Scope gone wrong

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2012
Hi everyone. I am the parent of two kids with Crohn's. I am writing for my friend who also has Crohn's. She had her regularly scheduled scopes on Monday. Things went well she went home but later was in a lot of pain. Tuesday she went to the ER and they told her there was a tear from the scope. They thought they would have to remove the colon but later settled on some sort of surgery. I don't have the particulars but she asked me to come visit and to share what I know being the mom of two kids with Crohn's. Not sure I can help her in this situation but thought I would check to see what you all have to say.

Thanks for any help or advice you're able to give me.
Hi everyone. I am the parent of two kids with Crohn's. I am writing for my friend who also has Crohn's. She had her regularly scheduled scopes on Monday. Things went well she went home but later was in a lot of pain. Tuesday she went to the ER and they told her there was a tear from the scope. They thought they would have to remove the colon but later settled on some sort of surgery. I don't have the particulars but she asked me to come visit and to share what I know being the mom of two kids with Crohn's. Not sure I can help her in this situation but thought I would check to see what you all have to say.

Thanks for any help or advice you're able to give me.

This is a rare complication but it does happen in about 0.2% of cases or less. Generally surgical intervention is required. The following article gives an overview:

Mortality rates can be high depending on a range of factors.

Very rare...I know right? That's what they tell me every time they are asking me to sign the release for my girls. Unfortunately, this is the second person I know who has had this happen. The first was your run of the mill colon cancer screening and she ended up in a nursing home for months. This girl seems like she is going to be o.k.. I am going to see her tonight.

Thanks for the ink. It gives me some direction of things to ask about and watch out for.
Went to see my friend. She was very lucky. The tear was a "micro, teeny tiny tear and not a full perforation". The surgery was still not very pleasant but she looks good and is already allowed to have liquids.
I really feel sorry for your friend. How awful! I bet she never wants another one ever again, and who can blame her.
Things just got worse. They found something during her scope and removed them and now they have told her she has colon cancer.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. She is in her 20's and was just doing the scope to see if she was in a good remission and could stop her drug so she could get pregnant. He Crohn's is not even in remission either. Poor kid.
Oh no, poor woman. I bet that was devestating for her. So sorry shes really going through it at the moment.
Although the end result with complications is unfortunate for this young woman, it does show that the benefits of a colonoscopy far outweigh the dangers. I try to encourage people to have them and dispel any fears they may have.

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