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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Allison

    My Stem Cell Transplant Blog

    Wow, so thrilled to read your new blog and learn that you get to study abroad! What a wonderful blessing!!! (I love the name you chose for the blog too -- very clever! :D ) I agree w/Brian'sMom -- we want to see a recent picture!
  2. Allison

    My painful Story

    This is good news! Praying that you will improve and feel better soon.
  3. Allison

    My painful Story

    What a beautiful little baby Elisha is! Thank you for the picture. I know you are proud!! I am so sorry about Elvis having pneumonia, and about the ER. That was a couple of days ago though; how is he feeling now? I hope he is better and that everyone is home. Saying a prayer right now...
  4. Allison

    My painful Story

    Wow, I've been following your story for months now but don't think I've ever posted a comment to you -- but I just had to say congratulations on the birth of little Elisha Stormchild!! What a pretty name! I know she is a beautiful baby and would love to see a picture if you can post one. :hug:
  5. Allison

    Bentonite clay?

    Mickey and Crohnsdoesntexist, I never did thank you both for your posts of 3-12-12 (better late than never). Lots of helpful information there. How are both of you doing now?
  6. Allison

    My Stem Cell Transplant Blog

    Thank you for the update! Great to hear that you're doing so well!
  7. Allison

    Bentonite clay?

    Wow Mickey, I'm sorry you reacted to the clay and glad you didn't take too much of it. Did the clear liquid diet help with pain also? My husband's symptoms are fairly controlled now, but he is having some pain and I'm trying to find something to help. I'll check into the Healthy Trinity...
  8. Allison

    Bentonite clay?

    Thank you for the replies. I haven't posted on here in months because I forgot my password, and just finally had it reset. Can't believe it was last June that I started the thread! (And thank you, Crabby, for bumping it for me.) Spooky, how is your husband doing now? I hope he is feeling...
  9. Allison

    My Stem Cell Transplant Blog

    Home within a week! What wonderful news!! :thumright:
  10. Allison

    My Stem Cell Transplant Blog

    Just wanted to let you know I found your blog last week (thanks to Mr. Ziggy's thread alerting us) and have been keeping up with your progress and praying for your full recovery. It is AMAZING what they are doing with you, and also with Mr. Ziggy's transplant success (I read his whole blog...
  11. Allison

    How long should you take Entocort

    That concerns me M2M because everyone I've heard of being on Entocort only stays on it for a short time. Of course, come to think of it, I don't know of anyone 'in person' being on Entocort, just what I've read online and in this forum. ETA: I'm glad to hear your daughter is doing so well...
  12. Allison

    How long should you take Entocort

    My husband has been on Entocort for roughly two years now, and his GI wants him to continue as long as it's working. He just went in for his yearly check and the doctor said the more he reads and hears about Entocort, the more he thinks it's best for a patient to stay on it. At first my...
  13. Allison

    Helped My Husband's Chrohns with Naturals

    Sounds good Aqua - thanks so much!
  14. Allison

    Helped My Husband's Chrohns with Naturals

    This is good information; thanks Lisa*Lisa! My husband suffers with Crohn's and I'm always looking for natural things that might help him. (He does take Entocort.) The only other natural thing he's doing now is aloe vera juice. I like Tropical Traditions; we've never bought their coconut...
  15. Allison

    Bentonite clay?

    My husband has been having a Crohn's flare for the last few days. I'm always researching 'natural' ways to help him, and was reading about Bentonite clay (to detox the colon AND control diarrhea) and wondered if any of you have tried it, and if it works? I was specifically looking at Dr...
  16. Allison

    Best natural digestive aids

    My father was told by his doctor to use Konsyl - it's supposed to be more effective than Metamucil.
  17. Allison

    Hey there

    Hi DaMuuule - I'm new on here today too, and like you, don't have Crohn's myself, but my husband does. I know just what you mean about watching someone you love suffer with this disease and not being able to do much to help. :(
  18. Allison


    Hi Dayz. Thank you for the welcome!
  19. Allison

    Newly Diagnosed with Crohn's

    Hi Carol, I'm new here too. Wow, reading your story is very much like my husband's. Sam had IBS (or at least that's what they called it when they'd ruled out other things) for about 20 years. He went through another round of it a couple of years ago. At first we didn't think much about it...
  20. Allison


    Hi everyone. My husband Sam was diagnosed with Crohn's about two years ago and since then I have been visiting this forum to search the information, or to read about others' experiences. Finally decided to go ahead and register so we can actually ask questions. (Should've done that from the...