Urgent Advice Needed : Fistula

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Nov 24, 2010
First off... wish every one less pain and more cure rate..

about me: 33, M, Obese, Chain Smoker and Heavy Drinker

Year 2006: Started seeing blood during bowel movements. Comes once in a week or once in 2 weeks etc. no pain or anything.

Year 2008: I saw puss stains in my inner wear and also noted that my anus was burning very much after bowel movement. It lasted only for a week and then it was gone. Blood during bowel movement continued at the same frequency.

Year 2009: Blood during bowel movement continued at the same frequency.

March 2010: Felt a small bulge in my perianal area, got bigger and painful and went to a doctor who prescribed antibiotics. It just got bigger and finally it started leaking, pain reduced, felt better and advised to go under the knife since the docs called it perianal abscess.

April 2010: Easter Day, I had the operation done to drain the abscess. Post operation was not very painful or anything, however the wound was left open and in a month it closed over. However I could feel a tract from my anus to the opening which was around 1.5 inch away from the anus.

August 2010: Felt like the sealed over part was getting diluted and one fine day the skin where the operation was done, gave way and little puss came out. No pain, no smell, just little puss with blood.

September 2010: Same thing as in august happened exactly after a month. Also did an MRI scan (fistulogram) and they said they could see the tract, and the inside opening was in the muscle.

October 2010: Again the same thing. No pain, only discharge.

November 2010: This time the same thing happened, but twice in two weeks, again no pain, only light discharge. I know when this is going to happen, cos the skin at the opening gets very thin, and soon it breaks up to discharge it, once the puss comes out, it doesnt come again, the skin closes again itself, and after a while the skin opens again for the next discharge.

Now my question is, is it ok, if i just leave it like that, cos i dont have much pain and only recently the frequency increased and it could be a one off incident. If I leave it like that and considering that it continues to drain by itself, would it lead to any further complications?

Also need to say that after the operation, i have not seen blood during bowel movements. My diet was normal pre and post operation except that pre-operation, I used to have raw vegetable juice mainly, cabbage, spinach & broccoli (one at a time).
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I've heard mention on this forum of people talking about wounds that wouldn't fully heal even after surgery and from what I recall, what needs to be done is to have surgery again to correct the problem (there are various ways to treat it and your GI will know what would work best for you, look here under Treatment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_fistula). People don't just grow oozing passages in their bodies for no reason so obviously, even though some of your symptoms are getting better or have gotten better, all of them are not better. You risk infection (can't take antibiotics all the time, it really isn't good for you), thickening and abscesses. So doing nothing AT ALL, leads to further complications.

Welcome to the forum. :)
I would call your doc and tell them what is going on.
I too have anal fistulas, and I now have my second abscess.
If it is still draining, you could have an infection which could lead to another abscess which you would really want to get checked out right away.

I hope it is nothing, but I would def go see or at least call your doctor and explain to them what is going on.

Do you have any other symptoms? fevers? night sweats? pain or pressure in the rectal area?
I second that, Crabby. This isn't something that your body normally does. You need to talk to your doc. Something has to be done.

Best of luck. <3

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