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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Pug Gamer

    Dietary restrictions? Foods that cause discomfort?

    I personally cant have any fruit at all, I cant have veg except for onions, leeks, potatoes and sweet potatoes. I cannot have any lactose products, so anything milk. I stick to lacto free, dairy free or soya. And egg ive started to be dodgy with, but fried seems to be ok. I cant take sweets like...
  2. Pug Gamer


    Wow your doing well, well done. Ive not had surgery for crohns but it sounds like you might want to rest abit more. Hope you carry on recovering well.
  3. Pug Gamer

    Frequency: How often do you have flare-ups?

    I have had at my worst two flare ups in two weeks. And my best is 3 months. Ive been on entocort since febuary so fingers crossed this will be the end of my flare ups for a long while!
  4. Pug Gamer

    Have you had your fecal calprotectin or CRP levels tested?

    I was just reading a letter to my doctor from my GI and it says my faecal calprotectin is 850. I havent had anything explained to me so I googled it then just so happened to come across this thread. My result is since ive been massively improved on entocort, god knows what it was before that!!
  5. Pug Gamer

    What are your food triggers?

    Mine are anything with lactose(dairy), very spicy foods, fruit, vegetables (apart from onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes and leeks), sweets (like haribo etc) eggs im also now starting to react if there scrambled. Its depressing and I find it quite soul destroying at christmas and easter.
  6. Pug Gamer

    Drinking alcohol

    I have never been much of a drinker but itd be nice to have one or two on a special occassion but I do react from it. Ive noticed cocktails are worst but if I have neat vodka or gin I dont react as bad. But now I live on tramadol, I take it I can never have any drink?
  7. Pug Gamer

    Scope gone wrong

    Oh no, poor woman. I bet that was devestating for her. So sorry shes really going through it at the moment.
  8. Pug Gamer

    Milk can you or cant you?

    I always wondered why! I used to rarely have mozzerella and have a livable reaction, but my god if I dared to go near any other cheese lol. but unfortunatly I cant take mozzerella anymore.
  9. Pug Gamer

    Low Vitamin D

    I dont know if this is a usual thing or because I have other illnesses that mean im housebound a lot so dont go in the sun, but my specialist automatically sent me for a blood test to see if I was deficiant in everything vitamin wise. Turns out I had a huge vitamin D deficiancy so am on long...
  10. Pug Gamer

    Milk can you or cant you?

    I havent been able to take milk ever since I had my first signs of crohns 8 years ago. As times gone by and my illness worsened I cant go anywhere near anything that isnt lacto-free. I used to be able to dabble rarely with products with milk but pay for it after but I cant at all now. Just a...
  11. Pug Gamer

    Scope gone wrong

    I really feel sorry for your friend. How awful! I bet she never wants another one ever again, and who can blame her.
  12. Pug Gamer

    Anyone used a fleet enema??

    I had a fleet for my sig colonoscopy and it was easy to do. I had to have a special low risidual diet the day before and didnt eat past 8pm the night before. No drink other than water to take my pills down on the morning. I didnt have any drink after the fleet until about 6 hours after my fleet...
  13. Pug Gamer

    NHS : Any advice gratefully received

    I really do feel for you grumpy. I cant imagine not eating solids for so long. I know nhs horror stories from people I know and it does seem like something major needs to be done. Just a thought, when you complained was it through 'pals'? Im not sure if there the right place for everywhere but...
  14. Pug Gamer

    Disability and Crohn's

    That is good news that theres a chance of the system seeing IBD as a proper debilitating life long illness. I was very much made to feel like 'its just stomach pain, that doesnt mean you cant do the same as everyone else'. So a very big change is definitely welcome from me lol.
  15. Pug Gamer

    Do I stick with pentasa?

    I have crohns with two strictures. I have been put on entocort which is a tapering dose until I start azathioprine on 30th march. And im on pentasa (sachets), vitamin D and calcium pills. Along with my meds for other illnesses (tramadol, bisoprolol etc). I found even the day I went on entocort...
  16. Pug Gamer

    Can crohn's be treated without the use of medication?

    I thought I had severe IBS but actually had crohns for 6 years before my first what I personally call 'flare'. In that first 3 years I wasnt on any pain meds for my other illnesses and lived ok with it. But it all got worse from there and due to not being on any medication I then had strictures...
  17. Pug Gamer

    Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

    I was on PIP from when it started in 2013 until september 2015. The assesment was ok but they put a lot of lies, I ended up getting just enough points for standard rate mobility and got £22 week. I should have asked for more but couldnt go through the stress of it. But in september I had my...
  18. Pug Gamer


    I wonder if a stool softener would help. Bananas might help abit and drink loads of water. When I had constipation from cocodamol I used to have a few hot wings as I react with fruit and veg really bad and although it made me bloated it did do the trick lol.
  19. Pug Gamer

    Disability and Crohn's

    I have a total of 8 illnesses including crohns, heart and lung conditions and ive just had my disability taken away (UK), I dont have the health to fight it. I feel that everyone is at different levels of health with each condition and of course how many illnesses you have. So only you know if...
  20. Pug Gamer

    Flexi Sig

    I read it was 70cm they go. I felt like mine was going to come out my mouth it took so long and was so painful lol.