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  1. F

    MRe for 8 year old

    can anyone describe what it takes to go thru to complete MRE? How much liquid they have to drink before? do they give IV? any tips? my 8 year old had hard time to drink colonoscopy prep drink so I cant imagine what this is about.
  2. F

    travel abroad for longer time how to have insurance to dispense enough medication

    yes, they said to have doctor send Rx for 3 months, the other agent said ask for vacational afraid that with this confusion I won't get everything on time.
  3. F

    travel abroad for longer time how to have insurance to dispense enough medication

    Was anyone in similar situation or know how to deal with that? my daughter got Humira just approved and we shuld start first dose , im now little hesitant and wan't to strech it because we are leaving to Europe end of May for 10 weeks. How to make sure the insurance give me enough medication...
  4. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    no EEN, mostly 80% dairy gluten free. no processed, no sweet, simple sugars. taking probiotic, prebiotic, butyrate, zinc, cod oil, iron, b complex
  5. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    yes waiting for approval Humira
  6. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    hi, she is doing good, no pain , solid normal stool. We just repeated blood work that doctor ordered and see the inflammation looks like is down from beginning (january) CRP March - 16 January 49 ( normal range 0-9) ESR 38 normal range (0-32) hemoglobin 10.6 normal range 11.7-15.4) RDW 19.6...
  7. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    the sample was taken at 7.30 am and delivered to lab 8 am so that shuld not be problem
  8. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    How do you explain that her calprotectin droped down from 653 to 129 ( almost normal) without any meds.
  9. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    yes im having ultrasound scheduled with someone highly experienced and we are sheduled for MRE also (in April unfortuanately). Meantime, we have repeated calprotectin and interestingly is down. how do you explain this? in 1/24 calprotectin was 653 on 3/12 129 (almost normal) what is the...
  10. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    met with the doctor today, my daughter has florida kids care which is run thru state. the doctor said is normal to be denied, she appeld. lets see what happens. my daughter went today to intestinal ultrasound and interestingly the colon did not show inflammation. the inflammation was showen on...
  11. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    So went to see other doctor and she said as the first one recomending biologic. Since my daughter is mild to moderate I have privilage to choose between Humira and Remicade. I made my research and seems like biologic are the least evil. I agreed with Humira since is easy to aplicable . We travel...
  12. F

    anyone child on meds for Crohn other then biologic

    that is what Im stuck now. two doctors here in US are for biologic (humira or remicade) I have privilage to choose. One doctor in Europe is more for conservative start. The US doctor said the biologic have the least side effect, work fast and can prevent progress of crohn. The one in Europe...
  13. F

    anyone child on meds for Crohn other then biologic

    hi is anyone child with mild to moderate crohn on low tier treatment no biologic and is in remmision?
  14. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    thank you so much more Im reading about it and listening everyone stories and experiences I see the biologics has changed and helped. I thought I can buy time with Mesalmime since she is mild but now reconsidering if it is not jist waste of time. I of course have ro wait to see what the doctor...
  15. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    thank you so much for your input. I will ask many questions and I know to decide which treatment to choose is very individual and hard to make. You mentioned Methotrexate, was this firs med you went with or did you start on something else? just curious. I am not sure if I shuld jump to biologic...
  16. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    hi so little update here. My daughter was diagnosed with Crohn. The doctor said it is mild. this is what biopsy says- terminal illeum moderate chronic active ilritis, ileocecal valve moderate chronic active colitis. descending, sigmoid mild chronic active colitis. So overwhelmed now, the...
  17. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    hi have an appoitment this week to see what biopsy says. waiting is killing me. After colonoscopy the doc only said to me to her it appears like Crohn, showed me images with small ulcers in colon and little mucous around valve where small and large intestine meets. the strange thing my daughter...
  18. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    thanks for clarification
  19. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    thank you Scipio, the question I have myself could any other non GI related issues cause her calprotectin high , hemoglobin low? just wonder what other issues she could possibly face.
  20. F

    does this seem like IBD?

    HI,Im new to this group and originally posted under general forum instead here. my 8 year old is going for colonoscopy and endoscopy in 2 weeks to confirm diagnosis. I am so confused and scared. Her symptoms started or I noticed about 2 months ago. She had loose .mushy ,diarrhea. Her bowl...