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Dec 22, 2010
Saudi Arabia, Jeddah
Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing gr8! i'm really happy to find this site .. it makes me feel that i'm not alone here.

I'm 23 yrs old and I've been diagnosed with Chron's disease since 3 years... I have no family history of the disease.
It was my 1st year in college when i was diagnosed with Chron's, i spent alot of time in the hospital so i had to drop out for a semester...
I've been on alot of medz such as; pentasa, flagyl, cortizone, imuran.. and currently my doctor kept me only on Imuran and Vitamin D for the bones...
I dont know about you guys but i allways had this wierd taste in my mouth when i took these medications.. it was horrible taste..
when I first started taking the imuran i realized that my hair was falling it was falling too much which was really sad.. but after a couple of months my hair started growing again but yet not too fast I can see that my hair is devided into short and long hair which looked really bad! so i had to cut it ...
I havent got too many flare ups thank god.. but i actually had some when I ate Onions, mushroom, green olive, and mint or any greeny thing!.. which is really sad cuz my fav juice is lemon with mint.

My biggest problem is that I sometimes forget the i have the disease.. i dont know how but it really happens and i forget about the whole thing so i stop taking the medz for a week or two. and then I get that stomach ache that reminds me of what I have..
i got married a year ago.. and i'm thinking about getting pregnant. but my dr. told me that this wont happen normally and that I have to check with my OB to help me get pregnant with some medications... this really scared me and my husband.
Hi Esraa
and welcome

If you have a read thro our threads on Imuran and pregnancy, you will find successful pregnancies with these meds and other meds, nothing to be scared of. Type it in the search section up on the blue line.
Don't forget to take your meds! Vital!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome, congrats on getting married. You have GOT TO TAKE YOUR MEDS!!!!! For a long time when I was in my early 20's I was not the best at remembering to do this either. Nothing good came for it. Now I'm much better at remebering to take them. I have found that if I put my car keys beside my med bottle I remember to take them as I drive almost every day. I know its a pain in the butt to take them, but if you dont that pain is gonna get much worse. Good luck