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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. The Real MC

    Hospital? Or no?

    Don't ever wait too long with symptoms like that. The last time I waited too long, the damage was severe enough that I needed surgery.
  2. The Real MC

    Liquid diets for obstructions

    My GI suggested a bland diet. After an episode of cramps I'll stay on the bland diet for 3-4 days. This seems to calm the piping down.
  3. The Real MC

    Prednisone and huge!

    My appetite didn't increase, but even slight overeating can pile on the weight. The last time I was on dread pred, I controlled my diet and my weight was under control.
  4. The Real MC

    Can intestinal inflammation spontaneously just disappear?

    Inflammation and disturbances in the digestive tract can be triggered by certain foods. That turned out to be the case with me. I managed to isolate the trigger foods and my tract is quiet and not inflamed. If you did the prep the day before the colonoscopy and they put you under for the...
  5. The Real MC

    New Facebook Group for Crohn's Research

    Might want to be careful with FB groups with your private health information becoming public.
  6. The Real MC

    Constant stomach gurgling & depression

    Have you tried a bland diet? Not as bad as a liquid diet. After a period of cramps, my piping can be noisy with residual cramps. I found that if I am on a bland diet for 3-4 days then it calms down. Your issues may call for longer than 4 days. Anything to avoid invasive surgery is worth a...
  7. The Real MC

    Going out for drinks with friends

    Be careful of the snacks/foods at the pubs/bars. They are strategically picked to make you thirsty and buy more drinks, which usually means spicy foods that could aggravate the piping. There's a reason why wings are prevalent at bars. Other than a 1/2 glass of wine every few months, I don't...
  8. The Real MC

    Just a quick Thank you, NOT!!!

    I feel your vent. I have a sister-in-law who eschews doctors and gets all her health info from the internet :facepalm: I appreciate her concern but when she makes suggestions to help my CD it is painfully obvious she does not understand the disease.
  9. The Real MC

    Tips for Colonoscopy Prep

    The first time is the hardest. Definitely stay close to a bathroom after you start the prep, and don't leave the house until the procedure. The discharges will be frequent and urgent!
  10. The Real MC

    Travelling long haul flight with Crohns

    I fly international and I pack my own non-perishable foods that are known to be crohns-safe. The food that is served on flights has gotten worse and I stopped eating them. I don't even chance the fast foods in the airports anymore. Thanks for the tip on
  11. The Real MC

    Terrible day so far

    Try yogurt. Good nutrition and easy on the piping.
  12. The Real MC

    Crohns is a rich mans disease!!

    I'm in the US and have insurance through work. My resection surgery was $40,000 and my out of pocket costs were zero. I pay a $100 copay every time I go to the ER. This year I had a colonoscopy. I got an $800 bill for a $3000 procedure. This is not my first BBQ and I never paid that much in...
  13. The Real MC

    Obstruction - How are they treated?

    I had several partial obstructions that didn't require hospital stay or surgery. Pushing the fluids and rubbing the abdomen has cleared them, I could feel it breaking free. The one time I had a complete obstruction it required the NG tube and steroids for three days, hospital was six days...
  14. The Real MC

    Life Expectancy?

    I've have CD since 2005 and I was approved for life insurance two months ago. None of the questions on the application asked about CD or IBD, or any autoimmune disease for that matter.
  15. The Real MC

    Terrible day so far

    Sorry to hear of your troubles. An increase in body temperature is a precept to vomiting. Try a liquid diet for a couple of days until the diarrhea subsides, then go on a bland diet for some more days. You may have eaten something offensive and a mild diet will push it out of your piping (it...
  16. The Real MC

    Concentration and memory issues

    Autoimmune diseases can have a number of mental related disorders. I was having infrequent brief periods of vertigo during active crohns. In the past year while I had crohns under control, haven't had ANY vertigo.
  17. The Real MC

    Life Expectancy?

    With proper diet and health care, Crohns can be controlled. Crohns isn't a fatal disease but its complications can aggravate other diseases like diabetes or heart disease.
  18. The Real MC

    Bowel Resection Surgery Tomorrow-Im Scared!!!

    Good luck, quite normal to be anxious. First off, the packing list for the hospital stay: o Overnight travel bag with toothpaste, brushes, combs, etc. I do a lot of business travel and mine is ready to grab. o Cell phone and charger. I am in the US, and if a relative calls the phone in my...
  19. The Real MC

    Preparation for surgery

    o Cell phone and charger. I am in the US, and if a relative calls the phone in my hospital room then they see a $20 charge on their phone bill! o Netbook computer. The hospitals I was at all had wifi and I could pass the time using the netbook to surf the net. It is smaller and much easier to...
  20. The Real MC

    To Flu Shot or to NOT Flu shot?

    Never had problem with flu shot and crohns. If you have never had a flu shot, you might have a slight reaction the first few years you get the shot. Before I had crohns I had brief light headedness after the shot, then after a few years no reaction at all.