber intake without causing too much tummy pain that should help too to make the bathroom...
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    Surgery tomorrow-Draining abscess

    Thanks for the replies. I have been really good about getting my sitz baths in, so I think that is helping, I am not in much pain which is good. I am just waiting now until the 16th to get my next remi infusion so I can hopefully feel normal again. :)
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    Bumps in right armpit

    I have had swollen lymph nodes before, it is usually a sign of infection, and if you have an infection the Humira is not going to work, so I would def call your doctor before starting Humira just to make sure. You may need a round of antibiotics first. hope it goes well.
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    IBD not an autoimmune disease, new research suggests

    I may be completely off base here, but I am thinking aloud. Do they know what causes the other auto-immune diseases, such as psorais, RA, or even Lupus? If they are all the same type of disease, and have interchangeable symptoms could the route cause be similar to that in these other...
  11. M

    I fear it's affecting my marriage!

    I think many of us feel the same way. I have been with my husband for almost 7 years now, we just got married this year. I know he loves me, but I too feel like a burden most of the time, when I get really sick, I know he worries but I try not to show it to make him not worry, but he always...
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    Surgery tomorrow-Draining abscess

    Hello All, A question to some of you who have been diagnosed for a while now. Tomorrow I go in to have a perianal abscess drained, it is not a big surgery I had it done last year and recovery was fairly easy. But what I worry about now is that I developed an abscess last year, and now again...
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    Guys...very bad news...

    Thanks for the concern Coffeehouse, I only was late by one month then started back on for 2 more unsuccessful rounds, which I now know is due to an abscess that I have had since the beginning of October. But yes, Remicade has worked wonders for me too, I hope I can keep using it.
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    Papaya the superfruit

    I too have heard good things about Papaya, I don't handle it well either just eating it but I am glad to hear a success story with the enzyme pills. I will have to give it a try! Thanks! Oh and McDonalds breakfast is a GREAT test LOL
  15. M

    Guys...very bad news...

    Kate, I am sorry you have to go through this, especially during the holiday's it is the worst! I have fistulas and now have my second perianal abscess. I went on remicade last year and it worked wonders for me, I had no problems with my fistula or abscess. This year after having my baby, I...
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    Urgent Advice Needed : Fistula

    Hello, I would call your doc and tell them what is going on. I too have anal fistulas, and I now have my second abscess. If it is still draining, you could have an infection which could lead to another abscess which you would really want to get checked out right away. I hope it is nothing...
  17. M

    White pus in stool during bowel movement

    I currently have a fistula and an abscess, I sometimes will get white/off white pus-type discharge. I think it is from the fistula/abscess. As for the BM's that are hard to pass but they are not really D, not sure if you are having the same problem but sometimes I feel like I need to go, but...
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    What is Crohns.

    Hello, Crohn's can affect you anywhere in the digestive tract, ranging from the mouth to the anus. It can include the stomach, rectum, and any other parts of the digestive tract. I think this is pretty easy explanation: it also...
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    EN was one of the first signs of my Crohns, my legs were covered in sores up to my knees my lower legs were swollen and my feet and ankles were swollen so bad I couldn't walk. First time around I went on 2 medications a steroid and some gout medicine, I was undiagnosed so I was seeing a...
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    Well, you are right, lots of fruits are, and spicy foods don't do well for reflux. Most dairy items, tomatoes and red sauces are horrible for me, orange and cranberry juice. Actually coffee doesn't always bother me, but yest it can be a cause, but you can try it in moderation and just cut the...