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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. JenS

    Negative Colonoscopy

    Yes!! My colonoscopy was clear last month yet I have occult blood in stool! I'm doing endoscopic camera tomorrow, and will post back! I'm anemic, tummy pain in upper right and joint pain. (I've had mild Crohn's on and off for 15 plus years so couldn't believe this last colonoscopy was CLEAR!!
  2. JenS

    Anyone get joint pain in their thumb?

    YES!! This is a new symptom for me. Started about a week ago!!
  3. JenS

    Update: Can't be Crohn's because of constipation?

    YES!! When I had Crohn's bad in 1997-2004 I had diarrhea. This time around (and it's all just starting), I didn't believe it was Crohn's because I was constipated!!!
  4. JenS

    Endometriosis Overview

    FOR YEARS, I have gone back and forth between the gastro and gyn/ob. I had lots of pain and bloody diarrhea. My doctors and myself, have gone back and forth .. is it Crohn's or is it Endometriosis!? I have decided, for me, it's both!
  5. JenS

    Crohns and late period

    I've had Crohn's for years...and irregular periods too.
  6. JenS

    White blod cells in urine--Isi this common?

    Last month I had lots of white blood cells in my urine so dr put me on a 7-day course of sulpha drugs. (I was urinating a lot but no pain or burning) Is this common with Crohn's?
  7. JenS

    New here (but not new to Crohns)

    Hi, just introducing myself. I'm new to this board, but not new to Crohn's. I first had bleeding in 1997. Mild-Crohn's showed up in first colonoscopy. Years off diarrhea, bleeding, lots of LOWER pain, etc. But when I had my first pregnancy in 2005, I went into remission for nine...
  8. JenS

    Camera Pill tomorrow - what's your experience?

    Hi! I'm new to this group but not new to Crohn's. I had been in remission from mild Crohn's for 9 years (since my first pregnancy!). Four months ago, blood test showed I was severely anemic. Stool test was positive for blood (it's hidden as I couldn't see it!). Colonoscopy was CLEAR so I...
  9. JenS

    Extreme fatigue and really aching joints

    I haven't had a Crohn's flare up for 9 years...but four months ago I was tired all the time. Lots of muscle or joint pain too. Found out I was severely anemic. (thus followed upper and lower endoscope) If you are losing blood, you will become anemic and will be super tired!!! Are you in a...