Hey Clint,
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. I understand what difficult and heartbreaking time it is for all right now.
Her condition may not be more serious than they are telling as there are many doctors now that subscribe to the top down approach rather than the step up regime. What that means is they like to hit the disease hard and fast and get the patient into remission to minimise any lasting damage that may be done to the bowel. The step up approach goes the other way by starting lightly and working as each treatment fails until you reach the biologics. I imagine the doctors feel the disease is advanced enough to bypass the milder drugs and go straight to the heavier ones.
The TB test and immunisations she is receiving are to prepare her for the biologic drugs.
My children aren't on a biologic but on an immunosuppressive that is a step down from them. There are a number of parents, with children with IBD here, and members that are taking a biologic and attending school, university and work on a regular basis. Dexky, who has posted above, has a son that is on a biologic, Humira. If you pop by the parent's forum that Jessi has linked you to and ask about school and biologics there you are bound to get responses there. Here is a link to Crohn's and Colitis America, you will see on the left hand menu that there is a section for kids and teens. You will also find loads of information for yourself to help you through this journey...
There are also a number of stickied threads at the top of the parents form that have information you may find useful. This thread has a post in it about Immunisations and IBD...
Good luck Clint and welcome aboard. I hope things settle for your daughter very soon, poor love...:hug:...keep asking questions and we will do our best to help you out. Keep asking, asking, asking your docs questions too!
Dusty. xxx