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  1. W

    When your boss is in-human towards Chrohns

    Why do some bosses do this? I am greatful that in my current job I can leave and not have to get someone to cover for me. My boss is very supportive. Calls me when I am sick to see how I am doing. I will admit that having a nurse as your boss makes this a little eaiser. Not so much explaining to...
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    Flaring after a month of doing great sigh

    I feel you pain (kind off) I have been doing great now for 1 year. My problem.... I was forgetting the dark side. Ate some popcorn (well thats what im blaming it on) and now in a flaire. If only I had a magic wand. Hope your husband gets home soon. Your baby looks beatuiful. Don't give up. Woops!
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    My story

    Courtneyalice, I am sorry you are having a bad time. I tried Reicade once and it did nothing for me. It does sound like you have great support with your family. Trust me that makes a big difference. I have had my Crohns since I was about 15/16, but didn't actualy go to a doctor until I was 19...
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    Tickly crawling feeling in anus

    Ohhh I get this too at times.... So annoying. I realy dont know if it is something I should mention to my GI, and then how do you go about tell him that. Excuse me, but is it normal for my butt hole to feel like something is crawling on it? lol
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    Heart problems?

    This is pretty intresting..... I have had heart issues too.. PVC's (palpations) It was so bad I was passing out. I have had 2 ablations, but still feel them at times. Not passing out anymore. I was on Asacol at the time and had been taking it for years. Now changed to Pentasa. This is pretty...
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    What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

    Crohns Dx Unsafe - POPCORN (bad bad bad) Green peppers, Beer any product that has alot of yeast in it... Safe - Mashed Pot, Cup a soup, Cheese. Soft cooked vegies (corn, broc) baked chicken/fish Thanks for doing this poll. Intresting
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    Appetite is completely gone now. Where does a person turn?

    I realy don't know if this will help or not. I drink cup a soups... Liquid, easy, not much to think about with them. There are meds out there to help with your appetite. I hope you get better soon. Sorry, wish I could help you more :(
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    Broccoli and Crohn's

    I love fruit and vegies, but they don't always love me. Broccoli I have not had any problems with. It has to be cooked close to the mush stage though.
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    A nurse with Crohn's

    Welcome... I was an ICU nurse... crohns kicked my butt... and now im a school nurse. What a jump that was.... Im loving it now, took a while to get used to though. Better doing this than shift work. Glad you joined you will find lots of support here. My husband is very suportive, but sometimes...
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    Bleeding without flaring

    I think sometimes things like this is why my family have a hard time understanding this dx. I am currently in a flair, with the same s&s as you. Just bleeding, no D, little pain. I have learned to just go to the Dr as soon as this starts to try to get a hold on it. I have been to the dark side...
  11. W

    Anyone else with UNSUPPORTIVE FAMILY?

    I understand. I have 2 cousins who have crohns. In my family they like to party, drink and eat whatever. Now I know that everyone is different and they have their bad days like we do. But to my mom.... she just can't understand why I choose to do things differetly. I live the US and they live in...
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    Lots of mucas

    I have manged to some what decrease this. I exercise and try to limit my carb intace. For some reason starcy food makes it worse for me.
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    Know-it-all nurses

    Wayyyyyyy before nursing school I had a bad flair and went to my local hosp. I was admitted and woke up the next morning to my nurse tellimg me I just had a bad bug, and realy didnt need to be in the hospital. I guess all the blood in the bed pan didn't register with her. She made me so mad...
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    I'm glad you are trying to find out more about CD. I am interested in herbal treatments, but I don't want to stop taking my meds. Does your mum know of any hearbal teas that work good. Got to be careful some hearbs interact badly with meds. But deff worth looking into. Thanks.
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    Crazy emergency changed my life

    Jeannie, WOW girl you have been though it...... I've had CD for about 17 years now, and although I've had my moments I can not imagine going through what you did. I also want to say I am sorry you were not treated well by your nurses. That bothers me as I am one.. sorry. I am glad you joined the...
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    Hello everyone

    Welcome, congrats on getting married. You have GOT TO TAKE YOUR MEDS!!!!! For a long time when I was in my early 20's I was not the best at remembering to do this either. Nothing good came for it. Now I'm much better at remebering to take them. I have found that if I put my car keys beside my...
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    Hello People

    Ben, Welcome. I am sorry you are having a rough time of things. Please know that this is a place where you can come for support any time you need it. There are alot of members on here who have helped me with many issues. Good luck
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    What is your weekly fitness regimen?

    I used to exercise alot... then I went to nursing school and well....... Its been a few years now and I have no excuses, so trying to get back into it. Question for all you good people who are doing well. What would you recomend is the best way for me to get into running? I used to walk alot...
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    When food isn't a trigger

    to ease stress. what works for me is................. Reading a good book, when everone else has gone to bed. Sitting by myself, with a hot cup of tea, and a good book Going for a walk with my four legged child peggy sue. again by myself. Turning up I pod realy loud, and dancing in kitchen while...
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    New Mom-scared :(

    I dont have any children, but I have been thinking about your worries. Knowing what we go through, and just how rough it can be. I can understand that if I had a child I would be very worried too. I will keep you in my thoughts, good luck and hopefully your dr will have some anwsers for you