White Blood Cell Count / Crohn's / Meds

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Sep 8, 2010
Hi everyone,

So, Anthony's white blood cell count was 37,000 on Friday and he was hospitalized (but released by evening). I understand that WBC can be elevated due to the inflammation, and he also has been on Pred 1.5 weeks now, and upped it to 40 mg. this past Wednesday. I know this is extremely high, but is it "normal-high" for Crohns and Pred, or still unusually high?

Doctors seem to have differing opinions. Pediatrician hospitalized us, Ped GIs suggested we be discharged. I still don't know exactly what the cause is yet, IF it is anything other than Crohn's. (underlying infection) Not the flu, chest xray clear.

Anyone know what "normal" high WBC count for Crohns is?
Don't think there is such a thing! Mine was in the region of 25,000 when I first became ill, but I am sure some on here have gone as high as 100,000 or so! Just from Crohn's, no underlying infection.
my sister has really high white count. Doctors have looked at it for years but decided not to worry because she is totally healthy. Its me with enough immune issues to make up for the two of us.

I can be an indicator that there are things to look for, but not a way to diagnose there is something wrong. There are no real blood tests for crohns. Some people think there is but they are only indicators that can be used in conjunction with other diagnostic assessments.
Hey Kelly,

I would say that a count of 37 is high regardless of CD and Pred but you would have to look at it in the context of how Anthony feels. If he feels well, looks well and has no other symptoms then it may well be just the underlying inflammation and Pred. During Matt's recent hospital stay his white cell count was 25.8 and he had symptoms of pain and fever hence the IV antibiotics and week long stay. If you have faith in Anthony's GI then I personally would be inclined to follow their instructions provided they have examined him.

If someone is in remission then would imagine their white cell count should be normal, Roo's certainly has been for the duration of her remission.

Dusty. :)
Thank you all for your responses!

All blood and urine cultures came back negative, and x-rays didn't show anything. He feels well (better than he has in quite some time!) and hasn't had a fever since Friday. Strange ... so, for now we are just continuing treatment, and following up with more blood tests next week.