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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. The Real MC

    Green poo?

    I get those about once every couple months, only for a day. Have yet to figure out what food is coloring my poop.
  2. The Real MC

    Crohn's and relationships

    There's going to be a point where you can't hide the disease and she is going to have to know. Better that she is not upset because you tried to hide it or keep her from knowing. If she leaves the relationship because of the disease then she was poor relationship material.
  3. The Real MC

    Are we still buying that idea that Crohn's is a chronic auto-immune inflammatory disease?

    And until that is identified (which no one has), my trigger foods remain a root cause. I was careful to clarify "in my case" as I am well aware that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for CD patients.
  4. The Real MC

    Leg Cramps Too?!?!

    Leg cramps are due to two things: lack of protein, and exposure to temperatures that are not warm enough. I used to wake up with leg cramps on many mornings. The quickest relief is getting protein in liquid form: milk. Granola bars help too. With vigorous rubbing of the muscle towards the...
  5. The Real MC

    Are we still buying that idea that Crohn's is a chronic auto-immune inflammatory disease?

    FWIW, root cause in my case was trigger foods. I kept a log and isolated foods that triggered inflammation. Once I cut those foods out of my diet, CD gave me a lot less trouble. The only trouble is spicy condiments which can be sneaky, as some have a "slow burn" which is too late to stop. I...
  6. The Real MC

    I can't eat food! Only liquid nutrition help!!! Support Group

    How about greek yogurt? It's not a solid food but it is a probiotic with high protein. Probiotic is friendly to the piping and protein is friendly to your well-being. Mix 8oz with a tablespoon of honey which is a natural anti-inflammatory. So sorry you are having so much trouble.
  7. The Real MC

    Rejecting my doctor

    Saw my GI yesterday. He agreed that under my condition the doctor was overzealous and that there was no reason I should be on any more medication. While he was pleased that I had my CD under control, he was shocked that my insurance socked me with a 25% copay for the MRI. I got a printout of...
  8. The Real MC

    How do you deal with embarrassing bathroom noises?

    Years ago I found a dirty book in the stall at work. Mind you I'm not into that stuff and I found it absurd that someone would pass their time that way in the workplace. When I got back to the lab, I pulled it out of my lab coat and said to the guys Hey look what I found in the bathroom. We...
  9. The Real MC

    How do you deal with embarrassing bathroom noises?

    "uh... anybody have a few five gallon buckets...? I don't know if I can stop."
  10. The Real MC

    How do you deal with embarrassing bathroom noises?

    I'm an engineer by day and no one has ever confronted me on porcelain bowl overtures. If they did then I would just tell them that I have a health condition that makes me excrete very malodorous stool out sideways which requires the use of a fire extinghisher due to the friction, followed by a...
  11. The Real MC

    What to pack for the hospital?

    The two essentials to pack for a hospital stay: Cell phone. DO NOT use the phones in the rooms. I had family call the phone in my room and the next month's phone bill had a $20 chargeback for the call to the hospital. And don't forget the wall charger. Netbook for surfing the web while...
  12. The Real MC

    Elimination Diet Basics

    The perplexing thing about CD is that no two patients have the same trigger foods. A good place to start is the bland diet. Stick to it for a few days until inflammation goes down. Then gradually introduce other foods while keeping notes which ones are safe and which ones are not. It can be...
  13. The Real MC

    Rejecting my doctor

    I used to have another doctor like her years ago and I rejected him for the same reasons. I don't regret it. My regular GI is level headed. He's also the head of the GI department and all of these people report to him.
  14. The Real MC

    Rejecting my doctor

    My CD is mild compared to most cases. Back in 2013 I developed a reaction to certain foods (abdominal cramps, sometimes a blockage), figured out which foods they were, and have adjusted my diet. For the last two years this has worked great. I was problem-free until last fall when one of those...
  15. The Real MC

    Raw honey helping my crohns flare?

    Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory. I discovered three years ago that adding a heaping tablespoon of honey to 8oz of greek yogurt (probiotics friendly to the piping) helped to stop the cramps. I make sure to have that mix at least once a week, and more often following an episode of abdominal...
  16. The Real MC


    No problems here. Oatmeal doesn't bind up on adhesions if you have had resection surgery. A diet with high fiber is good for CD patients. It helps to keep the food in your piping so that it can be digested and prevent malnutrition.
  17. The Real MC

    Has your "safe foods" list changed as you have gotten older?

    Greek yogurt is a very good source of probiotics.
  18. The Real MC

    Has your "safe foods" list changed as you have gotten older?

    I built a "unsafe list" a couple of years ago. One of them was raw nuts. Just recently I tried chocolate covered nuts and it didn't bother me. I'm approaching them cautiously but something about the chocolate makes them safe. Haven't added any new foods. And probiotics does help my...
  19. The Real MC

    20cm of ileum to be removed this Friday - need advice!

    After my resection I added high fiber foods to my diet to reduce the big D and keep the stools solid. High fiber breakfast (IE Grape Nuts cereal in the US, wheat bread isn't enough) really helped me stay regular throughout the day. Dairy foods don't bother me, but I had to cut back the spicy...
  20. The Real MC

    The Miserable Prednisonites Club

    I landed in the hospital a few weeks ago with a partial intestinal blockage. They gave me the NG tube, painkillers, IV nutrients, pentasa... and NO steroids. Discharged on Thursday after three day stay, back to work the following Monday. :thumleft: Contrast that with a similar episode two...