Helped My Husband's Chrohns with Naturals

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Jul 3, 2011
My husband is 62 and has been suffering for the last 15 years. It started with IBS, then progressed to Ulcerative Colitis, and now we are pretty sure he has Chrohns Disease. He has also developed severe Fibromyalgia over the last 2 years.

We have no health insurance because we can't afford it, so treatment for his disease has been almost non-existant.

Well, back in April, he started to deteriorate so bad, and so quick, that he couldn't barely take in any food. It got down to about 2-3 egg whites a day was all he could eat. Then it got down to just a liquid diet, he couldn't eat any solid food anymore at all.

He was loosing weight so fast, and he was thin to begin with, and became basically bed ridden because he was so weak from not eatting. I didn't know what to do, I was frantic and begged him to go to the hospital and he said no. He was loosing all of his color and starting to turn gray. I knew he was slowly dying from starvation because he couldn't eat anymore. When he would eat, he would bleed and be in pure agony, so he couldn't eat anymore.

I prayed and prayed for God to help someway. I asked for a miracle to save my husband.

Then I was laying in bed and I heard two words "Colloidal Silver" in my mind. I've never used that stuff before and didn't know anything about it, but I jumped up and started to google it and research it.

Was it God that told me about the silver, or was it stored in my memory and came to my mind? I have no idea. I just felt compelled to buy it. So, I looked at all kinds, and read all about it, and I bought some.

This motivated me to also search out other natural things that we could actually try, and I came across a few articles about intestinal problems (IBS, etc) and the positive effects of pure coconut oil. I also came across a study about ulcerative colitis and Zinc lozenges.

So, I figured, what the heck......I have to try. I ordered the silver and found a site which had pure coconut oil from the islands, and bought the zinc lozenges at the store down the street.

He started taking 10 zinc lozenges a day, 3 tablespoons a day of the coconut oil, and 4 tablespoons a day of the silver. I bought mesosilver and tropical traditions coconut oil, the kind that is extracted from centrifuge.

Well, within a week, he started to be able to eat small amounts of food. Within 2 weeks his color started to come back. Within 4 weeks he's eating normal portions of food now and no bleeding and very little pain. His energy levels have returned to almost normal, and he's working around the house all day he did years ago.

Also 2 weeks ago we talked our family doctor to put him on Pentasa, which is a strong ant--inflammatory for Chrohns and ulcerative colitis, but he started getting better before he went on the Pentasa, but he's doing really well.

We did not tell our doctor about the natural things we were doing at home because he would have refused to treat him if he knew probably.

But, this collodial silver is supposed to be a very strong antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-parasite, and anti-viral so whatever causes IBS, Ulcerative Colotis, and Chrohns seems to be responding to this treatment. Also coconut oil has been shown to kill a certain bacterial that if found in the guts of people who suffer from intestinal problems. Zinc is also known to knock out colds and such.

Now, I can't say exactly which thing has worked, or if it was a combination of all of these things, or just a miracle from God, or maybe all of the above. But, since there is no known cure for Chrohns, IBS or Colitis, and so many suffer from this, I wanted to put this info out there with the hopes that maybe it might help someone else too. I'm not a doctor, or a nurse, I'm just a regular person, but my husband was dying, and now he's living and eating again and even gained a pound already.

I'm going to keep him on this regimen because it's working. I wanted to share, hopefully it will help others.
I dont know about the silver but I do take coconut oil and mix it in shakes and it does wonders :) so definitely stay on track :) I also know flaxseed oil and fish oil can greatly reduce inflammation Best of Luck!! God Bless you and your husband
This is good information; thanks Lisa*Lisa! My husband suffers with Crohn's and I'm always looking for natural things that might help him. (He does take Entocort.) The only other natural thing he's doing now is aloe vera juice.

I like Tropical Traditions; we've never bought their coconut oil, but I've used a couple other of their products and they are very good.

In the past we've used a little colloidal silver, but our pediatrician mentioned the graying of the skin that can happen, so I researched it and was concerned about that possibility and we never used it again. But I've read that it has helped others (haven't researched it specifically for Crohn's).

Back to the coconut oil - does he just take it by the spoonful? Or do you mix it into something?

Aqua - do you have a recipe for the shake?
Yes ihave a great shake i try to drink almost everyday its delicious- 1 banana, 3/4 cup frozen blueberries or any berry you like, organic orange juice or freshly squeezed is better, 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil i like mine in liquid form better, and 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal and thats it :) It has a lot of great ingredients and my stomach always feels awesome afterward Hope you enjoy it aswell gurly :)
My son just ended his enteral nutrition therapy and is just reintroducing foods. As he was just diagnosed in May, much of this is still new to me. But, I'm interested in your shake and am planning to give him a smoothie every day with healthy, anti-inflammatory ingredients. I have a couple of questions regarding his diet that some of you may be able to help with.

1. Coconut oil vs. coconut water - I've heard that coconut water is very healthy, does anyone know how their benefits compare. I'm sure my son would prefer 2-3 spoons of oil in a shake rather than a full can of the water but does anyone know about the nutritional differences between the two?

2. Re the berries in your shake. The only dietary concern his dietician seem to have were 'seeds', including seeds in all berries (altho she did say blueberries are the least harmful). Has anyone had a problem with seeds? Its easy enough to avoid 'most' seeds like sesame, sunflower, etc., even from berries, but I am disappointed about seeds from some veggies that are cooked. For example, he LOVES pizza but how will he ever know if there are some seeds from the tomato in the sauce? Has anyone had problems with seeds from tomatos, cucumber, etc.?

I eat every type of berry especially strawberries and Ive never had a problem with seeds I also eat tomatoes everyday in fresh salsa as with no problems. The only food that I worry about most are nuts and popcorn which should def be limited. But blueberries are especially good for people with Crohn's and colitis so eat away! :) Fresh fruits and vegetables are something I am not very concerned about because they are highly important. I would be more concerned with processed white flour, sugar, and dairy which makes symptoms way worse for patients with crohns, so pizza is not good at all.
Hi, Tess

Mmmm, I love pizza. I used to make it with whole grains, farm fresh vegetables, etc., pre-Crohn's. However, I was delighted to learn that even an ultra low fibre diet (as my GI has recently required due to narrowing of the intestines) does permit 60% whole wheat, which is better than nothing.
Instead of seeds and whole grains, I simply use smaller amounts of well milled millet, flax, etc., mixed in with whole wheat (and the dreaded 40% white least I can get this unbleached and locally produced) So, you can totally still pull off a healthy pizza. I have not experienced problems from tomato seeds (with the intestinal narrowing, the *skin* on the tomato is be my concern), and I can eat peeled cucumbers and small amounts of unpeeled baby cucumbers.

But berries -- saskatoons, blueberries, strawberries -- are terrible on my system. I eat them with great caution...and great delight (!)...but caution, and never the day before I have a social function.

Re. dairy, my understanding is that effects of this vary by the individual (although most people with lactose intolerance, a common occurrence in Crohn's, can handle hard cheese and yogurt without difficulty). I know some people who can't have even a bite of cheese, just as others can have large amounts no problem. Quite a lot of experimenting can be needed in Crohn's. Your son may also find that he can handle different foods at different times, depending on level of inflammation etc.
Thanks Aqua and Entchen, I guess we'll just have to experiment little by little and hope nothing goes too wrong! Wow, it's so frustrating that there are no hard rules! What's terrible for one person is fine for another! :ybatty: And, on top of it, what fines for one person today may not be fine for that person tomorrow! OMG!! But, I guess, as time goes on, we will learn what generally will cause him problems. Thanks again!
Hello Lisa Lisa,

Great initiative on your part to find a natural antifungal to rid your husband of what sounds like was a terrible candida infection. Keep up the good work with the antifungals and introduce probiotics into your husbands diet. Can he tolerate plain organic yogurt? If so he may like adding blackberries, blueberries or rasberries and even almonds to it for added texture and helpful foods. These berries are all low glycemic so are best prescribed than other fruits containing large quantities of fructose.

I have cured myself by eating a gods diet and have stayed away from un-natural processed foods using these methods. The results are amazing, the hard part is training yourself to purchase and prepare foods that only increase his health status.
How much CS should one take per day...A friend brought over a bottle for me when I first got out of the hospital...I've been on info overload...trying to stay true to natural approach, nutritionist, acupuncturist, chiro, top of the line whole food supplements, spring water, all the good stuff..seriously. But have not incorporated CS...
Battling bloody waterery, mucousy stools, hemmorhoids, cramping and constipation all at once....:stinks:
See GI doc on Tues and will continue to defend a natural approach but really need to see more improvement too....
I appreciate any input...
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