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  1. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Hi everyone Typing on my phone so please excuse typos. Ant is in the hospital again. This time, abdominal pain is moderate to severe and constant, but he also has shapr pain in his right testicle which is new. Ultrasound shows no torsion and looks ok. Awaiting ct scan now, then discuss with mt...
  2. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Thank you Julie!!!! Yes, we are discussing the 504 today. I received a letter in the mail saying that if he misses 25% of the school year he automatically fails, and after 17 absences he wouldn't be eligible for summer school. I am trying not to panic - I am assuming that this isn't the case...
  3. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Well, today Ant's fever is up again, 100.6, but not like before. He is in mild pain, and threw up this morning. For now, we are watching. He has more bloodwork tomorrow. Even sick, this is an improvement from a few weeks ago ... but of course I worry that he is going to go downhill from...
  4. AntsMommy

    White Blood Cell Count / Crohn's / Meds

    Thank you all for your responses! All blood and urine cultures came back negative, and x-rays didn't show anything. He feels well (better than he has in quite some time!) and hasn't had a fever since Friday. Strange ... so, for now we are just continuing treatment, and following up with more...
  5. AntsMommy

    White Blood Cell Count / Crohn's / Meds

    Hi everyone, So, Anthony's white blood cell count was 37,000 on Friday and he was hospitalized (but released by evening). I understand that WBC can be elevated due to the inflammation, and he also has been on Pred 1.5 weeks now, and upped it to 40 mg. this past Wednesday. I know this is...
  6. AntsMommy

    Warning ~ Soppy Content! LOL.

    Awww Dusty, that did choke me up a bit even! lol! Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!!!!!!! We spent Christmas Eve day in the hospital, but while there Ant was on the phone with his best friend and she was heading out to dinner with her family, and he spoke to her and didn't tell her where he was...
  7. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Hi Brian's mom! Remicade is a possibility, but they wanted to try 6MP first. I believe they usually start with 6MP there for some reason, and remicade is the next option. I am glad that Brian is already feeling better! I hope you guys had a wonderful holiday! ******************** So...
  8. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Hi Kim, Yes, we did see Dr. Benkov. He won't be our primary doctor, but will follow Anthony's case, and I thought everyone there was fantastic! I think the flagyl can cause nausea. I'd hate to suggest even more meds, but if it doesn't ease up maybe they can prescribe something to ease that...
  9. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Thank you everyone! I feel that dealing with the center, we will receive better care as they are extremely knowledgeable and thorough. Yay! And - Anthony went to school today! He missed Mon - Wed this week, and three days last week. He was hobbling around due to his pain. Last night he was...
  10. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Thank you all for the well wishes! Where to start? I will try to make this brief - I am not very good at that. ;) I met with the director of the center (yay!) who did not necessarily agree with the surgery. He says that it is very possible that he will need surgery, but it is too soon to...
  11. AntsMommy

    Ant's pains - it hurts when he breathes

    Thank you Julie! WOW, that is thorough! And here I was thinking I did a great thing by having his locker moved! :-D Question - the plan coordinator - is that someone I choose or the school appoints? Will the school be familiar with this when I bring it to them? Thank you!!!!!!!
  12. AntsMommy

    New diagnosis

    Hi Rad, I am going through this with a son around your son's age now. Anthony is 14 and diagnosed in September. We have no family history, and this is my first experience with the disease. He is supposed to have a resection next week (although I have an appt. for second opinion tomorrow, so...
  13. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    I met with the surgeon to discuss the colonoscopy, his stricture, and surgery. Since Anthony has only worsened, he wants to do a resection immediately after the holiday. He will remove the diseased portion as well as his appendix (and I believe the valve that is located there, protocol for...
  14. AntsMommy

    Ant's pains - it hurts when he breathes

    Thank you Susan. What is a 504? I did receive a paper at home for the surgeon or doctor to complete in order for the school to organize some tutoring. I will take a closer look at it. So far, this past week is the most help the school has been. First quarter, his gym teacher gave him a 73...
  15. AntsMommy

    The other shoe

    Julie, I can understand the feeling. When things are going well, you are sitting on edge just waiting for the bad to start again. It is enough to drive you crazy! I have my fingers crossed that Claire's results are great! Mark, thinking of you and EJ also! I hope it is just a quick med...
  16. AntsMommy

    Ant's pains - it hurts when he breathes

    Thank you so much for the info, dusty! Ditto what CC said! He was on prednisone shortly before the colonoscopy, but the two rounds of pred haven't changed the stricture that he has. I guess the way I am understanding it is that the disease is isolated in the section where the 6 cm stricture...
  17. AntsMommy

    Just depressed over my son having this.

    Hi Kim, I am glad to hear all went okay, and that she has an epidural! That must be extremely helpful! Give her hugs for us, and check back in. Take care of yourself too! Kelly
  18. AntsMommy

    Well I am back--Have Lots of Questions~~~

    Yay for Jillian and Brian! I am so happy to read this! Brian's mom, your post brought tears to my eyes - I hope to see my son smile like that and be happy again sometime soon. Have a wonderful holiday, both of you!
  19. AntsMommy

    Ant's pains - it hurts when he breathes

    I believe that is the case, Nica - they were looking for other bad things. She couldn't get into the stricture area in the terminal ileum, either. I am going to be incredibly naive right now and allow myself to think that perhaps we will remove this section and he will be fine, live happily...
  20. AntsMommy

    Ant's pains - it hurts when he breathes

    Okay, update: Anthony is actually feeling a little better this afternoon. Adult GI who saw Ant in the hospital called and referred me to the one ped GI that he knows - the one we currently see. Finally heard back from Ped GI Specialist. She said that biopsies came back normal and given the...