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  1. ctrl z

    Partial block of constipation?

    I'm not sure if there really is any way to tell. I've had an obstruction come from out of nowhere with no warning sign. What has your eating been like lately? If you consume a low residue diet, it's possible you could just have constipation.
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    Home remedies for sore throat

    My grandmother makes a hot lemon juice tea with honey. She claims it works.
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    A Bionic Bottom - Remote controlled excretion

    A friend of mine just made a joke to me yesterday about wanting a bionic bottom. I'll have to share this with her :biggrin:
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    Jill Smith's LDN in children abstract

    I actually emailed Dr. Zagon a few weeks ago and he said that 4.5mg is too much. He said to use 3mg to 4mg max but I think it was Dr. Bihari who found good results using 4.5 max. I'm not sure. It's just something else that irritates me about LDN. There are so many conflicting opinions when...
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    Glutamine or creatine for body building for crohn's patients? says bodybuilders need to take 10 to 15 grams a day.
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    Glutamine or creatine for body building for crohn's patients?

    Hehe :biggrin: I just take 2g a day.
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    New public gut bacteria study expected to reach around world

    From I'd really love to be a part of this. It is not free to participate though. $99 gets you one stool analysis kit. More information is in the link above.
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    Almond flour which is best?

    I don't have a vast amount of experience with almond flour but I've used Bob's Red Mill brand and liked working with it.
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    Glutamine or creatine for body building for crohn's patients?

    There is a study about L-Glutamine HERE. You don't need a prescription. The bottle I get is $10 for 100 tablets. It's also sold as a powder--can put that in a protein shake or smoothie.
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    My Quest for LDN

    If he says no in June (to your husband) don't forget that you can get it from doctors other than GI's! :biggrin: I'm guessing that you are wanting your GI to be on board with it. I wanted mine to be. The compounding pharmacy I called for doctors that prescribe it said that no GI in the area is...
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    Glutamine or creatine for body building for crohn's patients?

    I use L-glutamine. Not so much for working out but to heal my mucosa. For working out, I believe it is supposed to help protect muscle tissue and for quicker muscle recovery. I don't know anything about creatine.
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    My Quest for LDN

    Hey, Bond007! Glad to help :biggrin:
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    My Quest for LDN

    I've made an appointment with an integrative medicine doctor that prescribes LDN. It will be good to work with someone that is on the same page with me as far LDN and alternative treatments are concerned. He's booked out til April though but I'm doing good so I can wait. His practice is very...
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    How to discuss MM options with your medical team??

    If you have an official diagnosis of IBD, just get copies of your medical records from your GI so you can prove you aren't some random person wanting a MM card.
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    My Quest for LDN

    I think it's valid for sure... because if it doesn't work then I will try something else. It's almost like she would rather I fail so she can say "I told you so". I don't know. I shouldn't speculate about what she would do but she really doesn't seem to care about what I care about and I don't...
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    One year on LDN

    Hooray Chloe! It sucks that a lot of Dr's are the way they are when it comes to LDN. That is awesome he even prescribed it to you. Hopefully some day it won't be a drug we have to do so much fighting for.
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    My Quest for LDN

    Yeah. Me either. I will just keep doing what I've been doing and sometime in 2014 if I'm still doing good see about getting a colonoscopy ordered from someone. She's lied to me a few times and I don't really trust her so I guess I just need to find someone else.
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    My Quest for LDN

    I wish I didn't tell her about the LDN. She just blew it off. Even though I told her that I have more energy than I've had in years. She also told me Pentasa only works because of placebo. She was about to send me on my way without ordering any kind of tests so, I asked her if we could at...
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    My Quest for LDN

    Thanks! I'm hoping she will order some. If she does, it would probably be CRP.
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    My Quest for LDN

    I have an appointment with my GI today. She doesn't know that I've been taking LDN. The last time I saw her, she said no to the LDN but claimed she wouldn't have a problem with me taking it. Her last instructions were to continue with the Pentasa (since I didn't want to go on Humira)...