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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    ah poor sunshine. i've heard you're supposed to drink a lot of water before getting poked. fortunately i have crazy good veins and have never had an issue with that. i feel bad for people that do.
  2. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    funny. the hubby and i are planning a trip to disney in either october or november. it'll be the kiddo's first time. he'll be 4. i agree with everything mayflower said. food is decent, but if you don't mind sharing entrees you can save $$. i like animal kingdom. it is more for adults though, i...
  3. F

    Anyone on Remicade and Imuran?

    paulspain -- good to hear you finally closed up!! i'm still waiting for mine to close up. just had my 5th infusion a few days ago. i'm not on imuran though.
  4. F

    Were you delivered vaginally, or by Cesarean?

    my mother was born vaginally and she has celiac. i was born vaginally. my son was a c-section. i'm sure he'll end up being fine. :p
  5. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    space & cat - yes, they are expensive, but like you said, space, sometimes you just don't feel like making it yourself. my little one is allergic to milk and eggs, so it's tough finding him dessert things, since most baked goods have one or both. weather here is beautiful. 80 and sunny...
  6. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    space - it's called So Delicious. it's soy free and dairy free and organic. it comes in about 4 flavors. the company is called Turtle Mountain. they have a whole range of soy and coconut stuff. i've been able to find the ice cream at most places. i don't know where you live, but the company is...
  7. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    ever - my mom has celiac, and she had to go no dairy for awhile, but now that she's healed up she can do cheese and the occasional milk or ice cream. she just can't chug it.
  8. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    ever - i was actually going to suggest coconut milk stuff! my son is allergic to eggs and dairy, and he has this coconut milk ice cream that he eats. it's expensive, but what do you do? it's super sweet, because of the coconut, be he likes it. they also make a coconut milk yogurt. and rice milk...
  9. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    fishing is boring enough, but ice fishing? and i don't understand how people can still smoke knowing everything that we know. especially young people. at least old people didn't know when they first started and were already addicted before all the warnings came out. my grandmother quit after...
  10. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    ever - what the hell are you supposed to eat? bugs? so i still have all these odd hormonal-like symptoms. i've been thinking adrenals for awhile, since everything always seems to happen at certain times during the day, no matter what i've eaten or how i've slept. it also seems like i'll be...
  11. F

    What's worse? Giving birth or crohns pain?

    for sheer in the moment intensity, i'm going with childbirth. for long term, obviously, the crohn's. at least you get a baby out of the deal with childbirth.
  12. F

    Bowel obstruction

    so good news about the uncle. it wasn't an obstruction. he had intestinal trauma paralysis from the accident/all the pain meds. he's home now and eating. :soledance:
  13. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    cat - have you tried the Boost for glucose control? it still has all the goodies but with a lot less sugar and more protein
  14. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    carrie - stress totally makes a difference with your period. not surprised at all. try to take some hot baths. chamomile tea helps, too. allie - that sounds like the perfect vacation!
  15. F

    Bowel obstruction

    i'm just a little worried about him. before he had the ileostomy he was on something... i can't remember what it was. maybe imuran or something, and he ended up with a permanent condition that affects his nerves. i think because of that remicade isn't an option for him. i don't know about other...
  16. F

    Bowel obstruction

    bowel obstruction this actually isn't a post about me for once! my husband's uncle was diagnosed with UC a few years ago. he had a temporary ileostomy? and has been on cipro/flagyl since then and has seemed to keep it under control. earlier this week he had an incident at work and ended up...
  17. F

    Unusual bumps/lumps on head

    my head is crazy lumpy. always has been.
  18. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    i don't have any idea what i'm saying, but i would think your glucose levels would probably be wildly different based on if/when you ate or drank and at what point you are in the digestive process. diabetics get relief pretty quickly when they crash and then eat something. same with...
  19. F

    Rectal crohns

    my only inflammation is in the last inch of my rectum. i never had any intestine or colon issues. on remicade, but i have a fistula coming right from that area.
  20. F

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    sunshine, have you thought about cutting your hair? it can make it so the hair you do have isn't weighed down...