Were you delivered vaginally, or by Cesarean?

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Were you delivered vaginally, or by Cesarean section?

  • By Cesarean section

    Votes: 33 23.6%
  • Vaginally

    Votes: 107 76.4%

  • Total voters
Feb 28, 2010
I recently read a study which seems to show a relationship between delivery by Cesarean section and bowel diseases, particularly Celiac disease. The authors theorize the relationship is based on the marked observed differences in gut flora seen in the 2 groups, and that there may also be a connection between route of delivery & IBD. This may explain some part of the increase in IBD in recent years, and in "developed" countries, where Cesarean birth is much more common. A synopsis of the study is posted at http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=17489. I'm wondering what the background of our group here is in this regard.
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Vaginal delivery, though it was extremely long and traumatic for the both of us, and ended up being delivered with forceps (don't know if that makes a difference).
vaginally, but I was born very early. My mom was trying to hide the pregnancy, and I ended up being a preemie, about 2 months early. I have always wondered if that could be the reason why I have such digestive problems!
All I know is I was breech :whistleinnocently:
Im not going to vote cause I don't know... BUT I was reminded quite often that I came in to this world butt first :D hmmm.. I see a correlation now...
All I know is I was breech
show off, you just couldnt come into the world like everyone else :lol:

I was vaginal and so where my other sibs who have IBD. But my mom had Rubella in her 3rd trimester with me...I know risky, and in Readers Digest a few years ago they say that can cause Crohns too. At least I came out normal (AND NO COMMENTS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY):ylol2::ylol2:

However I am totally deaf in the one ear, and about 30% lost in the right...guess I should count my blessings I am here?:tongue:
so was my middle brother (not the one with crohn's)...

and Pen.. ya..think I will try to find a different claim to fame... I think lots of people are breech birth.
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Wow, I swear to you I was going to post this very poll today after watching, "The Business of Birth" last night.

I was a C Section. My mother and I wouldn't be here today otherwise. I wasn't coming out :)
I was born by ceserian at only 28wks, my mom wasnt a good incubator. Spent the next 4 months in the hospital. My ureters were deformed and I had to have surgery at 16 months which left me with a colostomy bag until I was 3. Don't know if that has anything to do with my Crohns but thought I would throw that out there.
Ha Ha Ha Wendy!
Cos so was I, and my 2 sisters, all born breech, Mum had a terrible time, in fact my sister had to wear calipers til she was 5 cos of the forceps used on her during delivery.
Oh, neither of them have an IBD tho, just me
lol...for real..there is breech..so feet first and then the double breech..butt first. I just say breech... love the tv David!
see..Joan is just as stubborn :p maybe its a British thing....
My mom delivered all her babies the old fashioned way, vaginally. My brother and I are both Crohnies. One of my sister is looking like she may become a Crohnie. I delivered my baby vaginally.
The old fashioned way, I think. Never heard of my mom having a C Section. But it is too late to ask her. (She died in 1993, Dad died in 1998, so there is nobody to ask.)
Is it wrong that I giggled at the word 'vaginally'? :p

I was delivered via emergency C-section. This was because my mum had surgery for cancerous cells in her cervix , which meant that it couldn't dilate properly so the doctors knew ahead of time that I wouldn't be able to come out the normal way. Despite this , when my mum went into labour the midwife tried to make her deliver naturally , which meant my mum and I both nearly died , and the c-section went from being planned to a life or death situation for both of us. All in all a very traumatic birth.

I was put in Special Care for the first few months of my life, and was slightly premature - about a month I think? I was conceived on Valentines day (ick) and born on October 15th.
I was a C-sec, as were both my kids. I was an emergency b/c my heart rate went down to zero, something about being 2 weeks late and the placenta starting not to function correctly. I was breastfeed for like 6 months or something.

Tried to have my daughter vaginally, pushed 2 1/2 hours, but she was stuck, and I've never been so relieved to hear the words "C-section" as on that day...and I wasn't going to go through that again with #2. I did breastfeed each for over a year - my daughter for almost 2 years.

I have gut issues (apparently not IBD), my daughter has chronic constipation, and my son tends toward looser bowels, but not problematic at this point.
I was a vaginal birth but I was a premature at 35 weeks and my esophagus "wasn't fully developed" as they told my mom. I think it was more my sphincter but I had projectile vomiting after every single bottle feed. Back then, since I was premature, they recommended bottle feeding over breast feeding. My mom said that my vomiting was like on the Exorcist movie.
i pooped in my mom right before i was born and she had to get a c-section and she got a really bad infection from the loose poop in her system/had to get an emergency surgery. i had poop problems from day 1 it seems.
Mum had 5 vaginal uneventful births, I was the second. I was like some here though and stubborn, breech up until 10mins before birth, mum said when she sat on the bed it was like someone doing river dance downstairs. (sorry mum)
I had my two children vaginal, when we watch THE BIRTH DVD at the anti-natal classes I grabbed my hubby's hand and said if you think I'm giving birth on my knees like the lady in the dvd you've another thing coming, guess what after what seemed like a life time pushing I got out of the bed and gave birth on my knee's, then baby number 2 and I knew exactly what I had to do, midwife wouldn't let me out of bed even though I explained when I arrived that I wanted to do it that way, she held me down and wouldn't let me off the bed but I got this super strength and jumped out onto the floor and gave birth in 4mins!!!
Twin brother and I both born 2 1/2 months early emergency c-section. Both of us have crohn's and both adopted. He weighed 2 lbs and 12oz and I weighed 2 lbs and 14 oz! Boy have we come a long way baby!:medal1:
Vaginally, full term, uneventfull birth, uneventfull pregnancy and I was born one or two days shy of my due date. I have twin brothers born vaginally one week before their due date. I am the only one with Crohns in my family, close and extended.
vaginally, at 2:17pm. about two weeks early...17 hours of labor...but still early. :D and my dad got squirted with blood when he cut the umbilical cord. had to make him feel special, too.
Me(UC + possible Crohns) and my sister(IBS) were both delivered vaginally.
My Mum was a fast deliverer. She had my sister in 45 minutes from first contraction to Dad cutting the cord. She nearly had me in the lift on the way to the delivery suite, luckily she crossed her legs! I was in 30 minutes from first contraction to cord cut, hense the near lift delivery.
I was very hopeful for my first child to be born with no pain, no long drawn out labour!! How wrong could I be. Started contraction on the Saturday morning about 5am. He was eventually born on the Monday morning, 5am, by emergency c-section. I stopped dilating at 5cm on the Sunday morning but they wanted to see if I would go any further.
My second child I had asked for a planned c-section due to the events of the first birth. I was refused. Went into labour on the Sunday morning, 8am, he was delivered by emergency c-section Monday evening, 8.30pm. Turns out I have a mis-aligned pelvis so would never be able to deliver vaginally.
Sorry it went on for so long.
I was delivered vaginally but had to be turned cause apparently I wanted to come out butt first. What else is new? :p

Edit: My sister who also has Crohn's was delivered vaginally but required no turning.
I was born throuhg my mums vagina. Lucky me.

But I was born with problems - morning glory and a hemangioma. It affected my eyes and head and probably my brain I guess. It was my brain that caused the issues. Lucky I escaped from having an operation to remove the hemangioma because it went itself. The morning glory in my eye will always be there. This means the back of my eye is in the shape of a flower. I've seen pictures and it's gross! But i'll always be a flower xD

Then at 7 I got.. HSP. Which affects my immune system. I was young when I had it, so it was cured but shows that my immune is down.

And now this IBD. Still not diagnosed!

My brother and sister were born vaginally too. My sister has stomach problems too but hers is down to stress so if she stays calm, she's ok. My brother will eat bacon raw and not get ill. Not fair!!

My cousins and aunts and everyone were all pretty much vaginal babies and most of them have crohns or uc.
I was cut out (sorry for the strange word choise but I forgot the right word again :/) but the same happend with my two older brothers so yea :/
I was cut out (sorry for the strange word choise but I forgot the right word again :/) but the same happend with my two older brothers so yea :/
I think the tearm you are looking for is cesarean section :)
I was born vaginally, broke my coller bone on the way out and had the cord around my neck. Needless to say I was blue. Oh and I was 8lb 10oz big baby for my mabe 5foot mom:)
I forgot to mention, whoever thought being breech was special, I was born transverse. Ie sideways! The transverse position is similar to how you would cradle a baby in your arms, head one side, feet the other. Normally they would do a c-section but it was too late by the time they realised (they thought they had successfully turned me). No wonder it was so traumatic!
Vaginal delivery- as were two of my kids- the last one and the smallest was an emerency c-section and there was an emergency during that! Seems he was not at all ready for the eviction notice.

When I was 5 1/2 months pregnant the radiologist suggested I abort the baby as he felt my baby had Downs Syndrom. He was 6 weeks early at 6.6 lbs- he is now 17 yrs old- 6'2 weighs 218 makes straight A's and leads HS baseball team with 3 homeruns so far this season !! :highfive: Steven got the last laugh on that one!!