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  1. Dutch941

    Long term 6 mp?

    Thanks long did you take the aza?
  2. Dutch941

    Long term 6 mp?

    Has anyone here been using 6mp for an extended period of time? Specifically anyone who used it during their growing years. 10 to 18 years of age?? I'm looking for information from someone who has been through this......we are very freaked out by putting our son on this drug long term...told we...
  3. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    He's down to 5 mg prednisone for two more days...then none....
  4. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    Just a quick update....6 mp going well so far......he's been taking it now for several weeks......he feels good......almost done with the prednisone.....he played his first game of hockey today since diagnosis in December.......he has been swimming on his school swim team and his labs have come...
  5. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    My son has expressed interest in contacting other kids his age with UC or Crohns...does anyone know if there is a forum here especially for kids?
  6. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    No interest yet although I haven't shared this with him....I may seek out a forum for his needs later as we become more settled in. Also we believe he is UC only at this point. Although Crohns is not ruled out.
  7. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    My sons name is Matt. I guess I need to figure out how to add that to all my posts...he's doing well T the moment while n prednisone...aside from the puffy cheeks. He's been acting pretty solid...basically just rolls with it and doesn't seem to be taking it to heavy. We're trying to...
  8. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    Well..... We began the 6mp yesterday. Half dose each night until Bloodwork reveals we can move up to full dose. 2 days down .......
  9. Dutch941

    Dizziness & racing heart?

    Imwood, I felt all of the symptoms you mentioned when I used to have attacks are definitely genetic and stem from an inability to manufacture serotonin ...or so my research suggests. They began about age 24 when stress entered my life and they happened at various...
  10. Dutch941

    Dizziness & racing heart?

    Hi Imwood...sorry for all your going through. I'm new to the IBD world myself and I'm just learning about IBD.....but something I do know is panic disorder. My family is plagued with it and I am no exception. When you describe your daughters dizziness and need to go outside I can't help...
  11. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    Thank you so does sound very similar to our case and we made the decision today to start the 6 mp tomorrow. Our doctor was very good about answering our littany of questions. I too hope that something better comes Along the way. This board seems very helpful so I will be updating...
  12. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    Thanks Thank you........
  13. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    Thanks. We have heard about remicade and are even more scared of that! Somewhere I read that it is every 9 weeks and that insurance doesn't cover it all....I heard horror stories about it costing 1200 after insurance! Not sure how true that all is.
  14. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    Hi Jessi...thanks for your well wishes. He was diagnosed by way of endoscopy and colonoscopy. A biopsy was also done and was "negative" for what Im not completely sure.... We were told that his condition was so visibly obvious that UC seems to be a strong likelihood as no other ulcers...
  15. Dutch941

    My 8 yr old Daughter was diagnosed today with U.C.

    Hi Clint. I am also brand new to this world. I had3 healthy kids for the last 12years and was thankful every day. That changed in December when we too noticed diarrhea, vomiting, weightless in our 12 year old hockey player Matt. He lost 8 lbs in 6 months and had no appetite...
  16. Dutch941

    New parent of UC child.

    Hi. My wife and I recently were thrown into the world of IBD. In December we noticed drastic changes in our 12 year old sons weight, bowel movements, and energy level. After 5 days in the ER we learned he has UC and because of his age they will not rule out Crohns. At this point it...